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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Even better, Cody was AFRAID of frisbees!!
  2. Welcome back! I love snakes & would love to see pix!
  3. Awww - they're both cuties! And welcome to GreyTalk from Maryland, USA!
  4. Hi from Maryland! And welcome to GT! Have to ask... is he majoring in medicine?
  5. Yeah - I thought that one was funny too! Happy Belated Birthday and Laissez bontomps roulez (or something like that...)
  6. Poor Poodle! Cody had 2 bouts with pancreatitis - NOT fun! It's usually the fatty food that sets them off. She couldn't have anything fatty (which included Greenies - high in fat - which set her off one of those times).
  7. Owie!!; I'm so sorry, Heather! My Cody girl had her ears pre-chewed... they were both cropped (in different ways!) when I got her. Figured she got them in the way of other pups at some point! It did give her character! Hope she heals up ;quickly!
  8. Hugs... I was there with Cody as far as not eating... not fun...
  9. Oh, Man... Cody would have a BLAST with Loca, wouldn't she??? Now be GOOD, girls!! (Yeah... right...)
  10. Hi Sue!! I'm the one at Dewey who always looks at the PJs (human) but haven't bought a pair yet!! One year...
  11. Hi welshbec - welcome to GT! My Cody always had a very sensitive digestive tract. She also had a few bouts of pancreatitis so NO fatty foods for her. I ended up finding a food she could eat & always added digestive enzymes (I used ProZyme, got it online MUCH cheaper than at vet's). When her stomach would act up, the vet would immediately tell me to do the chicken & boiled rice thing. It didn't help & made her worse - I had one of the few dogs allergic to RICE!!! When I switched her to chicken & pasta, the big D got MUCH better. Then I had to find a food without rice... There's more of a choice there now than there was 12 years ago! Good luck with this - once you find a 'cause', it should improve. You just have to find it...
  12. (Can you tell that Santa is a GIRL?!!?!) Thanks all! By now, I remember all the good times & most of the bad have faded (she was sick a lot - gastrointestinal stuff). She was a trip! And Nancy - don't feel bad... most of my greyhound friends didn't actually believe I HAD a dog 'cause she didn't really like to go places so I left her home! I finally invited them all over to my house so they could meet her in person!
  13. She loved her Elmo And was a big smiler! Didn't much like Santa - watch the ears disappear!
  14. My Cody girl went to the bridge 5 years ago tomorrow (Jan.28). Here are a few pictures of her, as I remember her... She didn't really LIKE costumes but was a pretty good sport about it... Anyway, she's there to greet all the newcomers, and she always loved a good romp! Miss you, Cody girl...
  15. Hugs, Tom... I so enjoyed Ember while she was here on GT... Have a McD's at the bridge, little girl!
  16. Good luck Beth... I hope things go well & you get the best possible news for the situation... Hugs
  17. Hi wholovesskunks... welcome to GT - sorry it has to be in such circumstances. Definitely have your vet consult with Dr. Couto and Ohio State U Greyhound Health & Wellness program - the consults are free & Dr. Couto has tons of experience and may be able to give you & your vet some good advice. I'm sorry your Lenny and your family are going through this... Please post some pix of Lenny if you can.
  18. HI - welcome to GreyTalk!! I don't really have any advice to cure the jumping up thing, but there'll be someone on here who can help out. A thought though - apparently greys are not discouraged from jumping up on people at the track kennels so he's just never learned he's not supposed to do this!
  19. Spoil sweet Bailey rotten - which M&G are you going to? I'm gonna try to go to College Park on Sunday... (Mighty Healthy Pet)
  20. Welcome back, Karen!!! We were all thinking about you! I can't tell you how many people asked me where you were this year at Dewey - I was wearing my t's by you and many people wanted one!! Want to get together for lunch soon? I'd love to see you and the pups! Just PM me here or email me at codyozbrindle at yahoo dot com... Great to have you back here!!
  21. Ooooooh! I'm in love with Dutch!! He's gorgeous!! And I love the gravity-defying Katie too!!
  22. Welcome to GreyTalk from Maryland! LOVE the podenco earsies!!!
  23. Hi Beth - sorry Smiley is in pain! Definitely try acu... it did wonders for Cody & her pinched nerve. I never tried chiro but that may be good too! Good luck!
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