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Toys To Keep Them Busy

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:ghplaybow I am in need of some activity to keep Cinnibuns busy. I do have a kong and put treats in them but she just rolls it around until the treats fall out - which is a very short time. I have put in bigger pieces that don't fall out and she just finally gives up and leaves it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I do walk her 3 x's daily and she loves to do zoomies in the fenced in back yard; however, with snow coming I won't be doing 3 walks a day. Since my husband passed April 2011, it's just me and my Cinnibuns. I am on a fixed income and can't afford to get her a companion.........Any ideas?? Thank you

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Ah yes. I raised an english pointer puppy (what was I thinking). I heartily recommned this one:



You can adjust the size of the opening to make it more difficult.


We also love the Tug-a-jug. Very difficult.



You can fill the kong then plug the hole with peanut butter or cream cheese and throw it in the freezer. It will take them a while to work down to the kibble.


Also, PetCo sells hollow bones about 3 or 4 inches long. They are cheaper than kongs and can be used the same way. Stuff with treats or kibble and plug the ends with peanut butter then stick in the freezer.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

If she rolls her Kong until the treats fall out instead of licking or chewing to get them, you might try a Buster Cube. http://www.amazon.com/Buster-Food-Cube-Large-Colors/dp/B0006G54OU


Jayne will chase this thing around the house until it's completely empty. You can adjust the hole where the food falls out, to make it last longer. It's a good idea to keep the hole size large at first, until the dog is really sure about how it works, then you can up the challenge later to make it last longer.


Many greys, however, are simply too lazy to play with it, but it sounds like your girl's style from how she plays with her Kong. Once great thing about the cube is that even when it's nearly empty, you can hear the treats rattle inside, and that keeps them rolling it (I generally just use kibble in Jayne's)




You might also try some of the puzzle toys they have available. http://www.amazon.com/Ethical-Seek-A-Treat-Shuffle-Bone-Puzzle/dp/B0038WP1YC/ref=sr_1_2?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1355415399&sr=1-2&keywords=dog+puzzle+toy These are fun and get their little brains moving. Since you take part, it's also a good way to bond and play with her.

Edited by Jayne
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When Nessa was a puppy I fed her meals using three different treat toys. She would get frustrated with one and go work on another for a while. It would take her a half hour to eat her dinner and at the end of it she was ready for a nap.


She is 3 now and will still bring me a toy to fill for her.

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Guest Clawsandpaws

On accident the other day I left a yogurt in the freezer (I just wanted it to be colder!) and when I finally remembered, it was frozen solid! I didn't want to thaw it, so instead (it was a plain fat free yogurt) I gave it to Sir Dudley. He LOVED it. It took him about half an hour to lick a tablespoon or so away, I put it back in the freezer, and the next day, repeated it. After I did that I started freezing other thing in the yogurt, treats, pumpkin, etc. It is awesome! He loves it way more than a kong, just make sure you monitor how much he's eating :)

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Guest Giselle
When Nessa was a puppy I fed her meals using three different treat toys. She would get frustrated with one and go work on another for a while. It would take her a half hour to eat her dinner and at the end of it she was ready for a nap.


She is 3 now and will still bring me a toy to fill for her.

This is exactly it.


The problem is usually not the toy itself being "boring". It's the fact that your dog needs to work for its daily meals with the toy. I almost never feed my dogs treats because it's extra food they don't need (or want, in some cases). So, an easy way to build motivation for the toy is simply to switch from feeding out of a bowl to feeding your dog's meals in the toy. If you think about it, all creatures have been programmed to work for their food. You'll actually be doing your pup a service by making it work for its meals ;)

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Lila is a food hound and has no interest in toys unless they dispense tasty treats.

She gets a daily frozen kong or orbee tuff fruit/veggie stuffed with some combination of PB/Pumpkin/Oatmeal/Banana - I mix it up each week. I make a big batch and fill them all up on Sunday and toss in the freezer. Makes my mornings really easy.

