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Suggestions Of Good Fish To Feed

Guest AceyGrey

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Guest AceyGrey

Ace loves his food, especially fish. He'd rather have fish with his kibble than meat.

He mostly has sardines as when we got him from the kennels they suggested these are best for his coat. He has had some white fish too which he loves.

He has some salmon oil with his morning biscuits to, to keep that lovely spotty coat of his nice and shiny.


I just wondered if anyone knows of any other fish that would be good for him?

Or if I should limit the amount of fish given to him?


Thanks :)

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I don't remember where I read it however mackerel and salmon are the two main fish I feed-I'm a raw feeder and supplement once a week with one of those two. Fwiw.


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Guest snoopycomehome

I tried raw whole fish (with the head on) from the market, but they stared at me like "REALLY...?" Even the cat glared at me.


Guess it wasn't stinky enough, because they would eat canned mackerel and sardines in tomato sauce by the ton if I let them. :lol

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Guest AceyGrey
I tried raw whole fish (with the head on) from the market, but they stared at me like "REALLY...?" Even the cat glared at me.


Guess it wasn't stinky enough, because they would eat canned mackerel and sardines in tomato sauce by the ton if I let them. :lol



Hahaha. Oh I definitely know that would be Ace's reaction too haha.


I've heard lots of people say about Mackerel so I'll definitely try those.

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Guest snoopycomehome

My greys know EXACTLY what 'stinky fishies' mean...they get almost excited about that as when I say 'walk'. :hehe


In fact, Dragon will grab the can out of my hands and run away. Then I have to retrieve said can from his bed! :lol

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Fish is a great protein, but if you feed a lot I would beware of ones high in mercury or other pollutants. For that reason alone, I personally wouldn't feed a fish based food, but feeding it as an add in should be okay (I am assuming the same human guidelines of recommended fish and amounts relative to toxins applies to dogs). I feed sardines, mackerel, whitefish, salmon, smelt and sometimes local lake fish that my brother catches. I also feed canned mussels once a week, they are very high in zinc which is great for the fur and skin. I have to say, my pups aren't super fond of fish :P


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Guest Giselle

I would think that the nutritional value of fish for dogs is similar to that of people. The basic rule regarding mercury is: Big carnivorous fish = lots of mercury. Smaller, short-lived fish = less mercury. Fish that are particularly susceptible to high levels of mercury do include salmon and tuna.


A few species of fish are less nutritionally valuable in terms of fatty acid content. Farmed tilapia, though excellent for the environment, is particularly low in omega 3 fatty acids. Other fish low in omega-3 are: cod, catfish, and light canned tuna.


On the bright side, small fish (so relatively low in mercury) with high levels of omega-3 are: anchovies, mackerel, and sardines.


To me, these are the facts and risks, and I would choose according to your comfort level with feeding certain types of fish.

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Guest AceyGrey
I would think that the nutritional value of fish for dogs is similar to that of people. The basic rule regarding mercury is: Big carnivorous fish = lots of mercury. Smaller, short-lived fish = less mercury. Fish that are particularly susceptible to high levels of mercury do include salmon and tuna.


A few species of fish are less nutritionally valuable in terms of fatty acid content. Farmed tilapia, though excellent for the environment, is particularly low in omega 3 fatty acids. Other fish low in omega-3 are: cod, catfish, and light canned tuna.


On the bright side, small fish (so relatively low in mercury) with high levels of omega-3 are: anchovies, mackerel, and sardines.


To me, these are the facts and risks, and I would choose according to your comfort level with feeding certain types of fish.


Thanks for that. Very helpful



Jack mackerel!! I have also fed smelts, sardines (fresh & canned) and cod (I bought individually frozen pieces from Costco). I don't feed fish too often as I need to keep the phosphorus level down in my girls diet.


We use frozen pieces too and canned sardines (I haven't tried fresh yet)

At the moment he gets fish twice a week (for dinner one and then for tea another)

Do you think that's enough?

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My guys favorite is the sardines in tomato sauce - they split a tin once a week.

Have fed Jack Mackrel (called poor man's salmon by some) and if I get salmon to grill for me they each get a bit. All 3 gobble up any fish except mabye whole head on ones (haven't tried those) - they are fish fiends! I honestly have to lock myself in the bedroom to eat a tuna sandwich in peace :rolleyes: and as a result only have one maybe once a month. They get the tuna water and about a teaspoon each on their kibble. They've had bits of catfish and tilipia and liked them but the only one I've fed in quantity is mackrel.

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Thanks for that. Very helpful





We use frozen pieces too and canned sardines (I haven't tried fresh yet)

At the moment he gets fish twice a week (for dinner one and then for tea another)

Do you think that's enough?

"For tea another"--had took look -saw you are in the UK-so cute. Is tea time=lunch? I think feeding a couple times a week is fine. You can add fish oil to their diets if you feel they need the benefit for their skin and coats etc..
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Guest AceyGrey
"For tea another"--had took look -saw you are in the UK-so cute. Is tea time=lunch? I think feeding a couple times a week is fine. You can add fish oil to their diets if you feel they need the benefit for their skin and coats etc..


Hahaha. Is saying tea very British of me? :hehe

I call dinner - lunch and then tea is the last big meal of the day.

Although I get told by my friends from other areas of the UK that I shouldn't say dinner and should just say lunch haha.


Ace has fish oil with his breakfast kibble (he knows the finer things in life now and plain kibble just doesn't cut it) and because he gets really dry skin which becomes really obvious on his black spotty fur.

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This so so funny-so let's see, you have breakfast then, dinner/lunch and then tea? Think that's awesome. Here in the states we typically have breakfast, lunch and then dinner (or supper). Snacks are the in between meals.

I have a black hound and yup, dander shows up very easily. I do use a fish based omega oil daily-Welactin by nutramax. I'm not sure it's available in the UK though.

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I usually boil fish just because my dogs are picky, but they will sometimes eat frozen whole raw fish. Feeding it raw should be fine. Some fish in the salmon family *can* have a parasite in them that can be harmful, but as far as I know other types of fish do not have them. Either way, if you freeze the fish for a day or two it will kill off any parasites.


Funny, but every dog I have ever fed raw fish to will eat the head first! In Teague's case that is all he will eat...he usually leave the body behind and I have to boil it up to get him to eat it :P





My old dog ate the head off first as well...must be the nutritious part :)


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I purchase frozen whiting filets at Giant (I make sure its not from China). I put in large frying pan with a little water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 5 mins, turn off water and let sit 20mins. Its expensive so I don't feed much so I also soak oat flakes overnight in the fish broth, add some cooked sweet potato - mix it all together and they love it.:) brit

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