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Posts posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. My angel Nick donated blood to help his sister Patsy when she had her spleen removed (lymphosarcoma). He did fine. I have 2 friends who had gotten their Greyhounds from a local vet hospital, which kept them as regular blood donors (because Greys are excellent donors). They were there for several years, and then retired---again!

  2. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. I was just reading your posts about her, and see that she was 15! You'd taken such good care of her, and kept her safe and loved. How empty your heart and home must be. But how you loved each other.

  3. Thank-you for such an eloquent tribute to a very special dog. How well you understood him, and how deeply he was loved. I liked how you called him a wonderful communicator. He surely must have been (those eyes!), for he's touched many hearts.

    My heart aches for you as you are missing your precious boy.

  4. Hi Jen, I've been thinking about you lately, and wondering how you and your crew are doing? I'm sorry to hear that Palu is having problems. Wish I had some advice or experience with those symptoms, but can mostly offer prayers and good thoughts and white light for your special boy. Well, our Lacey had a few episodes of the vestibular disease, but they were relatively fleeting, though initially puzzling and upsetting, mainly because we'd just put down our little Florida Pit Bull that afternoon (probable stroke), and worried that Lacey might have gotten into something.

    So mostly, I'll send cyber hugs to Palu, and you too (and Lloyd and the rest of the gang). And Lydia is barking to Crisco that she loves him and misses him like crazy! Guess you're not going to GIG, are you?


  5. I would add my sympathy that you are dealing with multiple stresses, and my aggreement with a lot of the advice, especially blackandbrindle. I think it's unrealistic to assume that money cannot and does not play a part in our decisions concerning our pets (or anything else, for that matter). If only we all had the luxury of not having to take that into consideration. But I know very few people (if any) to whom money is no object. During our first experience with cancer (Patsy's lymphosarcoma), we were overwhelmed by the cost of the preferred course of action, which was chemo. It seemed totally beyond our reach. But we together made the decision to proceed, and were helped financially by some wonderful Greyhound friends (and wonderful strangers as well!). We lost our precious girl anyway, halfway through the chemo, but we never regretted the decision. I have to say that my DH is more pragmatic than I am about taking heroic measures. But I feel that if we were faced with this kind of decision again, it would be a lot like what others have described. I would want to to whatever was necessary--- depending on what was right for that particular dog, of course---and he would agree, reluctantly or otherwise. However stressed he may get about our financial situation, I feel that his guilt and regret for not doing everything we could would over-power the money concerns. It comes down---like I always tell people dealing with cancer---to making a decision, and moving forward, not second guessing yourself, and knowing what is right for your dog. But that also includes knowing what is right for you as well.

    Sending hugs to you and Dempsey.

  6. I've never seen so many dancing nanners and tiny happy dances of joy in one thread! Do you think there are some people here who are rather fond of Loca? Do you think she's aware of the mini-celebrations across the country that she has inspired? I'm sure she knows.

    It's great news, Robin. And a potent argument for second opinions!

  7. Oh, Henry :bighug

    I can understand why you feel such a bond with your sweet boy.

    During Winnie's fight with osteo, my love and admiration for her knew no bounds. I think she kept me strong with her courage and determination. The love I felt for her when I first met her as a foster just grew and deepened on so many levels, as we dealt with the monster together.

  8. When I saw the words "lump" and "Rascal", my heart stopped. The size would certainly concern you, but you seem familiar with what it might be. I haven't heard of encapsulated lipomas. Please let me know a little about them---and please tell me it's not serious!

    Sending some good thoughts out to you and Rascal.

  9. Robin, here is a good article about artemisinin. It explains how it works in an easy to understand way.




    Also, I don't know if you get Celebrating Greyhounds mag, or can archive it, but several years (mayber more at this point) the issue devoted to cancer in Greys had an article about artemisinin.

    I got mine from Nutricology.com, and I think I'd mentioned in another post that their price has actually seemed to come down. You just have to be careful because not all artemisinin is created equal! Holley is a good source too---both online.

    I also used pycnogenol, another natural immune system booster, which I got at Vitamin World. You saw how beautiful Winnie looked at Grapehounds last year (well, I could be predjudiced!)---3 1/2 years of artemisinin, pycnogenol, fish oil, and a low carb, high protein diet. It's worth a shot.

    I'm late to the party as far as friends of Loca go. It seems she is loved by many for quite a while. So I've never seen any table dancing pictures. It does conjure up an interesting visual. I know I'd love seeing pictures of your beautiful girl as well.

    Keeping you both in my prayers.

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