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Corneal Stromal Abcess/infected Ulcer & Corneal Erosion &

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major good news update :guns:guns


annie's last report from the eye specialist: ulcers healed!!! PANNUS GONE!!! no signs of pannus what so ever- just one non-functioning dried blood vessel and that's it.it was the pannus that helped feed the oral antibiotics directly to the infected ulcer in her eyes. the last time we saw dr. gaarder he debrised her heavily scared and veined(pannus) cornea with a mini-diamond tipped dremel like tool. it healed beautifully after looking like a vamipre dog for a week. the other newly infected eye is now CLEAN! one slight ridge from the ulcers but she is now official off of all eye meds. if i see signs of pannus then he will send me to a colleague in san antonio. after all of his years of research and working w/ pannus he has never witnessed it's disappearance! (greyhounds are medical quirks)


she has also been taken off the pain meds for her calcified tendon and is only on metacam for the next month. then we try the metacam first every-other-day or a reduced dosage and see if she can have it on an as needed basic.she's digging holes, running w/ her jolly ball , walking in the woods w/us and acting like a pretty normal dog.


this was a difficult 8 weeks- and boy am i glad it's over!!


btw- from the scratch to the abcess it was a matter of days- maybe 3 tops!!,

Edited by cleptogrey
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