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Posts posted by grey8greys

  1. In Sept. I felt a lump on Flossie's rib, took her to the Vet had her examined and x-rayed. The films showed osteosarcoma of the rib, she was put on rimadyl and tramadol, and was given 5 to 6 months to live. She also had a spot on her lung. 2 months later she is getting better not worse, the lump became smaller. I took her back to the Vet had her x-rayed again and sent the films to University of Penn. After reading the films, they said she had chondrosarcoma of the rib and no spot on her lung. Chondrosarcoma is cancer of the cartlidge. Also contacted Dr. Couto, he said that this condition is rare in Greyhounds, he has only seen a few cases. It is a very slow moving cancer. I took Flossie off both medications, I let her Vet know what I was doing, so it is on her records and she is doing fine without them. I don't know what to think, but I do watch her all the time for any signs of discomfort and if the lump begins to enlarge again. She is due for her physical in Feb. and we will see what the Vet has to say. At this point I am thinking and hoping that all the x-rays were wrong and she will be with me for many more years. These past few months have been very trying, but I am relieved that she if fine for now. I would have Ripple x-rayed to see what is going on. Hoping it is nothing serious.

  2. When my greyhound was on Tylan, I put the powder in empty gel caps, the largest size, OOO I think. That way he didn't have to taste the stuff, except for a little of the residue that probably adherred to the outside of the gel caps. Tylan tastes HORRIBLE. Just put a grain of it on your tongue to see. I don't think a gallon of water could get the awful taste out of your mouth.


    How is he doing? Is the Tylan making a difference?



    Where do you buy empty gel caps?

  3. Get to the vet for some xrays.....I lost my Trevor to OS of the ribs....large lump just appeared, didn't move, didn't seem to bother him...turned out to be OS. Hoping that's not your case....



    Same here. Beecher had a lump that didn't move. Turned out to be os of the rib. Don't delay. Hope it is nothing.



    Please go have it checked. I noticed a little bump on Flossie's rib, it is hard and doesn't seem to bother her. I took her to the Vet's Monday and had her examined and x-rayed, also had chest x-rays. She has OS of the rib, and has moved to her lungs :(

  4. I ordered Nutritional Yeast after seeing it here on Greytalk. I gave the girls a tablespoon full mixed with their kibble and a little warm water this morning and they ate it right up :) I'll see what they do tomorrow :) JillysFullHouse, I do have a question. Do you feed it every meal or just once a day?



    I used it every meal with Emmy because she needed to gain some weight badly. She was way underweight. I don't think it hurts anything to add it every meal if you have a picky eater. It's nothing but vitamins and low in fat.



    Thank you :)

  5. I ordered Nutritional Yeast after seeing it here on Greytalk. I gave the girls a tablespoon full mixed with their kibble and a little warm water this morning and they ate it right up :) I'll see what they do tomorrow :) JillysFullHouse, I do have a question. Do you feed it every meal or just once a day?

  6. My one girl has arthritis in her right ankle, glucosamine didn't help her so I put her on Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtimeinc. and she hasn't had any problems. She is 9 1/2 yrs old. She has been on them for a few years. I adopted my other girl last year at the age of 7 and I started her on them.

  7. On a real hot day, I have washed Flossie in the yard with a hose and she loved it, but she loves the water anyway. Kerri, I haven't tried because she is not to sure of the hose and not crazy about the water. Our adoption group has Doggy Washes and we use a hose with cold water outside and the dogs don't seem to mind.

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