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Posts posted by grey8greys

  1. I am 53 and moved in with my Mom 2 years ago to help out with the house, shopping, cleaning, errands, Dr appts. and anything else that comes up. Flossie was my only hound for 5 years and I just adopted Kerri last month. Also work a full time job. Having the 2 girls is no more work than just 1 and the girls are not alone all day while I am at work, my Mom spoils them :) I'm like you Life is to short! You will never know if you can do somthing until you try it.

  2. Flossie likes to watch TV and when she sees animals or a lot of action she will bark. We were at a Nursing Home on Sunday for a Therapy Dog visit and The Incredible Journey was on the TV in one of the common rooms, as soon a she saw it she started barking, first time ever barking in the Nursing Home. I was a little embarassed, but everyone there thought it was cute that she was barking at the TV.

  3. My girl had a partial tear last October. We did eight weeks of complete crate rest during the day while I was at work, She had free roam of the house at night when I was home. No walking except to go potty, than right back into the house and no stairs. She was not allowed to jump on the furniture or bed. After eight weeks she was allowed to slowly get back into her routine of walks, but no running for another four weeks. It seemed forever but she healed very well and her knee is as good as new. And we did not have to have surgery.

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