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Posts posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Damn cancer! We lost our Patsy to lymphoma at 6. And we did "all the right things"---removed her spleen because it hadn't spread, started chemo. Nothing worked. It's a monster. I know that getting news like this feels like you've been hit by a truck. It's so clear that you love your sweet old man more than words can say. I'm so, so sorry. I hope you have many days left to cherish him and make beautiful memories.

  2. Oh, little girl, keep eating, it makes your Mom feel better. I can understand why you'd like to have some kind of time frame here. Cancer is such a crapshoot, and you would like to have quality time with her if you're not sure how long it's going to be. But it does sound like you are very good at living in the moment with your sweet girl. I do have a feeling that those good moments will stretch into good weeks and months and years!

  3. I just don't have enough experience with lymphoma, but I understand that roller coaster you're on. You just want your sweet girl to feel good. So many choices. We'll be thinking about you both tomorrow.

    Oh, when I give pills, I have good luck with putting them in canned cat food. We get the little cans of Friskies, and keep them in the fridge, so it forms around the pill really well. My guys love it. For some reason, the dogs always think the cats are getting better stuff!

  4. I will be thinking of you and Bailey tonight, and praying for a gentle passing to the Bridge, safe within the circle of your love. Please know that you are doing the right thing for your precious girl. You tried so hard to make her well. We do that because we love them, and sometimes it is enough, but sometimes everything we try just can't keep them with us. Many struggle to stay because they only want to be with the ones they love. They are all so different. At times, it is the spirit that is strong, and the body frail. With others, we know that they are ready because, without words, they are able to tell us this. I think during these past days, Bailey has struggled to regain some semblance of normalcy, of the life she knew, but was unable to do that. It is time to let her know that you understand how hard she's fought, and to be with her as she is set free.

    Much white light going out to you and your sweet girl.

  5. Sending prayers to Bodie and you. I think it's a temporary setback due to all the change and stress. And when he gets settled back at home with all the TLC that you and his sister can give him, things will clear up. I'd never heard of Turbotainia's suggestion about the Metamucil wafers, but that is something to remember.

    And you're right, we will tell you not to beat yourself up, and we mean it! Don't waste a moment on what might have been, just concentrate on your sweet boy. He's got a ton of good thoughts coming out to him.

  6. Well, you and Bodie gave it a darn good try. But when a hound misses his Mom, his Mom needs to go bring him home. You knew he needed you, and you know what's best for him, and for sure, for you. Wishing you a safe trip back and forth. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow, and sending lots of good thoughts. Please let us know how he's doing.

  7. What Xan said!

    Melissa, I'll be sending lots of white light clear across the country to your sweet girl. You're so right, we can only imagine what she went through in those horrible Katrina days before she was rescued. But she's a lucky (and brave) hound. She had a chance at a whole new life, and what a wonderful one she found, with someone who loves and appreciates her for the true lady that she is.

    While I don't think any of us are as brave as she is, and it's so hard when you're afraid for your precious little old lady, try not to worry TOO much. We'll be hoping that she is just fine.

    Hugs to Bell and to you.

  8. Frannie, I remember you! It seems like many years ago when I was on CoG, when Patsy was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma. You made such an impression on me because of your compassion and empathy, and the eloquence, humor, and perceptiveness of your posts. I remember how deeply you loved your dogs, and everything you went through to help them. And I remember Mabel, who came to you after devastating losses, and how very, very shy and afraid she was. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember one of the vets you went to was very expensive, and the office staff left much to be desired (putting that tactfully). Is this the same vet? I may be out of the loop here in Pittsburgh with a vet I love who happens to be a lot less expensive than others I've heard about, but $72 for each bandage change seems high to me. Of course, my vet charged me $250 to amputate Winnie's leg, so I could be way off base! But anyway, are you in the room when they do the bandage change, or do they take her in back? If you can see what they do, could you do it yourself? Or if it's a matter of materials, could you go to the other vet for the changes, and let him know what was done? I know you want what is best for Mable, but would it be worth it to see how she reacts to the other vet? I mean, if she is comfortable there, and you could get similar treatment, it would be worth it to save some money. I'm asking a lot of questions, and I know that money is not the main focus, though realistically, it has to play a part at some point. I've never had a dog's tail amputated, but I did have a dog's leg amputated, and I can say with certainty (because I knew my Angel Queen very well) that Winnie didn't think she was at all handicapped. And Mabel would likely not miss those last few inches of tail. And she wouldn't be any less beautiful without it. I don't know if this would work, but I've had several fosters with happy tail, and we used those plastic curlers (pretty pink) taped to the tail. They provided protection, but still let the area heal without danger of the wound being broken open again. Kinda silly, but it worked. I hope you can find a solution for your sweet girl. And I hope you come back here! Lots of collective knowledge and support.

    And it was nice to "see" you again!

  9. I'm so sorry you and your poor Bailey are going through this nightmare. You must be physically and emotionally (not to mention financially) exhausted. I think we all share your frustration of not knowing just how to help her. And God knows, you've tried in every way possible. I wish I had the magic advice that would lead her out of this frightening place, but can only offer prayers and white light. When you look into her eyes, do you feel that she wants to be here? You know her best, and love her so much. If and when it comes time to make the most difficult decision, please know that you will do what is best for your precious girl. But prayers are still going out that you will have much more quality time together.

  10. That lovely silver and black face in my avatar is my Angel Winnie, a tripod for 3 1/2 years after her right hind leg was amputated (osteo) when she was 8. She did great. We lost her to kidney failure in October 07. She had a few quirks after the amp---never walked on my kitchen floor again---but in general, was happy to be with us, and the amp didn't really slow her down.

    Here she is running with her sisters a couple years after the surgery. I used to hold my breath sometimes, but she loved it so much that we let her do whatever made her happy.


  11. Oh, Liz, I don't believe this! I'm struggling for words here, knowing how your heart is still hurting from losing Geniene. Now sweet Nimby. I can't tell you how my heart is aching for you. I'll be joining so many others in sending out prayers that it is not as bad as it seems. Please know that we're thinking about you---please let us know how she is doing. And how YOU are doing. :grouphug

  12. Well, Mom, it sounds like your boy is doing great. It's natural to worry about our kids, but Bodie may even come home a bit spoiled! Isn't it nice that he can stay in a home environment with someone who cares so much about animals? We'll be saying prayers that the rest of his treatment goes as well as the first part.

  13. That is so sad. Losing them so close together, and knowing that one would be grieving for his brother. They are together now, and I hope that thought helps just a little bit to ease the pain.

    Beautiful, beautiful boys.

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