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Posts posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Liz, I don't believe this! I'm struggling for words here, knowing how your heart is still hurting from losing Geniene. Now sweet Nimby. I can't tell you how my heart is aching for you. I'll be joining so many others in sending out prayers that it is not as bad as it seems. Please know that we're thinking about you---please let us know how she is doing. And how YOU are doing. :grouphug

  2. Well, Mom, it sounds like your boy is doing great. It's natural to worry about our kids, but Bodie may even come home a bit spoiled! Isn't it nice that he can stay in a home environment with someone who cares so much about animals? We'll be saying prayers that the rest of his treatment goes as well as the first part.

  3. That is so sad. Losing them so close together, and knowing that one would be grieving for his brother. They are together now, and I hope that thought helps just a little bit to ease the pain.

    Beautiful, beautiful boys.

  4. Such a bittersweet post, but one filled with hope. I'll admit, it brought tears to my eyes, thinking of you missing your sweet, brave boy. It made me think of my Winnie too, who fought the monster and won. Maybe by letting Bodie participate in the study, like you said, another Grey will fight osteo and win. I know you'll be missing him so much, because you are realistic enough to recognize that your time together may be growing short. But he couldn't be in better hands, and who knows, your boy may just surprise you. Like they say, numbers are just numbers, and we're all praying that he will be with you for a long, long time.

    Sending lots of good thoughts and white light to you and Bodie.

  5. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. How lucky he was to be with you. And no wonder you failed fostering---he was precisely where he was meant to be! To lose him so suddenly makes that pain even harder to bear, but it can't take away the love you shared, that is yours forever.

  6. So many tears fell as I looked at the pictures of your beautiful boy. Those pictures were a perfect tribute---from his silly grin in the kennel, to the look of utter content in the place where he was meant to be---we were able to share him with you. And we share your pain and sadness as you try to make sense of his loss. If the ones who fought the hardest were the ones who got to stay, Brady would be with you now. It just seems so unfair. But too often, their bodies aren't as strong as their hearts and spirits, and you have to let them go because that is what you need to do. I can't imagine how hard this was, and is, for you, and how much you miss him. You've been through so much. Please take care of yourselves, and grieve for Brady as long as you need to. Though it's impossible to believe this now, memories of the love and happiness you shared will help to ease your sorrow.

    Run free, brave boy, with no more pain, and send your Mom and Dad a sign that you're okay.

  7. I'm so sorry that another beautiful Grey is dealing with the monster. This is a terrible time----when you are unable to comprehend, much less accept, this devastating diagnosis. There are so many things to think about. I think it helps to come here and Circle of Grey to talk about your options, and also the pain you are feeling now. Too many of us know what you are going through, and you and Jack are in our prayers.

    How very handsome he looks in his Hope For Hounds collar. I'm struggling for words here, trying let you know that we share your sadness, and can feel the depth of your love for your precious boy.

  8. After looking at his beautiful pictures yesterday, I've been sending out more good thoughts than ever. You somehow feel more connected when you can look into their eyes, and will them to get better. What a long and stressful ordeal this has been for poor Brady and his family. He's fought so well, he just HAS to get better!

    Come on, precious boy, we are all praying for you.

  9. I'm so sorry. Cancer, and everything we do to deal with it, is a constant up and down roller coaster in every way. It is also a crapshoot. We do what we can, what is best for our dogs, and sometimes it is enough, and sometimes everything we do doesn't help us beat the monster. I was just reading over your posts about his journey, and it is so clear how much you love and understand Alex. In one of your first posts, you said it was a battle worth fighting as long as he wanted to fight. And that is the key. If he is tired and ready to leave, as much as it breaks your heart to lose him, you will do what is best for your precious boy. Because you love him so much.

    Sending good thoughts and white light for strength, and a safe and peaceful passage.

  10. No able to get on the computer today, I thought of Brady several times, and sent more prayers. But I had a positive feeling about him. Brady, sweetheart, you're simply amazing! Please keep doing what you're doing, and getting better and better.

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