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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, the poor girl! I'm sorry both of you are going through this, and hoping for some good biopsy results.
  2. Oh, Diane....I'm sitting here trying to find the right words, words that would ease your sadness, take away the pain, bring you some comfort, and all I can do is cry. I'm just so sorry that you lost your precious boy, especially now. God, I hate osteo, and how it steals our beloved Greys away from us, even though we fight it with everything we can. You did fight it, bravely, tenaciously, realistically, with hope and with love. And so did Dodge. But when the fight could only bring him pain, you were brave once more, and let him go, with love. And with the hope that he joined the ones who've gone before him, safe and running free.
  3. Oh, no! There's no way you could be prepared for such a sudden and devastating loss. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet baby Oliver.
  4. What a sweet and beautiful little face! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lexie.
  5. Oh, sweetie, I know we just talked, but I wanted to say again how sorry I am that you lost your precious boy. Cancer is such a blind monster. Like we said, it's a crapshoot. And even though you do everything you can, out of love, sometimes it's just not enough. But it's so much for you to bear right now. And I feel helpless that I can't do more to help ease your pain. Just know that we're thinking about you with love, and sharing your sadness.
  6. I know how you feel. We live on the 2nd and 3rd floors of our big old house, and rent the 1st floor (wish we could afford not to---maybe someday if we can't sell). I always worry about what will happen when the dogs get older, and the steps are hard for them. I feel terrible thinking about them struggling to get up and down, and that's one of the main reasons I want to move! I'd also love to adopt a senior dog, but I know it wouldn't be fair to expect a senior to do those steps. I'm so glad you have found what sounds like a perfect home for your precious boy. Of course, you'll miss him like crazy, but you did a very loving thing (after, I'm sure, much thought and agonizing), for his safety and comfort.
  7. Wow, Winslow, that painting looks great! You are so creative. It looks like you were throwing your heart, soul, and body into it! Glynis, the dark background on the canvas is a good idea. I've done that quite a few times to get another color into the mix without making the dog paint an extra color. They've always turned out beautifully. On of my favorites is one I had Winnie do when she was less enamoured of the creative process than before. We'd basically put a small canvas up to her paw when she was laying down, and I don't think she was even aware that she was "painting"! I used a gold background, and had her paint in purple---royalty, you know. Sweet boy, I'm glad you're out of the basement and are feeling good. The pictures of you at the computer were awesome!
  8. That picture brought tears to my eyes! He is incredibly beautiful. And incredibly lucky to have a Mom like you.
  9. How blessed you were that she chose you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tess.
  10. Hey, Diane, one thing (of many) I've always admired about you is that you do what you have to do. You find out what is needed, make the best decision you can, and follow through. I know this is not always easy---heck, it's probably hardly EVER easy---but you're pretty strong. I know it's not always easy to be strong either, so if you want to vent or cry or just figuratively kick the crap out of something, go for it! I think every one of us understands. And our hearts are breaking with yours. You know you're in my prayers---every day, for everything. And since you're accepting hugs, here ya go---
  11. Cancer is a blind monster that steals our precious dogs away from us. We have to make that hardest of decisions, and feel the guilt and pain, but it's not our fault. You did everything you could, out of love for your sweet boy. I'm so sorry.
  12. I know how stressful this must be---for you both! Hopefully, you can get everything under control, and he'll be feeling better. My Polly is just starting pred (she was licking her privates and got it all swollen), so I guess we'll be going through the increased peeing too.
  13. Do you know how many people are thrilled to hear this news? EVERYONE!
  14. Oh, he did have a wonderful life with you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ivy.
  15. She is awesome. I keep going back and looking at her picture, smiling, and it makes me smile every time. Continued prayers for a steady recovery.
  16. What a lovely boy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Chase.
  17. It's hard to find words to express sympathy for a loss like that. I'm crying for you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Keena.
  18. I'm so sorry. Keeping you and Reggie in my prayers.
  19. NO, NO, NO! Diane, we got back from Grapehounds last night, and I'm just seeing this now. My heart is breaking for you and Dodge. I can't tell you how sorry I am that the cancer has spread. I pray that for him and for you, he will have many more quality days. I just want to scream (but tears are coming instead), because you have been through so much lately. But you have always had his well-being foremost in your heart, and have done everything you can for him. It's just not fair. Damn, I HATE cancer! And I hate that it is bringing more sadness and stress to your life. Please give your boy a hug from me. I am sending lots of hugs to you too, as well as prayers and white light.
  20. Oh, no! We just got back from Grapehounds, and I was dismayed to see Halo's name here. It doesn't seem fair that you had such a short time together, but I know how safe and happy he was these last few months. It's hard to find words for this kind of sadness, but Claudia's beautiful post totally expressed what I would be fumbling to say. Bless you for opening your heart to Halo. Hilda, I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  21. Oh, no! My heart is breaking for you. Two precious girls gone so close together.... I'm so sorry you lost your sweet little Emily.
  22. Thank-you for the pictures of your sweet girl. What kind, gentle eyes she had---so lovely. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Penny.
  23. Oh, Tom, I'm just seeing this, and couldn't believe I was seeing Jed's name. I can't tell you how sorry I am that you lost your sweet boy so suddenly. It combines your grief with shock and bewilderment. The precious boy---you didn't have nearly enough time with him, but he knew untill the very last second that he was loved.
  24. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious Shayla in such a sudden, tragic way. My heart is breaking for you, and I can't imagine the sadness and anger you must be experiencing now. Please come here if you need to talk, to vent, to cry. We're sharing your sadness.
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