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Posts posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Ned. You're a very forgiving little guy, aren't you? I'm glad to see you weren't traumatized by this unfortunate incident, and realize that Dexter is the exception to the rule. Of course, it's difficult to understand why ANYHOUND would want to put a hole in you---you're so darn cute, and one of the world's true innocents. Your Mom was on the ball, wasn't she? I think you'll be fine.

  2. Ah, Skylar. Seven is young to have such bad teeth, isn't it? I guess the poor girl came up short in the healthy toofer gene pool. But when you weigh the pros and cons, better to have a nice, clean, toothless mouth than an icky one that's going to give her constant problems, now and down the road.

    Who was saying their hound had all their teeth pulled, and had Gums of Steel? I think they do pretty good, considering.

  3. Sorry Ham's been giving you so much trouble. Sometimes getting a pill into them is just too much stress. If you are leaning towards the no chemo route, please research artemisinin. I'm not sure if you're familiar with it, but Dr. Couto is doing a lot of studies on it, and there was an article about it in a back issue of Celebrating Greyhounds---it's been at least several years. But I don't know if you can archive it. If you can't find any info, please let me know. I don't know if you have enough posts to PM, but you can email me if you'd like. There have been many positive results with it (including my Winnie), and if you're not doing chemo, it just may help. Can't hurt!

    Hope your boy has a better day tomorrow.

    My email: catsburg@comcast.net

  4. First, let me say how sorry I am that you are dealing with osteo. Too many of us know just how you are feeling. You are so close in time to what Madeara is going through with Asia. Please don't hesitate to come here with questions, to vent, give us updates on your boy. I'm glad you moved quickly and did the amp. To eliminate the pain and the chance of that leg shattering, it's really the only way.

    You had asked if anyone did the amp with no chemo. I know that is what Dr. Couto recommends, and that most of the Greys with osteo have followed that course. It's a very individual decision, but you need to research all your options, and decide based on what you feel in your heart is right. For many reasons, some of them very personal, after Winnie had her right hind leg amputated, we chose not to do chemo. But I decided to treat her with immune system boosters, supplements, and diet change. When you read about the median survival times, you can certainly take those figures into consideration, but you can also realize that cancer is a crapshoot. Sometimes everything we do buys a good deal of time, and sometimes everything is not enough. I think that with Winnie, it was a combination of a lot of things---the artemisinin, timing and the fact that she was strong and her lungs were clear, her stubbornness, and probably, a lot of luck. We had her for 3 1/2 years after the diagnosis, and lost her to kidney failure last October, 1 month shy of her 12th birthday. I know that she was the exception, living longer than most dogs who had the chemo. But I know those 3 years were precious---quality years---and I wouldn't change a thing.

    I started her on artemisinin, pycnogenol (another immune system booster), fish oil, glucosamine, and a high protein, low carb diet. And it worked. I would not be able to say that it would work for everyone, and like others have said, it's a very personal decision. Please let us know what you decide, and how Ham is doing.

    Sending prayers and white light for strength and healing.


  5. Asia, sweet girl, be gentle with your Mom's heart. You're tough, but try not to scare her. I do think the front amps make it more difficult going down stairs. I think there were several people on CoG who's Greys with front amps did stairs, though. I think Asia could do it if she makes up her mind that she wants to!

    But that was GOOD news---scary, but good.

  6. I LOVE those pictures. Had to smile at the one in Cosmo's bed. You'd think arranging herself into that little circle on 3 legs would give her pause, but no. And the ones outside (you live in a gorgeous place, by the way) are just stunning. You can actually tell that she is happy to be here, and to see that is just incredibly beautiful. She reminds me so much of Winnine, not in looks, but her attitude. Winnie just assumed that she was going to do what she had to do to deal with life as a tripod---business as usual to her. She didn't quite understand why everyone made such a big fuss over her, but she soaked it all up. I would probably wait on a car ride for a while too, because of the balance thing. It hurts if they fall on the amp side and incision. There were certain places where Winnie wiped out, and the stubborn old girl got that fixated in her brain, and would never walk there again. She didn't set a paw in our kitchen for 3 1/2 years!