We have this ball that I fill with kibble or apple or cheese. The hole is pretty large so it's her instant gratification toy.


She loves this wobbler also filled with kibble, a little more difficult than the Orbee Tuff ball


We bought this ball when we first got her and she's just now (4 months later) starting to get the hang of it. More challenging than the Orbee Tuff and Nylabone.


We have a large Kong Wobbler, but she really doesn't get it. She'll paw at it or nose it a bit then gives up.


She has this bone too, the discs don't last terribly long, but it's not a bad option when we need to occupy her for a bit to keep her out of the kitchen, etc.


I haven't tried any of the puzzle games yet - she's more the instant gratification type!

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Guest OPointyDog

I mix a little kibble with pumpkin and put that in a kong, then plug the hole with peanut butter and put it in the freezer. Keeps our girl busy for awhile, and then she finds it again a little later and drops it on the floor over and over looking for the kibbles to fall out as the pumpkin melts. I call them "dog pacifiers" :)

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I have a different suggestion, what about fostering? I am sure that the group you adopted from could use the extra help, and at the same time your girl will have a companion and you wont have the added cost. Win-win.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest psdirector

Does everyone use a regular Kong or do you use the Wobbler? We are waiting for our dogs and we want to get supplies in so we have them when the pups arrive! What are the best things to use to keep them busy while we are at work?

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Guest greybabylove

Crush likes the tug-a-jug, and Tyra likes this ball. But neither of them can figure out each others haha. Crush follows Tyra around when she's pushing the ball around and steals the treats ;) Tyra didn't seem to have much interest in the tug-a-jug. I just fill them with kibble most of the time.

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Take her out in the yard and encourage the zoomies.


I'm not a big fan of using food to keep a dog busy in lieu of the dog getting exercise.


I'd consider teaching her tricks (or obedience commands, if she doesn't already know the basics) instead of just giving her treats and such. That's kind of like plopping a kid in front of the TV instead of actually keeping him busy DOING something!


And unless you have some sort of physical limitation which makes walking in snow dangerous, there is really no reason you can't walk the dog when it's snowing.


George and I go out 5x minimum 365 days a year. And I have an artificial hip now--but I have no choice. He has yet to freeze to death, and neither have I!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Does everyone use a regular Kong or do you use the Wobbler? We are waiting for our dogs and we want to get supplies in so we have them when the pups arrive! What are the best things to use to keep them busy while we are at work?



I have used both. Nessa gets her breakfast in the wobbler; it keeps her occupied while I have my coffee. I use the regular kong for settling her in her crate.

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You can't skimp on the exercise, however treat toys are very important to keep a dog mentally stimulated. It fulfills their ancestral necessity to work for their food and can be instrumental in keeping behaviour problems at bay. Not all dogs NEED them. I give Summit a Kong now and again but not every day anymore. The puppy however eats ALL of her food out of toys. Most veterinary behaviourists advise that a dog gets 3 DIFFERENT toys every day.


For example this morning when I left Kili got 2 Kongs and this ball: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Smarter-Toys-IQ-Ball-Small/15393049

and this one: http://www.planetdog.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=ORBEE-TUFF%C2%AE%20MAZEE%E2%84%A2


When I came home to let her out at lunch I removed the 2 empty Kongs and gave her a new (bigger) one. One ball still had food in it so I left it. I removed the empty ball and gave her this cube: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Smarter-Toys-Buster-Food-Cube-Small/15393050?findingMethod=rr


Tomorrow she'll get Kongs and she'll probably get her twist-and-treat, maybe her tug-a-jug, and her tricky treat ball.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest outdoorgirl5234

In addition to the puzzle toys that dispense food, I buy hooves and horns that are filled with a yummy flavored something. My girls will chew and lick at them for hours. They don't splinter- which is what I was worried about before buying them.

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