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No Longer Sleeping In The Bed :(

Guest GalgoMom

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Guest GalgoMom

Hi all,

I've had my galgo for 8 months now. For most of the time we have had him, my galgo has slept in the bed with my fiance and I. 2 full grown adults and a 60 lb dog in a queen size bed is definitely a tight squeeze, but I never minded.


All the sudden, in the last few days, my boy has decided to sleep on our futon in the loft off of our master bedroom. One night he even slept on the queen size in the spare room. Has anyone else experienced this? I have to admit, I'm kind of sad! (My fiance isn't complaining, though!) Thoughts?

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It's not something I would be too concerned about... It sounds like your galgo is gaining some independence, which is normal after being home for 8 months. My Truman is a true velcro dog, and he HAS to lay in bed, touching one with us when we're awake. But when it's lights out, he goes downstairs and sleeps on the couch. The first few times he did it, I was confused. But I think he just prefers his own space when he's sleeping.

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Our greyhound recently started this, too. He always slept in his crate in our bedroom at night and then suddenly, he decided that the futon in our living/dining room was the place to be at night. It bothered us at first (was he going to be cold? was he going to wake up and wonder where we were?) but then we thought: hey, if he's not causing problems and seems to be happy there, we should just "let sleeping dogs lie". So, we did :) We had recently moved into a smaller, 1 story home and had our grey about 7 months when he started sleeping on the futon.

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Guest Clawsandpaws

Get a king sized bed and see if he comes back! When we had our full size, it was me, my bf and our 70 lb grey.... He slept on the couch at night (on the bed during the day) until we got a plush king sized bed!


In all seriousness, I agree with a_daerr, as long as everything else is normal, I wouldn't be worried. Do either you or your fiance snore? Maybe you guys are waking him up too much at night!

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Guest Eyeblaura

I wouldn't be too concerned either. Enzo has never slept on our bed but he always slept on his bed in our room at night. In the last month he has taken to sleeping on the couch downstairs some nights. Most nights he still comes upstairs but once or twice a week he stays down.


Funny thing is if he sleeps upstairs we have to beg him to come down in the morning for turn out and breakfast before we leave. If he sleeps downstairs once he hears us up and moving he comes up and lays on his bed until we are ready to go downstairs. Goofball.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

HA, I've got the opposite problem! My grey usually sleep sin her crate, but DH has been spoiling her by letting her sleep on the bed lately. Twice he's let her out after I've nodded off!

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Our grey did this after a couple of months, though he was sleeping in our bedroom on his own bed...not our bed. I also thought something was wrong, but it turned out that he just really likes his crate (now, the couch..hehe) and felt comfortable enough that he did not need to be in the same room as us when he slept. After we got over being sad, we were thrilled; no more waking up at all hours of the night to scratching, licking, digging, etc. But who knows...maybe he got tired of listening to us!

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Guest GalgoMom

Thanks for the replies! Glad to hear other people have had this experience. My galgo used to be a hard core cuddler - he would turn a circle on the bed and practically flop on top of you, he had to be so close. Now he hops up, turns a half-circle, gives us a look of disgust and hops down to look for a better spot. I miss my boy sleeping in the bed! My fiance jokes that he is "teenager" now (he just turned 3) and we need to respect his space. LOL

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Guest DragonflyDM

Boomer goes back and forth. Some times he can't get close enough too me and lays there all night long on top of me. Other times he wants to be in his crate. Other times he wants to be on he LuvSac (like a big bean bag couch) in another room by himself.


No matter what he will come on the bed in the morning and try to pretend he has been there all night---but he is a really bad actor.

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My dog slept with me for years, and recently he stopped. I think the cats were cramping his style!




I miss him, but I am sleeping better, and so is he.


Anyone know how to pry a Siamese cat off your head when you're sleeping?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Both Tessa and Ellie would sleep on the bed with me at night. But after a few months, Ellie preferred the dog bed in the closet or the futon in the living room. I think once she figured out i wasn't going anywhere, she was more comfortable

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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Our puppy Lilly has recently started this. She's 17 months old now and has always slept with us, beside us, on us, under us. She loves to cuddle and even sleep under the covers. But I think she just started wanting to stretch out a little sometimes. She'll get down on her own and sleep on a dog bed like a normal dog. The others like it because then they get a chance on the bed!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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