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Sore Feet From Snow?

Guest Ebony

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So I took tito out into the yard for a potty break. We moved into our new house about a month ago and currently its an unfenced yard so I leash walk him. Well I was walking him around and he did his business, all the while shivering (poor boy, its been so cold and snowy) but when we were walking to the house he let out this horrible squealing noise and wouldn't move anymore. Totally scared me. He wouldn't walk anymore so I carefully picked him up and carried all 85 pounds of him into the porch and back inside. I felt down his legs, back and neck and checked his feet. He does have a small cut on the webbing under left back foot that's been healing but otherwise I couldn't find anything else wrong. I'm wondering because its been so cold and there's a good amount of snow that the cold might be hurting his feet? I'm considering getting some booties to use when I take him outside. Any recommendations?

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It could also be the snow melt and/or salt used on the roads and sidewalks. Makes Maverick's and Fancy's feet hurt. Zoe used to stop abruptly and hold up a foot so I could scrap the snow out from between her pads, like Rachael noted. The first couple times, I thought she had stepped on a nail or something, her response was so abrupt!


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Guest BlueCrab

We're in MD, too. Our Trixie has started refusing to go out within the last day or so, so we've had to resort to using her K9 Defender boots the last couple days. DH keeps believing she'll be fine so he takes her out without them, then he ends up carrying her back home when her feet get cold and she stops moving. I've just made using the boots the default when I take her out. I'm strong, but I'm not carrying her back home if I don't have to. Besides, we have our fluffy Leyland who we have to watch as well. He's got a good full coat and fluffy snowshoe feet, but the snow builds up in his pads and he ends up miserable as well - and he won't wear boots. So if I'm worrying about him (he's got a bad heart so I worry about him getting stressed), I'm happy using Trixie's boots if she's happy. And she doesn't mind wearing them.

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The boys start to hobble on walks when it gets too cold, so we have Muttluks that we opt to put on for walks. We know it's too cold when the boys struggle to walk home - often it is just cold pavement and not necessarily salt, although it is often a combination of both that is problematic.


I don't blame Tito for yelping, you try walking around outside in your bare feet! LOL I am not sure if he's in pain insofar as he just can't feel his feeties! He's just letting you know he's not having fun out there. Oddly, I find Ryder statuing, sometimes with one paw in the air....and figure, well if you are cold you should move faster to get into the house instead of pausing outside! Their feet hurt so they just stop!


It would certainly be worth looking up a robust set of booties. I also have a set of Pawz (the thin rubberized ones) that I use to treat corns on Kasey and are used primarily indoors, but I have the purple ones, since the blue ones are just too tight around his stick legs. I'm not sure how they stack up against preventing feet from getting cold, but most definitely they keep salt and wetness out.

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Thank you everyone for the replies! The getting snow between his toes and a reaction to the cold and or salt makes sense. Fortunately where I am walking him salt is less of an issue but It's been very cold here lately. This morning it was 3F out! When I take him out for pottie breaks in this cold I try to make it quick so he doesn't have to be out in the cold long. I know I don't want t be out long either lol.


PrairieProf thanks for the link, I'll look into those boots too. Keeping the snow and wetness out should hopefully help. How do they stack up against Ice? I worry if we get another ice storm this year it makes walking even on the snow uncomfortable.

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Desi is another one of those hounds that are weinies in the snow. It's been below 0 here plus plenty of snow that quickly

freezes to "crunchy." He has arthritis in his feet/wrists and the cold really seems to bother him. So, not only does he

have mutluk boots, but we also put fleece socks on first, then the boots. At least one coat, sometimes two. It's the

only way to get the business done without a lot of drama. Although when mama is "crouch walking" around dressing

all 4 hound feet, it's plenty of drama for her.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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We do boots when the temps drop below zero. They are ok for quick pee trips until it hits -5 then they need boots. We have had a lot of those this winter. With three that's a pain but there is no way I can carry a 80lb hound.

Sue ,Sky and Dood, Bridge angels Clark, Gypsy, Dreamy and Sneakers, Oshkosh,WI Heartbound Greyhound Adoptionsept2013sigcopy_zps8ad6ed09.jpg<p>

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Guest FreeholdHound

Harry has been doing the same thing since the snow hit, along with every Lab I know. I picked up the PAWZ boots & I have the ones from Voyager K9 Apparel. My problem is he won't let me put them on. Will attempt it again throughout the weekend & may have to muzzle him to do it.

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