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Who Is Waking Who Up?

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After weeks of terrible night's sleep I am exhausted and looking for ideas.


We've always let or two hounds sleep in our room and have gotten on fine but I've usually been woken up early when they think it's time for breakfast.


This was OK but in the last month or two they've started waking up and crying frantically every couple of hours. If I ignore them one starts to bark so I always let them out in the yard. Sometimes they go to the toilet and sometimes they don't.


In an effort for my partner to get some sleep I changed to the spare room, the hounds sleep with my partner but come and wake me up regularly.


So I moved downstairs to the floor... Both dogs sleep right through without fail. 8hrs without moving.


So I'm on the floor in the lounge with the dogs on the sofas, not ideal long term but we're all getting more sleep than we have been. I'm wondering if there's something upstairs that is happening to wake them? We have a bed that is a bit creaky, that's my only thought - any suggestions?

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Some thoughts:


Could they be feeling cold? Draughts? In which case housecoats or greyhound pyjamas would help!

Hearing something outside - foxes, cats?

Or some noise inside that is inaudible/unworrying to you? I'm thinking of a highpitched hum from an electrical device, for instance.

Or smelling/sensing something upstairs? Don't want to worry you but do you have a carbon monoxide alarm? A gas leak?

Can you close the bedroom door so they have to stick to one bedroom?



Clare with Tiger (Snapper Gar, b. 18/05/2015), and remembering Ken (Boomtown Ken, 01/05/2011-21/02/2020) and Doc (Barefoot Doctor, 20/08/2001-15/04/2015).

"It is also to be noted of every species, that the handsomest of each move best ... and beasts of the most elegant form, always excel in speed; of this, the horse and greyhound are beautiful examples."----Wiliam Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, 1753.

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Some thoughts:


Could they be feeling cold? Draughts? In which case housecoats or greyhound pyjamas would help!

Hearing something outside - foxes, cats?

Or some noise inside that is inaudible/unworrying to you? I'm thinking of a highpitched hum from an electrical device, for instance.

Or smelling/sensing something upstairs? Don't want to worry you but do you have a carbon monoxide alarm? A gas leak?

Can you close the bedroom door so they have to stick to one bedroom?




Thank you for these - I've been putting blankets on them at bedtime - this doesn't seem to make a difference but perhaps some PJs would be better. We always used to close the bedroom door but this doesn't seem to help either.

Interesting re: noice, perhaps that's it, I also wondered (but realised I didn't mention above) if it's neighbours waking them up - this would account for why they don't hear them downstairs (neighbours bedrooms are other side of the wall to ours). I can try turning off some electrical devices. We've got a CO detector so I hope that all is ok in that regard.

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Why not just let them sleep where they want? Not all dogs (special dogs that are not single dogs) want to sleep in the bedroom. If they're happier downstairs, I say go with the flow!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Why not just let them sleep where they want? Not all dogs (special dogs that are not single dogs) want to sleep in the bedroom. If they're happier downstairs, I say go with the flow!


I'd welcome that but even with all the doors open they won't sleep downstairs unless I go with them :s

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It does sound like something upstairs is waking them up. I'd guess either some noise you don't hear or being cold. One of my dogs would get very restless and pace when he got cold. Unfortunately, he wouldn't wear pj's and didn't like being covered :rolleyes:


Can you move a more comfortable bed downstairs for you so you can at least get some decent sleep until you get this figured out?

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