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Gum Still Inflamed After Dental

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Charlie had a dental last week, 8 teeth removed, very little plaque but some recession and all the small front bottom teeth were crowded together and were loose and removed.


However, upon looking at his teeth one week later, one of the teeth I pointed out to the vet as having slightly exposed roots is still there, the gum is red and it bleeds as soon as I touch it with a brush - surely this tooth should have come out as well? At the moment I'm really sad as to me it seems like we still have a dental problem, be it fairly mild, but Charlie has been through a general anaesthetic and we've spent a lot of money. I'm taking him back for a follow up and will see what they say - any thoughts? Am I being neurotic?

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Sounds like you are right to have them follow up on it. Perhaps its too soon to use a brush on it if the dentist decided not to remove it for some reason and it needs to heal?? You'll only know by asking them, so taking him back in is the right thing to do.


Feel better soon, Charlie.


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Usually brushing starts 2 weeks after a dental. Might be a bit too soon. Which tooth is the troublesome one? Might not have been removed because it could have been too problematic to do so (i.e. canine and lower jaw fracture)

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I know personally from having more gum surgery than one ever could imagine plain saline irrigation in the begining really helps with the healing. If you decide to give it a try make your own solution French gray sea salt is the best, let it cool and use a medicine dropper. If your dog is on their side place a towel under the head and the solution should drip/drool out. I couldn't brush for quite a while with periodontal surgery, my bone graft and the last re-root canal. It also helped after wisdom tooth extractions.i hope you are feeding soft food.

Edited by cleptogrey
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Thanks for your replies everyone. The vet reckons it's trauma from the scale and polish still and thinks it will settle down. He said brush gently and suggested the chlorohexadine mouthwash I've got is a good thing to use.


Cleptogrey sorry you've had gum issues. I'm actually just waiting to see a specialist to see if I need a gum/ bone graft.


Thanks again, Matt

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