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Rocket Is Chewing Like Crazy

Guest Rocket

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Guest Rocket

I'm not sure what is going on - maybe he is bored, not getting enough exercise, having anxiety...

He knows how to open cabinets and has gotten into Turvia packets, eaten multiple remote controls, eaten my 9 year old son's ipod 5!

He has also broken into my purse and chewed up my wallet.

I have tried putting all items away, but he seems to find things anyway.

I recently bought bitter apple to spray on the remotes - just in case my kids leave one out.

I have purchased him a bunch of new raw hides.

My plan is to either muzzle him or crate him while I am at work.

Anyone else having the same issues?

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It sounds like it is time to get out the muzzle. Also bitter apple sprayed on things is a very good idea. In addition, I would give him something appropriate to chew on whenever he wants to chew on something he shouldn't.


You don't say how long you've had him or how old he is. Young dogs often want to chew; for instance I have one who will be 2 in another month and I have to watch and redirect her often. Also dogs fresh off the track don't know what they should do or not do and everything is new and interesting. You also may have some anxiety going on.


No matter what lots of long walks are your best friend.


Good luck.

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He's most likely bored. The best bet is to wear him out with play and long walks.


Rawhides are a choking hazard, so he should not be left unattended with one while no one is home. I won't use rawhide at all since it can break off and damage the tummy.


Nylabone might be a better choice and maybe a Kong with some frozen treats in it.


Good luck!


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest DogNewbie

When we first got Wiley, he would chew the door frame/desk/cabinets etc. if he was not crated when we were gone at work. Now, he is fine but we crated him from July to December when we were out of the house. We also walk him once or twice a day weather depending.


Good luck!

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Yes, you don't indicate how much exercise Rocket is getting. If he is thoroughly tired out and still tearing the place apart you have a challenge.


Indeed have lots of appropriate chewables available but it you are not walking him enough than chances are you will not get to the root of the problem. Strapping a muzzle on might save your house but the dog will be very frustrated. If he is a young dog or a higher energy dog than the couch potato cliché does not apply. The often promoted two 20 minute walks per day is a fraction of what many Greyhounds need to be fully content.

Edited by KickReturn
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I have lots of Kong toys Stuffed with peanut butter. That keeps my chewer busy all day with no problems. I have more with the muzzle and her knocking things over

I have lots of Kong toys Stuffed with peanut butter. That keeps my chewer busy all day with no problems. I have more with the muzzle and her knocking things over

Kristen mom to-

Sp FancyPants (Fanny)- 4.20.12 Adopted 3.8.14

Rico's Maggie (Maggie)- 12.3.12 Adopted 1.21.15

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