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Guest Heehoo

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Guest Snowy8

A really greyt pupper went to the bridge last night...We will miss you Ely

We just wanted to let everyone know that Ely is no longer in pain. He had been doing well until yesterday afternoon. We took them all to the park Saturday morning for a short walk as we usually do on the weekends and he did great. But he became in great pain late Saturday afternoon. We had given him the pain meds he was on but it did not help much. We had talked with Dr. Pearce several times during this. He was in Union city but as soon as he got back he called us and we meet him at the clinic. After he saw Ely we all agreed it was time so he would not suffer any longer. Dr. Pearce has been of great support to us and the greys and we thank him. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support Ely (our pretty little fat boy ) will be greatly missed. Becky, Robert, Hercules and Cool Feet


(Ely in the middle)

Edited by Snowy8
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Thank you for being so kind to make the right decision for Ely, even though it is a very difficult one none the less it's a selfless act of kindness. I am very sorry for your loss.


God Speed Ely :gh_run:angelwings:gh_run:angel:gh_run

Praying for all the missing greys!

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Robert and Becky, my heart is breaking for both of you. What a sweet, beautiful boy Ely was. We will keep you in our prayers! Godspeed sweet Ely.





For those of you who donated to the Coolfeet raffle, Robert and Becky are the wonderful people who adopted sweet Coolfeet after her heartworm treatments.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Snowy8

Becky & Robert...I am so sorry to hear this news...when I talked to Cynde last night she said that you had to leave early to go home to help Becky with Ely.

I know how you feel right now & I wish I could take away the pain...but you made the right decision for your baby...he's where there is no pain, no fleas or ticks, no heartworms & no cancer. He's running pain free in the fields & he's with other greyhounds...including Nadine. In fact, she probably was the first to meet him at the bridge.

I know your hearts are breaking as all of us at MSGAO are feeling your pain with you. It is never ever easy to make "that" decision but we know its not about us, its about them. Their mission is to keep us happy & always laughing & smiling at the silly little things they do. When their life is no longer any fun, and their missions are no longer making them happy also, then it is time to let them go.

I will keep you in my prayers asking God to give you strength thru this time. I will try my best to keep you both happy & laughing when I'm around you & if you want, we can share some tears too. Ely was my buddy.

I posted on Greytalk for you along with a picture of him with Pegasus & Hercules from last summer.

Call me if you need anything.




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My deepest sympathy. :f_red Our Angels will guide you sweet Ely.


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest BellaDonna1

Robert and Becky are the sweetest people I have ever known. My heart is breaking for them tonight. Nadine was hard enough and now this. And they went thru a lot with coolfeet too. Ely run free sweet baby. You had heaven on earth with Robert and Becky......but now you have more. Please give all those sweet babies a kiss from all of us and we will see you again someday Ely.

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Guest BrockGusDad
I always wonder when they wake up...do they think they are still at home because home was like heaven to them.



What a beautiful thought to sign off with..........

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Guest TilliesMom

I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for Ely as he makes his way to the bridge. And extra special prayers for his family as they try to mend their hearts.

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Guest Billy_thundersmom

I am so sorry! Thank you for using your terrible privledge of letting him go and be at the bridge with no more pain. f_yellow

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Guest auntiesara

We're so sorry for the loss of Ely. I'm sure his surviving "siblings" are confused and waiting for him to come home. I truly believe we WILL see them again...


Sara and Charlie

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