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Guest iMrCrumbs

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Guest iMrCrumbs

Can someone give me some info on what fruits are good for Greys? Dillon loves bananas and if I could give him a healthy fruit snack from time to time I would love to do so. I have read general information on what to give and what not to give. This information was for dogs in general though.. I know that Grey's have sensitive stomachs.. Please advise

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My dogs love fruits and veges. I share small pieces of peaches, plums, strawberries, bananas, a raspberry or two, watermelon. They also love tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh picked sugar snap peas. They wait at the door when they know I am heading out to the garden. My boy loves lettuce too. :) I only give small bites, not a lot.

<p>Mom to Kyle (Diehard Kyle) & Angel Gracie (KB's Sankey) Foster Mom for AFG

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Guest iMrCrumbs

I hear grapes can be bad...

I hear Cherries are great for dogs. I just want to keep him healthy without having to try and sneak in supplement pills. Dillon HATES pills.. I dont blame him, i do too..

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Grapes and avacado are no-no's. If you drop a few grapes it won't hurt him - I just wouldn't intentionally feed many. Anything else - in MODERATION. I don't think dogs technically need a lot of fruit in their diet - so if you give it as a small snack or treat, that's fine. It's like pizza crust - doesn't hurt a thing but is nutritionally irrelevant. I wouldn't go overboard.


And - the info for dogs in general - applies to greys. Some greys have food issues, but most don't. The general do's and dont's for dogs and nutritional info applies.


The fruit I've used most is banana - stuffed in a kong. With peanut butter and kibble, and frozen. Seriously helped get over S/A issues - but I didn't really bother with it other than as an occasional treat after we didn't need the kong for S/A.

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Guest team_tonio

Antonio loves bananas! We also freeze in a kong witha mixture of kibble, pb and greek yogurt - deeelicious! :chow


Haven't had luck with any other fruit - but he loves cooked veggies - carrots, corn, broccoli, green beans... but just like sobemom said - all in moderation. I usually use whatever veggies we're eating with dinner as a treat for not begging at the dinner table... or stealing food off the dinner table for that matter! I throw a few pieces in his food dish and he scarfs it right up! :)

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Guest lbooras

No grapes, bananas are great! Love peanut butter, fruits and veggies in moderation. I tried to feed Bud cantalope one time and he couldn't eat it! it was too slippery, kept falling out of his mouth. Berries are good, just not too much...don't want too much added fiber.

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A greyhound is a dog. Any article that applies to what foods are safe to give dogs applies to Greyhounds. You read here about hounds with sensitive stomachs, but my own hound as a cast iron stomach far tougher than my mixed breed dog ever had!


Dogs have no need for fruit in their diet. Remember, as much as we love them, they're not people and they don't have the same dietary requirements as people. However, some of them do enjoy some fruit. Just experiment. George likes watermelon. I don't eat much fruit myself, so he hasn't had too many other types. They also love most veggies.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest barkdogs

Blueberries! Frozen are good, too. I make most of my dog'd food--I make a blender full of pureed fruits and veggies to add to the pot. I use bananas, blueberries, apples, cucumbers, zucchini, fresh basil from the garden, fresh mint, summer squash, salad greens, kale, cauliflower, carrots, parsely, celery, LOTS of sweet potatoes . . . . pretty much whatever is in season/in the firdge/garden.

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I too cook meat, sweet potatoes, squash, and seasonal or sale veggies and occasionally toss in an apple or cranberries. But mine will only interested in fruit if I mix it with yogurt, peanut butter and freeze it into a popsicle with a chicken foot inside :hehe

Jody, Leah & Jimmie
You left us much, much too soon Lima & Chip :brokenheart

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Guest happygrey

Mine love berries. Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. We have some wild black raspberries (delicious!) that grow in our yard and every year we have to battle with the dogs to pick them ripe ones before they eat them. They bee-line right to the patches as soon as they are ripe.

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I had heard that they sometimes feed bananas on the track (don't know if it is true or not) for potassium. Teague used to eat them, but now he won't eat any fruit or veggie unless I cook it with meat or puree it and mix in with meat.


FYI you can just feed fruit for a treat, but if you want the dog to get nutrition from it, it is best to puree it. :)

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Guest DebSzal

Sami LOVES all fruits. I can't cut a watermelon without his nose right there. And he goes BANANAS over bananas (please excuse the pun). All the hounds love apples and I have to share with them whenever I cut my apple for my lunch. The only thing I notice is that too much watermelon makes for too many potty runs!

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