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5am wake ups

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hi everyone, I am making good progress with my boy in other areas but one thing I can't seem to get him to adjust to is not waking up so early. We used to get up around 6.30 to 7 which was perfect but since the clocks went back and he had a bit of disruption from hurting his leg (now absolutely fine) and moving (several months ago) I cant get him back on a similar schedule. 

He will begin stirring at 5am then by 5.30 he will come over to the bed and wake me up after running round the house for a bit. I try to ignore him but eventually he will get frustrated and start barking loudly which isn't fair on the neighbours at that time. I make sure I get up when he is quiet though.

I'm confident it's not toilet related or hunger, he just wants to go out for a walk (based on his excitment when I get up).

I've tried the alarm trick which worked insofar he now associates it with definitely getting up and goes a little beserk when it goes off but he'll still be up at 5 whatever. 

Our schedule is quite rigid, once we are up the first thing we do is go out for a 30 min walk then feed when we get back. He will get another walk at lunch then the evening lasting 20 to 30 mins. Another feed at 6.30pm then a snack and final out at 10pm and sleep for 10.30pm. 


Running out of ideas and starting to get a bit sleep deprived...any help or tips would be very appreiciated!

He was up at 5 on the dot today then refused to go out because it was raining -_-

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Is there anything that makes a noise at that time? Heating switching on? Neighbours vehicle starting up?

Have you tried putting him to bed a few minutes later each evening to see if that will reset his internal clock?

Grace (Ardera Coleen) b. 18 June 2014 - Gotcha Day 10 June 2018 - Going grey gracefully
Guinness (Antigua Rum) b. 3 September 2017 - Gotcha Day 18 March 2022 - A gentleman most of the time


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Not sure if this will help,  Journey is a up with first light girl.  Blackout curtains worked wonders for us. 
Nice thing about her is she now goes to bed as soon as it gets dark out side.  Now if I could only go to bed after dinner we would both get a long night. :rolleyes:

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