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Katie Conquers The Door!

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Katie figured out how to use the dog door! She's still not the fastest at it, but I think that's at least partly because she likes to stop in doorways to scope out the situation before going out. If anyone ever is trying this with their dog, I found the trick to be putting really good treats JUST barely outside the door, on the sill, so that she could smell them and used her nose to poke through and get them. Then it was just a matter of leaving a trail further out, and voila, she walked out.


Here's entirely gratuitous video. :)




My blog about helping Katie learn to be a more normal dog: http://katies-journey-philospher77.blogspot.com/

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I had a Magnadoor (hard plastic flap-type door with magnetic closure) installed when I enclosed my porch and my hound dog used it all the time, no problem. My first greyhound wouldn't use it and I typically bungee-corded it open when I was at work all day so she could go out to the side yard. (Nothing like heating and air-conditioning the outdoors.) Sheba wouldn't use it at first but when I muzzled her for a different reason, she started using the door and now uses it all the time. It's a somewhat noisy door and at night she often pokes her nose out a few times before going out and coming back in--of course that wakes me up every time, especially when she starts barking at whatever.

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