    Gentle hugs to your brave girl.

  7. For a little brindle dog I've never met, and only read about tonight in your lovely "roooo-logy", I'm sitting here crying. I don't remember when I've seen a more eloquent, heartfelt, and perceptive tribute, or one that so clearly showed the love you shared. You and Katie were both blessed to have found each other, as it's so apparent that you were meant to be together. Thank-you for sharing with us this awesome little girl who's heart was so full of joy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Katie.

  8. Joy, you're right, it does seem like too much sometimes. It seems that almost every day, we hear of another Grey who is fighting the monster osteo. And when it is your precious boy diagnosed so soon after losing Rosie, that is beyond heartbreaking. I don't know what to say to ease your pain, but please know that you can come here anytime---to vent, to ask questions, cry, celebrate each victory, large or small.

    Whatever you decide, you and Caesar are in our prayers.

  9. Oh, no! I hadn't seen the previous posts about Izzy being sick, so I went back and looked. Melissa, you have been through so much. You tried so hard to do everything to save your girl. I'm so, so sorry that it wasn't to be. And you've only had her about 6 months......your heart is breaking, I know, and we all can feel and understand the pain you are in now.

  10. Audrey, she looks wonderful! You are right, you have an excellent surgeon---some of them can stitch up a wound like it was done on a sewing machine, and others make it look so ragged. Your vet is a pro....Hot Tamale, if you say so!

    And Asia looks relaxed and so happy to be home. You may be lucky like I was, and have an easy recovery, but here's what I did: hoped for the best and expected the worst. I don't mean to be negative, but I think if you know there can be problems, you're prepared, and if there aren't any, what a bonus!

    I don't think there is going to be any keeping that girl down. As always, sending prayers and white light for a speedy, problem-free recovery, and a long, long remission.

  11. You've gotten some great info and advice! Isn't GT awesome? I'm not sure if this was mentioned, but she may have some edema in the other leg. Some swelling like this is normal, and usually a warm compress helps. I remember this because someone on CoG rushed her girl to the vet because of that swelling, and was told this. Also, a little seepage is normal too, but fluid can be a breeding ground for bacteria, so you'll want to keep a close eye on her incision. I think they all process anesthesia and pain meds differently. I know after my surgery a few weeks ago, I asked the nurse if I could stop taking the vicodan. It made me so nauseated. And I felt better, even with the pain, after I stopped. Of course, I was able to tell someone this, and Asia can't. So just remember that some of the things she'll be doing in those first few days home---panting, restlessness--- will pass.

    You sound like you've done everything you can to prepare for this, and to take the best care of your girl.

    Remember, we're all right here---waiting for updates---whenever you need us.

    Every night, she's in my prayers.

  12. I know that with osteo, that "waiting for the other shoe to drop" is in the back of your mind pretty much all the time. But like your friend said, Bodie is on his own timetable. And that is a timetable that goes from day to day, enjoying life, loving you, feeling safe. And really, what more can we ask for? I know you can't help but feel cheated by this monster that steals so many of our Greys away from us, but he's not thinking of that. I say this ---probably too often---but don't let those thoughts of future sadness steal that precious NOW away from you. That's not denial, that's love.

    You're doing great, and so is he, sweet, brave boy. And you're both in our prayers.

  13. Oh, Claudia, I sure hope Misty is going to be feeling better and better. I don't know much about thyroid---except my own, which is low---I just want that girl to start eating well, and not worrying her Mom!

    Keep us updated. Lydia is sending out lots of telepathic "feel better, eat EVERYTHING" thoughts.

  14. Janet, it's so hard to find words, but your beautiful tribute, and your promise to her, really say it all. She will be missed by all those who were privledged to know her, those she inspired, and the countless ones she helped by guiding you to form Hope For Hounds.

    I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl, but her legacy will live on, in your heart and many other's.


    Remember that love continues to grow,

    like ripples across a lake.

    And if you have trouble believing,

    just think of the difference that one dog can make.


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