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Diarrhea In My 4 Year Old Grey/running Out Of Ideas As To Why

Guest katieandpadfoot

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Guest katieandpadfoot

About 3 weeks ago my 4 year old grey Dakota stood up and vomitied. Do I took him to the vet and they put him on famotiden. There has been no vomiting ever since. And at that time he was having normal stools. Now for about a week he has had loose stool. The vet put him in antibiotics and endosorb. Plus a bland diet if chicken and rice. He only goes once a day and there is no urgency about it nor is he asking to go out either. He is eating and playing and acting completely normal. He is now done with his endosorb and has 3 days left on the antibiotic. He is still on the bland diet also. But he is still having loose stool it is now a little more cowpie ish than runny like it was. We have no idea what is causeing it!!! And I really don't think the vet does either. He has been on a grain free food since we got him and I'm wondering if the rice is messing him up. We don't think he's stressing about anything. I know it's another trip back to the vet tomorrow but wanted to ask everyone if they have any advice, I just feel like elee are guessing and not helping him. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Guest OPointyDog

Have you tried a round Flagyl (Metronidazole)? It's often used to treat diarrhea. Tylan powder also works for some greyhounds. A probiotic is also something to consider...

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Some people have found canned pumpkin (no sugar or spices, pumpkin only) to help with diarrhea. Others have written that beet pulp added to their diet helps, I think you can find that in large bags at feed and tack shops, I don't think it's very expensive either.

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Guest katieandpadfoot

Hi...sorry I did forget the name of the med he is on now, and it's metronidazole and we did the probiotic with the first round of antibiotics

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Guest grey_dreams

White rice can give some dogs diarrhea. Try using turkey and oatmeal instead of chicken and rice. Boil turkey breast fillets and cut into smallish pieces, and add some boiling water to old-fashioned oats and let sit for 10-15 minutes to cool, then mix them together and serve.

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Guest katieandpadfoot

Hi...sorry I did forget the name of the med he is on now, and it's metronidazole and we did the probiotic with the first round of antibiotics

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White rice can give some dogs diarrhea. Try using turkey and oatmeal instead of chicken and rice. Boil turkey breast fillets and cut into smallish pieces, and add some boiling water to old-fashioned oats and let sit for 10-15 minutes to cool, then mix them together and serve.

Or you could use ground, white meat, turkey. I use it for my pups and it is greyt.

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Rice always made my last Greyhound's tummy worse,if it was already at the big d stage, I found that potato was the answer to settle it with either white fish or chicken. Ironically, her food which she was fine with contained rice, but it also had beet pulp in it, so maybe that cancelled it out?

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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Hi Grey pup

I go to a site EPI4dogs.com because my German Shepherd has EPI, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. I am not suggesting that Dakota has this at all but the site has info on so many stomach issues. There is a "search" button to type in what you are looking for with an abundance of articles. You can also post questions and get quick responses. The woman who oversees this site has done extensive research. I hope you find and answer and he feels better soon!

As Greyaholic mentioned, pumpkin can be very helpful for digestion. You didn't say what you feed but trying a limited ingredient dog food may be helpful. Keep us posted on his tummy issues.

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Try switching the carb source for your bland diet - rice can often add to the problem and not help it. Oatmeal, over-cooked pasta, sweet or regular potatoes are all options. Also, sometimes the acid-reducer (famotidine) can cause looser stools, as can the antibiotic. If he's been fed grain-free, go with either potato option. He should also have a probiotic for a month or so after getting antibiotics to rebuild his good gut bacteria.


Also, back to the original event, was he vomiting food or was it mostly yellow bile? Many greyhounds can have a problem if their stomachs get too empty. They get upset and vomit up yellow bile. It's not really a reason for a vet visit. Unless there was bright red blood in the vomit (internal bleeding), or he was repeatedly trying to vomit and being unsuccessful (possible bloat), I would probably not go to the vet. You may need to split up his food or save some back to give him a mid-day or late-night snack to help with the empty stomach problem.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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Guest katieandpadfoot

Hi everyone...here is a Dakota update. When he first vomitied it was all undigested food. Now to what's going on now. His poop is still cowpie ish. He is finishing off the metronidazole and still on endosorb. He has now had his second dose of panacur the last dose will be given tomorrow nite. Along with a dose of Diagel. We are slowly starting to switch him back to his regular kibble along with changing the rice to potato. Thursday am we will also start synacore. Really hoping all this works it self out!!! He is still only going once a day, and there is no urgency in it, nor when he's out does he try to go and nothing happens. He seems completely normal except for the poop.

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Unless the rice is cooked to a mashed potato consistency, it could be adding to the problem. I've given up on rice and have gone to boiled, skinless potatoes, slightly "mashed" with the broth from boiling chicken (salt free). Results have been much better than the rice. Even the chicken could be the culprit, so if that doesn't do the trick, you might want to try substituting boiled and well drained ground beef.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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