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Sherry Lost Couch Privileges.

Guest FrankieWylie

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Guest FrankieWylie

But should we extend this to our bed as well?


Last night she snapped at Kieran, our 9 year old and caught him in the armpit/shoulder. Didn't really break the skin, but she's been quite the punk lately.


So she has lost couch privileges. But, she is also a bed sleepr and will get in our bed and our 8 year olds bed. Should we keep her off these as well? This morning when I wouldn't allow her on the couch she whimpered and sulked to back. Where I'm sure she got on the bed. I just haven't gotten up to look yet ;)

Edited by FrankieWylie
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I don't have this problem 'cause my girl doesn't go on furniture nor do I have a child in the house, except my granddaughter occasionally. You don't say what precipitated the snapping, if anything. Nonetheless, if I were in your shoes, I would not allow my dog on the bed with my children. If Sherry is guarding her space -- perfectly normal -- then she will do it anywhere and there's no way to anticipate it.

Edited by Feisty49
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No beds or couches, especially if she's snapped at the kids. If you have to, either close the kids doors at night and during the day or get baby gates so she can't have access to them. Give it a few weeks and try again. If you see her pull back her lips, growl or snap I would remove those privileges for quite some time.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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What was it that caused her to snap at your son? If she is already used to going on the couch or bed/ she most likely has associated these places as her places of refuge - not places of privileges. These are parts of her home and safety. She does not know that you feel they are privileges. Do you have a nice big comfy dog bed for her to retreat to?

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Guest FrankieWylie

Sorry! I was typing quickly before I had to leave this morning :)


Kieran was hugging her and she started to growl (that low burly warning growl) and when he went to back off (not quickly enough obviously) she snapped too. She is a complete snuggle bug and regularly sleeps with the kids or us. I think this behavior is just a result of ALL of us being home 24/7 on Christmas break. They usually have at least three hours of alone time during the week to hang out, relax and just be. They haven't had much of that these last few weeks. And, since this just happened last night, she hasn't slept with the kids since.


We have plenty of dog beds around the house, and a crate in the living room, so many places she can still rest comfortably!


Sherry is the dog that will climb in your lap. Jump OVER you onto the couch and snuggle in right behind you and pass out. She LOVES to be loved. She's been a wee bit snippy lately when SHE has gotten into one of those tight spaces (specifically between Greg and me, or me and a kid). Then, she adjusts herself and makes that growl that tells you to get off of her....when she put herself there! Crazy dog. And just in the last few days she has gotten snappy with Magic and Charlie when they walk by her on the couch. I've been considering revoking her furniture privileges for a few days, but this just made go ahead and say no more right now.


I'm not upset with her in that I am ANGRY that she bit him. I just don't want this behavior to become habit. Kieran isn't upset with her either. They made peace last night LOL! The removal from furniture is all in the name of what's best for everyone. Though, I know this will really effect her because, when I tell you she is a snuggle bug, I don't exaggerate that at all. Close contact is incredibly important for her.


Four of the five bedrooms are gated off.....but she knows how to open the gate :rofl So we will have to close our bedroom door. The other bedroom (Ella's) is in the front of the house. I would baby gate it, but Ella is too short to get over the gate (which is also why the gate that blocks off the back of the house is one that opens), so we will work hard on keeping her door closed! Ella's bed is certainly her favorite spot next to the couch. But she rarely sleeps on the bed with her!



Here she is sleeping with Kieran just this week:



Puppy love. They have been asleep like this for hours. #greyhound #greyhoundsoninstagram by *just_me*, on Flickr


She is the one upside down in Greg's lap here:



Bwahahahha. Think they're comfy? #greyhounds #retiredracer #racingdogs by *just_me*, on Flickr


And her she has situated herself on top of Kieran :rofl



Somewhere there's a kid in here. Sherry doesn't care. #greyhounds #familybed by *just_me*, on Flickr




So, as you can see, she is all about being up close and personal with us. I just don't want this to become a habit. And, I also don't want long term termination of furniture privileges either!

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I'd revoke furniture privileges temporarily. But I'd also recommend not hugging in the future. Just because a hound likes close contact and snuggling doesn't mean they like being hugged. Hugging is a humans sign of affection and is often uncomfortable and unnatural for dogs.


Holiday commotion and changes in routine can definitely also increase a dog's stress level and make them less tolerant of things they may be ok with at other times. But again, I find that most dogs just tolerate hugs and really don't enjoy them.

Edited by JJNg

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest FrankieWylie

Jennifer you are totally right! We have told the kids that they don't enjoy "pressure" on their bodies. They LOVE to snuggle, but you can't wrap your leg around them. Hugging would be the same thing...that pressure, especially if it's the "neck" area. It's so hard to put into words the exact type of physical affection LOL!

