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Excessive Drinking And Urinating

Guest MorganKonaAlex

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

2 weeks ago, Cinder, (9.5 years old) had a dental. She had leg edema from the IV immediately afterwards. Diarrhea set in the next day but both resolved after a few days. Day 5 she started drinking and urinating large amounts of water. Urine and blood tests show nothing remarkable except low specific gravity. Kidney function good, Cushings test negative, no sign of infection but started on antibiotics anyway, blood sugar good ruling out diabetes. We started her on DES but I don't think it's incontinence. One thing I read about was water diabetes (diabetes insipidus). Anyone have any experience with it or have any suggestions?

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I'd do another urine culture. I've heard that some are hard to diagnose.


Have you started any new foods? I occasionally give a spoonful or 2 of wet food with the dogs meals and 1 wet food caused excessive urination. Within a day or so of finishing the food he was back to normal.


Is she on any medications? Or Any supplements with MSM? A friends female had a urination issue with Dasuquin with MSM and was fine with regular Dasuquin.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

Forgot to mention the Vet put her on Clavamox starting a few days before the dental. After I suspected a UTI, we added Baytril. She's done with the Clavamox but still have 2-3 days of Baytril.


No new foods. I was switching her from Costco's Nature's Domain to Science Diet Healthy Mobility. I've been mixing the 2 for 2 months and she's been on the % mix for several weeks. As for supplements, she gets a regular Dasuquin and Salmon Oil Capsule daily. She's been on the same supplements for years.


Her urine was tested for infection but not cultured. I asked if we should be culturing it. The Vet was willing but felt it was a waste of money with no indication of infection and the amount of antibiotics she's been on.

Edited by MorganKonaAlex
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If she isn't incontinent there's no reason to give DES. I'd stop that.


If she isn't on a stomach protectant such as Pepcid, I'd start. Antibiotics can make for some tummy upset, and some dogs respond to that by drinking extra and therefore having to go out extra.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Houston1219

We had the same problem, and went through the same series of tests upon tests. We came up with nothing! The head-scratching verdict was that he simply didn't know when to quit! Kind of a doggy-OCD, the vet suspected...


Then it clicked! We fill his elevated bowl with water from the Brita pitcher in the fridge (spoiled, I know lol) because it's easier than picking up the large bowl, filling in the sink, and returning to the stand without spilling all over the kitchen floor. As soon as he hears the water pouring into his bowl, he is drinking it down as I'm pouring it. The answer? He just likes cold water!!! He knows we fill it when it's empty, duh! So, he would drink it all the way down on purpose when he wanted new, cold water :rofl He only drinks a lot when we are home. Smarty pants!


Once we started to notice his drinking so much (before this scenario clicked), we became hyper-vigilant, as any worried pet parent would. So, it feeds into itself. We were constantly watching, refilling, tracking... the whole time he was loving it, and we were shelling out money for test after test.


The solution? We pour no more than an inch of water at a time in his bowl, and when he gulps it all down we make him wait a little while before we refill it. Basically making him pace himself. He still drinks all the water that he needs, but has no reason to gulp down a large bowl full to get more because it's continuously refreshed throughout the day!

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Few questions--was she leaking urine (bet wetting) prior to her dental???? If not I'm not sure why you would start her on DES. Also, how is her appetite?? Some dogs will drink excessively when their tummies are "off". Personally, with the absence of an active urinalysis I would stop the Baytril and add Pepcid and she how she does.

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I'd do another urine culture. I've heard that some are hard to diagnose.


Have you started any new foods? I occasionally give a spoonful or 2 of wet food with the dogs meals and 1 wet food caused excessive urination. Within a day or so of finishing the food he was back to normal.


Is she on any medications? Or Any supplements with MSM? A friends female had a urination issue with Dasuquin with MSM and was fine with regular Dasuquin.


May I ask what brand/kind of wet food it was? Not to hijack thread, but having similar issues and this caught my eye as something to look into. Thanks!

