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Itchy Dry Flaky Skin

Guest kisstherain

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Guest kisstherain

Hi everyone,


It has been about 6 weeks since I adopted my grey, and from the beginning she had a lot of dandruff and flaky skin. I have been giving her about a tablespoon of coconut oil daily, and her skin still has so much dandruff. Since it has become colder, she has started itching a lot. She has no fleas, and I am wondering if this is because of dry skin? I feed raw so I don't think grain allergy would be an issue. I was wondering if there is something like a natural moisturizer I can rub on her. I read online that some people use apple cider vinegar? Thanks!!

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PetCo sells a shampoo called Nova Pearls. It is wonderful. My greys were black and you never saw one flake on them. It does need to be rinsed and rinsed and rinsed again. Also, it's a little pricey but worth every penny.

Mary in Houston

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Guest normaandburrell

After I adopted both my black boys, it took about 6 months to get their skin straightened out (which was real important to me, because I am allergic to dog dander!)

I used fish oil capsules twice a day on their food, a moisturizing shampoo monthly, and a light brushing (or even better, rubdown with baby wipes) several times a week.

By six months, their coats just glowed! I kept up the regimen to keep them that way.

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It's not true that frequent shampoong will dry out their coats. Use only a shampoo designed specially for dogs as they require a specific ph. I prefer to use a gentle soap free product. My boys derm Vet instructed me to bath my boy as much as twice a week during an allergy flair. She mentioned that if more folks bathed more frequently she would be able to reduce oral medications by 50% (only mention this as an FYI). So, no you can't overdue bathing if using the proper shampoo. This is a shampoo I like..


Edited by tbhounds
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Guest Johberry

Like NeedlenoseJake has already mentioned, it takes some time. Our boy has been off the track almost four months now and only recently has his coat started to "normalize" as in his bald spots filling in, color returning, shedding/dandruff lessening, and coat becoming softer. We even noticed the coloring in his face darkening or perhaps the color returning (he's very grey in the face for a 4-year-old).


Already great suggestions. Just give your hound some time and you'll gradually notice a difference. We were just comparing photos of our boy from October and the difference in his coat to now is remarkable. That is awesome that you're feeding raw, which will definitely help her skin and coat recover faster. Perhaps a daily salmon oil supplement and a probiotic may help. We add a little bit of coconut oil, salmon oil, and raw goat's milk to our hound's meals. Brushing often has definitely helped here too.

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Guest Winnie2014

I think we're in a very similar situation!


W is getting a teaspoon of coconut oil at dinner, but she's been so terribly itchy recently, poor pup. I've had her 1 1/2 months, so about the same time as your hound.


I'm going to give it time, but W still has dermatitis. ):


Thanks for all the advice everyone! :)

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