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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. I'm so sorry. What a cool name for a cool grey Hugs to Jaguar and her family.
  2. I was asking my vet the last time this came up at GT, which was maybe a couple of months ago, and he said it was still in the trial phase. So, available, yes, proven, no ... working on proof, and like others already wrote, "Not with my dog."
  3. Well, I hope the new meds help Prostate problems? I hope not. Sending hugs,
  4. Did they resplint, or is he just naked? What poopheads! Glad the sweetie is on the mend
  5. It may have been the cephalexin that made him throw up. It is tough on the stomach, making people and dogs nauseous. I have two kids and Chase the grey who can not stomach it. Are you giving something for tummy upset? We've used baytril for the dog UTIs here. Good luck at the vet today. I hope you get answers and Bounty Boon is on the wat to mending and feeling better fast
  6. Sweet Teddy, I will miss seeing you this year at the gathering. Run free sweetheart. Hugs to Cully and your family,
  7. I'm in the "take a look" group, too. He is obviously uncomfortable, and I'd be looking to see why. He could have infection in the cut, and the tape could just be in the wrong place. If you don't have the same tape to put back on, you could maybe tape a sweat sock on his foot for protection. In a pinch I've used medical tape, masking tape, and duct tape... just as long as your tape isn't stuck to him, he'll be fine.
  8. So much loss for Marilyn. I find comfort knowing that Sport, Babe and Bob are all together.
  9. My sympathies for your loss. Lilah sounds like a wonderflly giving spirit.
  10. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry for your loss, Vince.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Beck is a beautiful boy.
  12. Nancy, It depends on the lab and their ranges. I wouldn't sweat it until you see both the creatinine and BUN levels. Remember, if the creatinine level is higher but the BUN is O.K. we don't worry I went through this with both the old boys, especially as they got older, (not the protein in the urine, I don't think anyway). and both were always fine.
  13. Wow, that's scarey. I'm glad Major is going to be fine Hugs, BJ...
  14. You need him to poop, Patti, to make sure all is going in and coming out O.K. How old is the little sweetie?
  15. Such a beautifully sweet face you have, Leo. What a lovely tribute. My sympathies,
  16. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Vinnie the same way, three days before his 10th birthday. I agree it is much too soon. I know Lady is no longer in pain. Hugs to you,
  17. I am gald she knew your love, if even for a short time by our standards.
  18. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Ingrid, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost two at a younger age than I ever imagined, and I know the pain you are feeling now. Sending hugs,
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