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Strange Lump On Our Zippy

Guest Lahti35

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Guest Lahti35

Tonight while walking Zippy we noticed a large lump on his back between his
shoulder blades. I groomed him yesterday afternoon and it was not there.

Its not hard, sorta firm. doesn't bother him when we touch it. He's eating fine
and bouncing around like usual. The only change we can see in him is that when
he starts to shake he stops quickly, as if its not comfortable...

I looked over the spot carefully but can't see any red marks or a bee stinger.
All we can think of is that he got stung by a bee but he hasn't been outside
unattended and we never heard a yelp or saw any strange reaction. He's going
into the vet asap and we're keeping a close watch on him.

Anybody seen anything like this before?



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Guest IrskasMom

I would recomment a Vet Visit.

My Morty had a Lump on his Hindend a few Years back and it was removed by my Vet . He said it was a Mastcell Tumor . He never had a Problem since.

I keep my Fingers crossed for some simple Explanation / or Fix. Keep us updated on Zippy please .

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Yikes-it's concerning. Your vet will have to run a fine needle aspirate. Hopefully, he'll be able to get representative cells to determine the pathology of this.

Try not to manipulate it just in case it's a mast cell tumor. Does he wear a harness? I

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Most likely needs a vet visit. Could be a tumor as others have said, or something like an insect / spider bite. Either way I would have it checked ASAP, especially since it appeared overnight.


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Guest Lahti35

OK so we hit the vet this AM for shots and treats and examination of the mystery lump. The vet drew out some matter from the lump and looked under the microscope. She saw lots of blood but no fatty or other more sinister things. Her conclusion is that its a collection of blood. It hasn't grown at all since monday so she told us to do cold compresses twice a day for a week and if the lump doesn't start to reduce to return. We'll be watching it close.


He's bouncing around like normal and not leaving any scraps in the food bowl so other than this he's fine. I told my wife last night that with the lump there's just more of him to love!

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Such an odd place for a lump. By any chance did he recently have a microchip placement?

Since it was enough blood to make that big a bump on top of him, keep an eye out in the next few days to see if it travels south and forms a mushy bump under him on his chest at the lowest point.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
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Guest Lahti35

Such an odd place for a lump. By any chance did he recently have a microchip placement?

Since it was enough blood to make that big a bump on top of him, keep an eye out in the next few days to see if it travels south and forms a mushy bump under him on his chest at the lowest point.


No chips, Zippy is non-electronic...


We'll be watching him very close. I hadn't thought of looking down under for migrating blood... we'll watch there too!

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