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Need Advice - My Girl Is Going Potty On Rugs

Guest Lily1111

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Guest Lily1111


We've had our 4 year old girl, Lily, for 6 months now. For the first four months she didn't have one accident inside the house. Two months ago, my mother in law brought her dog over who peed on the rug, for the following week, Lily peed every night (even though we were still taking her out on a regular basis) in that same spot that the other dog had peed. I finally covered the spot with furniture and it stopped. Now for the past two weeks, she's been peeing intermittently in various places -- it doesn't seem there's any reason for it, and I've yet to catch her in the act. I'm home with her all day; she gets a walk on the leash and has free run of the backyard. Any advice on how to make this stop?

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Hey Lily,


This is frustrating and we've just had the same thing. 6 year old with no accidents they we put a rug down and after several days I sat on it and realised it was soaking. We removed the rug while I washed it and no accidents then rug back down and she did it again, even in front of us. Could the visiting dog have peed in other places too? I just wonder if it's a case of getting rid of the smell as we've had visiting dogs before in a different house and after one accident the patch of carpet seemed to become a 'hot spot'. I can't remember what product people talk about in the US for removing odour but you could google this and give it a go?


In our case, I gave the rug a really good wash in the bath and used disinfectant and the frequency of peeing definitely reduced although we tend to keep the rug up most of the time now. I'm not sure if this is any help at all - sounds like your girl is going more often than mine so maybe something different is going on. I'm sure there will be some other suggestions appearing soon!

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I would have her checked out by the vet to make sure she doesn't have a UTI.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest Amber

I have this issue with Fey, when she was new she peed quite a few times on the area rug and then again whenever she unwell (sore corn on pad) that made her upset about life and she peed on the rug.


well despite cleaning and mopping it up and using an enzyme cleaner that's meant to get rid of stains and all smell, there are big yellow patches and it does smell on the underside, as it soaked right through.


I'm buying a new rug and throwing away the soiled one. As the new one will have no pee scent I'm hoping she won't be attracted to it if she gets upset by something and feels the need to pee urgently.


I think if it's just one or two small piddles the rug is saveable and can be cleaned but once large amounts of pee have gone all over it, it's become the indoor potty area and needs to go, as the scent will always be there.


sorry not much help, but i can commiserate!


ps mine is a heavy weight, expensive pure wool rug, so not really washable. I'm replacing it with a much cheaper rug.

Edited by Amber
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Lily1111

Thank you all for your feedback! No, UTI. Vet thinks she just done with the winter and that's her way of telling me. I've blocked off both the family room and living room when I'm not home and so far it has solved the problem.

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Vet thinks she just done with the winter and that's her way of telling me

Your vet actually said that? That certainly gives me pause. Dogs don't use urine as a weapon or send messages about their feelings on the seasons with it. So not only is it absurd in that way, but...it makes no sense. If she was "done with winter" she'd want to go OUTSIDE and enjoy the weather.


Just what tests did your vet run to determine she doesn't have a UTI?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I've also found that Brandi pees if I muck up her diet. She isn't intolerant as such, but something in the kibble I fed her seemed to build up and inflame her system, making her pee. That combined with am slightly abnormal bladder placement ( further into the pelvis which decreases capacity) and some SA results in accidents. What worked for me was changing her diet and increasing the amount of B1 she was getting in the form of supplements. They do this for racing dogs here who 'run their race in the crate' by getting so worked up that they are exhausted by race time. Race dogs are given injections, we just use half a human B1 every couple of days. Be careful if you do this though because excess vitamin B can cause excessive urination.

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