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Moving...keeping Sa At Bay?

Guest jbbuzby

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Next week my pair of hounds and I make the life-changing journey to Denver, CO. The apartment is all signed for (we'll be on the third floor in a spacious one bedroom) and the dogs are scheduled to be in a kennel the first few days while I get the place ready, but I just thought I'd ask opinions...how do I keep my male's SA under control?


We've been through heck and back again with recent relapses in his ability to cope likely due to my own life transitions. As in, he gets upset 5 minutes or so after I leave as I've found on film, but is calm by the time I return. What measures should I take with the opportunity to re-start at the new place?


So far, I've been planning on the usual practicing 3 times per hour for short periods without really leaving, not leaving him more than he can handle utilizing dog daycare, and leaving him with something awesome/worthwhile while I am gone to have it taken back once I return.


All these things I am familiar with, but as for crating...should I re-start and have him essentially live in the crate for the first several days, with the exception of walks, and gradually allow him access to the rest of the apartment? At night, I don't have he or his sibling (who has no SA problems, btw), sleep in crates and usually have them be on dog beds in my room. Should I not do this?


I only want to be sure I do it 100% correct this time and know that dogs live in the moment...I want to take advantage of a clean slate, if it's possible! Let me know what you think.

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What part of Denver are you moving to? I'm near Glendale (which might not mean much to you yet). I don't have any experience with SA, but might be able to recommend a doggie day care and a vet. Our Airedale goes to "camp" once a week.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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You might find it's a non issue.


My dog had severe SA when I first adopted him. Lots of hard work (and NO crate--that made everything worse for him--your dog may be different) and he was OK. And then we moved.


I kept our routine as similar as possible--time we got up, etc., and I did it on a long weekend. I was terrified when I went to work, and asked my new neighbor that evening if the dog had howled. He told me he cried for about 2 minutes, and then didn't make another sound all day. By the end of the first week, he wasn't crying at all.


When you do the along training--you do have to LEAVE. They can tell if you just go stand in the hallway, I swear! Even if all you do is walk around the parking lot, leave.


Try to keep things as normal as you can. Plan on extra exercise the first few weeks (for the dog, not you!). Stay calm, and try to enjoy it! A new place is a wonderful way to make a new start!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I can only hope it's a non-issue, but I plan to err on the side of caution! It can't hurt to pretend it will be bad and turn out that it's not ;).


And yes, for practicing leaving, I will actually leave the apartment...might just not drive away. We'll see.


Sounds like I will spend our first few days doing nothing but walking! Good thing there are lots of parks nearby :).

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When I've made my moves in the past, I specifically don't wash the dog bedding. I keep it in the new place unwashed (aka dirty) for about a week. Once the pups get the idea that we have a new home, I wash it. Don't know if it's made a difference but I've moved 7 times with my greyhounds and I've never had a problem. They are just happy to be where mom is.


Our Airedale is the one who has a harder time moving. But we take lots of short walks so he can get to know the new neighborhood quickly and we give him extra attention and good things like kongs or cheweys and he adjusts pretty quickly.

Edited by gracegirl

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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I use natural products pretty successfully. Greyhound Gang has a Separation Anxiety tincture from Azmira we like.

I also have some natural products I use for a new hound I have who likes the car, but the car doesn't like him. One is for motion sickness, the other is for Travel Anxiety. They are from Hylands.


Greyhound Gang also has some good info about SA on our site.


Some thoughts:

- Watch your emotions. Being cheery and upbeat - and limiting your own stress, will have an impact on your hounds.

- Find dog parks or other greyhound lovers homes along the way to stop at and let them run off leash. this will make the trip much more fun for them

- Find a greyhound lover in Denver (contact groups there) who will dog sit your hounds while you get moved in. Most hounds do NOT like kenneling at traditional kennels and that may cause more stress than anything else.


Have a fun and safe journey.

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Guest HoundWorks

Moving was one of the best things for our boy with SA. Definitely take advantage because it's a whole new place to create a whole new experience. We just acted like everything was normal and spent an hour away from home here or there for the first weekend. After that no problems for the most part. Every once in a while he has a bad day with some barking, but soo much better than before. We hope that by our next move he'll be 100% :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My greyhound has been on prozac since july for separation anxiety.It has helped, he no longer destroys the house when we're gone, but he still paces and cries a lot.I added L-theanine,an amino acid that is supposed to create a feeling of well being and calmness,100mg 2X per day on monday and I left for work this morning and he was just laying on my bed, totally relaxed, he didn't follow me to the door and go by the window and cry like he usually does.I feel it 's working even better than the prozac so I am going to start to wean him off the prozac and hopefully just use the L-Theanine.You can use this whenever it's needed, and not give it if it is not needed.It might be a good idea to try it during your first weeks there, or at the first sign of anxiety.Make sure it is suntheanine,that is the purest form.

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How did the move go? Looks like you get to experience some of our typical Colorado weather this weekend...40 degrees and snow on Sunday followed by a 70 degree day on Monday. Enjoy!

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Be postitive, confident, and upbeat! LEAD! Your dogs need a leader that knows everything's OK - SHOW through your attitude that everything is OK!


My first grey had severe S/A, and through my ignorance I screwed everything up, and made it harder for both of us. Then I asked a LOT of questions, learned a lot, and life got a lot better. Once he was relatively OK, I made sure to approach every life-change with ENTHUSIASM and CONFIDENCE, and he believed it, and followed his leader's lead. (Even though I was inside feaked out - I projected CONFIDENCE!)


Lead with Confidence and enthusiasm! (HIDE THE FEAR!!!!)

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