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My Maggie was home just a few weeks when she bit my DS on the face. He was just walking by her while she was awake on the sofa - not looking at her, not touching her, not gesturing to her - and he got bit. My DH was ready to send her back. But I realized the situation was my fault - I gave her far too much privilege and latitude. Revoking furniture lounging, touching her while she was on her bed, hanging on her, etc. stopped right away. Now she needs permission to get up on the couch (although it's anything goes when we're not home.


You're lucky that she'll give a warning growl. It sounds like you're doing all the right stuff. So glad your son and Sherry have made up!

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g240/mtbucket/siggies/Everyday-2.jpgJane - forever servant to the whims and wishes of Maggie (L's Magnolia of JCKC) and Sam the mutt pup.[/b]

She's classy, sassy and a bit smart assy.

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Cute pics. She certainly loves cuddles like you mentioned. I only had one like that years ago. I miss that.


My Bella is too dignified. She will come to me for attention when SHE wants it. I feel like a second class cuddle servant to her. LOL LOL

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Guest team_tonio

I agree with everyone else - no furniture for the time being. Really glad it wasn't more serious - having a 9 yr old that is not a scenario I would like to consider... sounds like you have it under control though. :)


I definitely think there's something to be said for downtime - my boy (the dog not the kid :lol ) made it very clear he was OVER the houseguests on Christmas Day... and New Year's come to think of it. Great pics - and I laughed right out at your sig line. gotta start using that myself around here ;)

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Guest FrankieWylie

So far so good!


She has privileges back :/


Y'all can what what you want but she moped around the house and was completely not herself while on restrictions. It truly effected her entire demeanor.


So, she's back to major snuggling and so far hasn't even done her low rumble. She's happy, kids are happy, we are happy :-)

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Joey is my boy that doesn't want anyone touching him when he is laying down. Now if he joins someone while they are on a bed he's fine, until they move and then he lets them know he's not happy. I tried letting him on my bed with me as he's been improving and now that Jilly Bean is gone. Would you believe the little turkey growled at me when I shifted position! Yep, off the bed he went. I told him to get down and go lay on his bed.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest FrankieWylie

Judy that's how we roll over here. Especially in our bed. Magic has become quite the sleeping partner. He starts put between our feet and by morning has snuggled his way right up our bodies with his head on us. Crazy boy.

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Well - I think you were right for taking away couch privelages. But - I also think you're right that weird holiday circumstances in the house might have made for some weirdness. If it was me - I'd have definately been VERY UPSET and very worried - and taken step to make sure that didn't happen again.


BUT - if it was a one-time thing, and you dealt with it - I wouldn't ban the dog from furniture forever. If you're sure all is good - I'd let it slide. Your kids and dogs obviously have a close relationship.


Years ago - my Sobe snapped at my DD's face. Something I NEVER thought would happen. But - it was Easter morning. This house was a zoo. DD was running around the house looking for Easter eggs, and my Sobe was in a tizzy - the situation was weird for him. While DD was on hands and knees looking under the coffee table - Sobe snapped at her face. She was terrified - I was horrified. Sobe ran and hid under my bed.


Sometimes a dog reacts to a situation - even if it isn't "that" weird. DD and Sobe had rolled around on the floor forever - she was 8. I carefully monitored for several days. There WAS NO ISSUE. There was a one-time incident.


It's very important to monitor dogs with kids - but it's also important to know YOUR dog and YOUR kids. And know what is right in your house. We accept that our kids act totally out of character and screw up bad once in a while - dogs do too. That doesn't make them bad kids or bad dogs


Stuff happens. No harm - no foul.

Well - I think you were right for taking away couch privelages. But - I also think you're right that weird holiday circumstances in the house might have made for some weirdness. If it was me - I'd have definately been VERY UPSET and very worried - and taken step to make sure that didn't happen again.


BUT - if it was a one-time thing, and you dealt with it - I wouldn't ban the dog from furniture forever. If you're sure all is good - I'd let it slide. Your kids and dogs obviously have a close relationship.


Years ago - my Sobe snapped at my DD's face. Something I NEVER thought would happen. But - it was Easter morning. This house was a zoo. DD was running around the house looking for Easter eggs, and my Sobe was in a tizzy - the situation was weird for him. While DD was on hands and knees looking under the coffee table - Sobe snapped at her face. She was terrified - I was horrified. Sobe ran and hid under my bed.


Sometimes a dog reacts to a situation - even if it isn't "that" weird. DD and Sobe had rolled around on the floor forever - she was 8. I carefully monitored for several days. There WAS NO ISSUE. There was a one-time incident.


It's very important to monitor dogs with kids - but it's also important to know YOUR dog and YOUR kids. And know what is right in your house. We accept that our kids act totally out of character and screw up bad once in a while - dogs do too. That doesn't make them bad kids or bad dogs


Stuff happens. No harm - no foul. IMHO you handled this perfectly.

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Guest maidmarcia

I remember Licorice snapped at my sister once when he was on the couch and she was sitting down next to him. I immediately revoked his couch privileges. At night I would even take the cushions off of the couch so he could only sleep in his bed. He learned really really quickly, haha.

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