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Hole In Paw Pad

Guest KayGreat

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Guest KayGreat

Hi! We noticed Diego limping about a month ago, and a paw inspection revealed a small rock embedded in a paw pad. We couldn't get it, but our vet was able to tease it out with soaking and tools - we took the bandage off a day or two later, and within a couple of days he had gotten another rock in the same hole. After repeating this cycle a few times, we've been keeping a sock on that foot, but we and our vet are surprised that the hole does not seem to be closing up.


Any thoughts? Has your dog had something similar? How long did it take to heal?


Each time it was definitely rocks, not corns, that were removed. We don't know how the first one got in there - if it was an injury he didn't react in a way we noticed when it happened.

He's been limping less and less and only right when he first stands up.



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Therapaw boots work well on uniquely shaped Greyhound paws: http://www.therapaw.com/thera-pawboots.aspx


One of our hounds had tiny pieces of gravel embedded in a paw pad many years ago. Took a long time to completely heal after two surgeries to find all the gravel, many months of recovery IIRC. It finally healed well. Thereafter, all hounds' pads are checked/wiped after walks/hikes.


Positive healing thoughts for Diego.

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Guest KayGreat

Thanks! We've been using socks and a rubber bootie outside, but the Therapaw looks easier to manage it this is something we'll need to do for a while.


We might try the Epsom soak - has anyone got a good method to get a dog to soak a rear foot?

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Gilly had the same problem, but he managed to hoard ten pieces of sand and gravel in his paw! He took about six weeks to heal but the wound was very deep -- almost to the bone. Our vet explained that it would take time to heal because the wound heals from the inside to the outside. I kept his foot bandaged and booted for probably four to five weeks. Thought he was all healed but, like your pup, he managed to get one more piece of material in the same wound. Fortunately the vet was able to scrape this piece out easily, unlike the six x-ray and two hour surgery from the previous collection.

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Thanks! We've been using socks and a rubber bootie outside, but the Therapaw looks easier to manage it this is something we'll need to do for a while.


We might try the Epsom soak - has anyone got a good method to get a dog to soak a rear foot?

You can soak a washcloth in the solution and then wrap that around the foot so you can do it when he's resting.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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