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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. wonderful news...thanks for sharing sending continued good thoughts
  2. I hope you get some comfort knowing they are together.
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss of Destiny.
  4. Welcome from Waterloo...Kassie is beautiful.
  5. Congratulations! Are all Galgos little houdinis?
  6. How terribly sad. I am so sorry for your loss of Teddy...rest well sweetie.
  7. Ben has been limping on and off for a couple of weeks. However, he seems to be worse when he is walking on hard surfaces such as asphalt or cement. Did any of your greys present with these symptoms when they were diagnosed with OS? He also seems to be ok in the mornings, so i suspect rest also helps. I've asked DH to cut down on the length of his walks because he tends to take him for his regular lengthy walk when Ben isn't limping. I want to see if rest will heal it. We're going to the vet anyway, but I want to try this in the meantime. He seemed ok at noon. Meanwhile I'm a mess because I'm worrying so much, not sleeping well and crying a lot (in private). My hope is a corn or soft-tissue injury which is why I wondered if your greys limped constantly before being diagnosed or was it intermittent as well. Sorry, I'm starting to ramble on here...
  8. Yes, it's very very painful to lose a family member. And no matter how long they're with us, it's never long enough. She's pain free now; you gave her the best gift of all. But she's always with you in your heart.
  9. greytpups


    i'm so sorry for your loss of Brendea.
  10. I just read something yesterday about eating grass and according to this article written by a vet, dogs eat grass because they like the taste, not because it makes them vomit. When they eat their prey, they also eat stomach contents which contains grass, so in summary, dogs eat grass. Brooke eats lots of grass and never vomits, however she does poop it out. The yellow bile is usually an indication of an empty stomach needing some nourishment.
  11. It doesn't sound like it was injured enough that it will fall off, rahter it will heal on it's own.
  12. I'm so sorry you received this news.
  13. Robbie, I'm so so sorry. I wish I had more comforting words, our thoughts are with you and Gene at this time.
  14. Wow, I'm so sorry you've had to deal with so much lately. On another note, I attended a seminar at GIG and the vet neurologist said that anaesthesia isn't risky for older dogs, it's just a myth. However, I wouldn't want my grey to have to undergo surgery but I thought I'd mention it anyway...hoping Shelby will heal and feek better soon.
  15. I'm so sorry Robin, We heard the seminar was cancelled due to an emergency. I'm so sorry it was Little Girl.
  16. What a wonderful update....congratulations!
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  18. I'm so sorry..wishing you sunny days and sending hugs to both of you
  19. greytpups


    I'm so sorry,,,what a shock this must be.
  20. Today we picked up meds, no vet visit. Advantix, Revolution and Prednisone came to $512.02 with tax. Our vet won't give out scripts and I don't want to order on-line meds because I don't want to put our pups lives in danger. But there must be other options for us. do not attend GIG since the ticks are horrendous do not move to a warmer climate, HW meds are only needed 6 months of the year here do not adopt a grey with Pannus Ok, since none of these are options I need to get back to work now so I can keep my babies in the style they're used to since they are priceless I thought this might make all of you feel better.
  21. Words just seem so inadequate...I am so sorry for your loss of Charlie. He had such a good life though and was loved by many. Rest well sweetie....you will be missed.
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