Mom to Emmi (WM Lickety Split) & Asia (Devious Walker)
Waiting at the Bridge: Shadow, Willow, Tony, Nina, Reggie, Sunny, Webb, Rosie, Rowdy, Ivy, Smoke & Raina

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I never withhold water from any of the dogs. If there was an infection, vet should have done a urine culture. I think they have to be off atbs for two weeks.


Try some pepcid and see if that helps. What she has been on may be upsetting her stomach and she is over drinking to stop the pain (yes, they do that)

Diane & The Senior Gang

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It was Weruva wet dog food. 2 different flavors, but I can't remember which. I tried the second to see if it happened again. It did so we threw out most of the can. My other dog didn't have an issue with it. I've fed the cat version to my cats before and they didn't seem to have an issue either.

I had a foster dog on ABs for a skin infection for 6 weeks. About 1-2 weeks later he started having excessive urination and drinking. He ended up having a bladder infection/UTI. He probably had it the whole time, but I think the other ABs held it at bay since he went on them the day after I got him. Once he was on the right ABs he cleared right up.

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wonder if he's flushing a toxin out of his system. felix had a similar reaction to nature's domain.


we went thru something similar w/ felix. here's a cut and paste from an old post:

Posted 03 October 2013 - 07:17 PM

"have you monitored exactly how much he is drinking? there is a formula that relates to bodyweight. when i monitored felix's(nearly 5yrs at the time) consumption when we he displayed very similar symptoms. (i didn't post this earlier since i was hoping that you would find a uti or something simple).

from what i remember it was

a dip stick test first& specific gravity

urine analysis

measure water intake

blood workup- one test at a time


it was really difficult trying to see what his output was, between running and me being comatose in the middle of the night and not catching his urine i was inaccurate. but his consumption over was 2 xs the norm. at one point we thought possibly lyme- antibiotics did not make a difference. i brought in the "care of the racing & retired greyhound" and shared it w/ my vet. i thought the signs pointed to diabetes incipidus. he had one other dog w/ it in his 40+ years of practice.but my vet did look at #s, charts and other things i didn't understand and loved the book.he decided to treat him for d.i. since the treatment would have no ill affect if it wasn't successful or necessary. after one shot of vasopressin tannate- he was NORMAL- that was within an hour!. it was as if a switch was turned off or on! our plan was to give him 1/2 a shot and see how he did. no go- called and i administered the other 1/2 which i took home w/me.


well, low and behold he's been fine except for urinary incontience which briefly appeared both before and 9 months after his treatment. go, know?? i am still confused, maybe it was a toxic chewie- a new bunch, maybe change of food- it started after kirkland's domain was tried, (those were thoughts that a friend who is a vet mentioned). what ever, he's as normal as he can be- he's a wierdo! :unsure"


since that post his urinary incontience has has returned, 12.5 mg of proin every other day and he's fine. but he still is thirstier than any other dog i've met. yesterday he was in the car, i had a cup of water from the pizzeria in the cup holder. i ran a quick errand and came back, he took the lid off the cup and drank it. we seem to go thru a ton of water, he pees like a racehorse, but his crazy tanking up on water has subsided and he's as normal as he can be.....being felix!~


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Guest MorganKonaAlex

I was hoping we were on the mend but we're not there yet. The water consumption is down significantly but still above normal and she had a pee accident in the house on Monday. I'm measuring consumption and she's averaging 64 oz. Not a *lot* for some dogs but at least 50% above normal and she's never had accidents in the house before. We have done all tests mentioned by cleptogrey. All normal except for low specific gravity. I took my Care of the Racing Greyhound book to the Vet to read about diabetes insipidus. The next step is to do a modified water restriction test (allow half her current consumption) and take a first morning urine. We going to see if she's capable of concentrating the urine. My Vet said in the 40 years she's practiced, she's only seen DI once. She will then refer me to Tufts ($$$ and redoing tests). I don't think she'd be willing to try the treatment for DI herself.


I decided to try giving Zantac for a few days to see if that helps. If not, I'll try going back to Nature's Domain. I don't think it's the food change but willing to try. I've been mixing the foods for months and she's been on 3/4 Science Diet Healthy Mobility and 1/4 Nature's Domain for about 2 months.

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