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Mysterious, Disappearing Red Splotches

Guest Mr_Owski

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Guest Mr_Owski

We've noticed recurring red marks showing up on one of our dogs.

The one below is about the size of a dime, but we've seen a couple that have been as large as a quarter. We only spot them one at a time, and our other hound shows no signs of them, leading us to believe it's not something contagious. These marks are not sores and are not raised off the skin. We notice them primarily in our dog's under arms and belly...though I'm not sure if that's only because the hair is thinnest in those places and in reality there could be more hiding underneath his black fur. These spots will only be visible for 2-4 days and will then disappear. Our dog shows no signs of discomfort, scratching, or licking at these areas. I'm not overly worried, but I'd be happy to find some answers if others have experienced the same.





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He is experiencing bruising under the skin. I would have his platelets checked.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
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My Alex gets this, too. As OP described, it lasts a few days, then disappears. There are no signs of discomfort, and no other issues. Alex's mystery spot recurs in the same place on his chest every time. My vet, who is a very experienced Greyhound vet, has not been concerned with it. OP, if you find out anything differently, would you let me know? Thanks.

Cheryl - "Mom" to RUNNER (Gunnah, born 6/15/2012) and FARGO (Ridin Shotgun, born 8/21/2015). Missing my Grey-Angels HEISMAN (RX Heisman) (3/29/2005-2/1/2016) and ALEX (Bevenly) (4/15/2005-6/7/2018).

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Guest Mr_Owski

The internet is a wonderful thing. Thanks for the quick responses.

No, he only has a martingale collar, so none of the bruising is caused by repetitive harness rub or pressure.

We'll definitely get him to the vet if the issue persists. I want to do a bit more observation with my dog to try and get a better understanding of the frequency of these spots and if there's some common activity or thing in our daily routine that may be the cause of it as well.

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Guest grey_dreams

The internet is a wonderful thing. Thanks for the quick responses.

No, he only has a martingale collar, so none of the bruising is caused by repetitive harness rub or pressure.

We'll definitely get him to the vet if the issue persists. I want to do a bit more observation with my dog to try and get a better understanding of the frequency of these spots and if there's some common activity or thing in our daily routine that may be the cause of it as well.


Please be aware that if it is immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, the condition can get extremely serious extremely rapidly. Everything will seem to be sort of ok, just a couple of spots, and bam. There are some treatment options if it is caught early enough. Please get your boy in for tests sooner rather than later, just to avoid a possible worst-case scenario.

Edited by grey_dreams
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Guest GryffinSong

Gryffin used to get these. We never got an explanation and they never bothered him. I think he got them mainly in warm weather, but I don't really remember. He got more than one spot at a time.

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George gets those from time to time. They seem to disappear as quickly as they show up. I just figure they're bruises since I am frequently covered with mysterious bruises myself.


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Guest BrindleBabes

I e-mailed a photo of one of these to my vet (who has had several greys of her own). She said: "Could be a hematoma - greys get these, they normally rupture and go away in a few days, then pop up at other places." She was right.

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Guest lynne893

yes, bruises as others have suggested. could be serious, could be totally benign.


we found that they can get these small bruises, or sometimes quite large bruises!, from someone picking them up/carrying/lifting them, like at the vet or from bathing at the groomer.


it happens. but wise that you asked your vet and you're keeping an eye on it.

not to scare you, but i should add that our beloved Timber got a HUGE bruise across her entire chest after a stay at the vet for something (can't remember if it was boarding or if she had a minor procedure), but that was the prelude to her passing 7 mo later from alimentary lymphoma, which is also a blood disorder.

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