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Poop When Walking

Guest AceyGrey

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Guest AceyGrey

Right, so Ace has no poo problems what so ever. They're always as poo should be. Unless he's had one of those Pedigree Dentarasks (they always make his poo awful and so needless to say we have no stopped those).

But when we've been walking for a while, say about half hour plus (after he's already done one normal poo) he does another.

Now this poo is never solid, almost liquid but not to the extent of diarrhoea. I always struggle to pick up and have to pray there is some grass around to put on top of it to enable me to pick it up.


I was just wondering if anyone else has had this before? And I wondered what might be causing it?

I've speculated that it might be the fact that he's been walking for a while and this has caused his metabolism to speed up and so the runny poo is the result. This is the only thing I can think of as all other poo's are fine. Does anyone have any ideas?


Many thanks :)

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Guest cristaron

Oh yes, all of ours have done this. The more they walk and get exercise, and the closer together

the poops are, the softer they get.


I know it sounds funny, but carry a couple of fold up paper plates with you. We've done this for

years. Saves trying to scrape screamers off someone's sidewalk or grass. It might look funny but

your neighbors will thank you for not leaving residual poopie for them to get rid of.

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Guest sireltonsmom

Same happens with our two so glad to know others experience this. We put a newspaper piece under their butts when they commit to the squat. Much easier cleanup :-)

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Perfectly normal. As they say - poop happens. :bgeorge


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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This is sorta what Annie does, though she'll only do one poo on our morning walk, and it is much softer, though not liquidy, than the one she did at first-morning P&P 90 minutes earlier. I also use paper plates, small enough to stuff in a poo bag, but Annie Bella is a "walker" when she poos. Most of it is in one spot but then she takes a few steps, drops a small poo plop, another step and drops another small plop of poo, so I never get all of it on the paper plate.


After Greyhound ownership of 14 months, I've reached the conclusion that other than obvious illness or injury, most anything a Greyhound does is normal for itself.

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Completely normal. What comes out later isn't as, er, cooked as earlier poops. And when they are walking (especially in stimulating places) they poop more. It definitely doesn't mean you've got a problem with what you're feeding, so long as the first poop is solid. I find with Beth consistency is all about how long it's been since the last output.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest Nycelle

I am so glad to see this. On Saturday and Sunday Hillary had some chicken liver brownies and a very long walk-much longer than usual. Monday morning poo was fine-but progressively deteriorated into liquid (which I had never seen before). Tuesday morning fine-same story as the day went on. Gave her rice yesterday afternoon & this morning. She is fine otherwise. I guess the exercise plus rich food did her in. I'm hoping that by this afternoon she'll be somewhat back to normal.


"After Greyhound ownership of 14 months, I've reached the conclusion that other than obvious illness or injury, most anything a Greyhound does is normal for itself. "


I think you may be right with this!



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Guest AceyGrey

I'm glad this is normal, and I'm glad other newbies have been put at ease by this thread.

The paper plates are a great tip guys, I've been racking my brains for ingenious ways to clear it up.


Thank you all for your help

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if my dog goes into poop position I usually give him a tug on lead and say wait till you get home, this usually seems to happen as we near home anyway. Sometimes I'm not fast enough but have poop bags just in case. Much easier at home as I have a special metal bucket with lid that I have a plastic bag in and use for dog poop so it is all in that bin bag and I transfer it to propper bin on bin night. That way the big household waste bin doesn't get too smelly.

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ahh the mysteries of greyhound poop on long walks..lol

I know bring paper towels with me on walks... to try to pick up the "30 minutes and more walk soft/ liquid poop"..or to wipe Otis behind when he get up from poop squatting too fast :blush

Our first greyhound, Tuffy: You will always be there with us my angel!
Tuffy greyhound-data
Otis greyhound-data Abbey greyhound-data
"When you open your minds to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." W.Bishop

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Guest sweetpea

It's called increased peristalsis, in this case caused by exercise; essentially what Beth's mom said, less time spent

"processing", means less absorption in the intestines, equals looser stool.


(Never sit at a dinner table with a bunch of nurses, unless you want your brain filled with info just like this ^ )



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Guest poofmagk

This is sorta what Annie does, though she'll only do one poo on our morning walk, and it is much softer, though not liquidy, than the one she did at first-morning P&P 90 minutes earlier. I also use paper plates, small enough to stuff in a poo bag, but Annie Bella is a "walker" when she poos. Most of it is in one spot but then she takes a few steps, drops a small poo plop, another step and drops another small plop of poo, so I never get all of it on the paper plate.


After Greyhound ownership of 14 months, I've reached the conclusion that other than obvious illness or injury, most anything a Greyhound does is normal for itself.


We have a "walker" too and sometimes it is hard to keep her from walking right onto the sidewalk during a poo. Usually just try to block her path with our bodies :).

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I've learned with Betty to take at least two bags along on our morning walks, which tend to be longer. We seldom need both bags, but sometimes there's that bonus! On Saturdays when we walk to and around and back from Farmer's Market, I have to take 3 bags; and I just do the best I can to clean the softer ones. It took me a while to realize this, especially after my old poop-bag container broke and I started just putting bags in my pockets. It was embarrassing to run out of bags and get nasty looks from people and all I could think was 'well, I cleaned up a bigger poop just a couple of blocks ago, honest!' So now I just carry bags that I think will be appropriate to our walk.


Betty "Beauty" Joan. 63B-21375. June 2003 - March 2015. Thank you pretty girl!

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Guest AceyGrey

I now have coat and trouser pockets full of poo bags. Aha.

It's called increased peristalsis, in this case caused by exercise; essentially what Beth's mom said, less time spent

"processing", means less absorption in the intestines, equals looser stool.


(Never sit at a dinner table with a bunch of nurses, unless you want your brain filled with info just like this ^ )




At least it's useful information

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This is sorta what Annie does, though she'll only do one poo on our morning walk, and it is much softer, though not liquidy, than the one she did at first-morning P&P 90 minutes earlier. I also use paper plates, small enough to stuff in a poo bag, but Annie Bella is a "walker" when she poos. Most of it is in one spot but then she takes a few steps, drops a small poo plop, another step and drops another small plop of poo, so I never get all of it on the paper plate.


After Greyhound ownership of 14 months, I've reached the conclusion that other than obvious illness or injury, most anything a Greyhound does is normal for itself.


We have a "walker" too and sometimes it is hard to keep her from walking right onto the sidewalk during a poo. Usually just try to block her path with our bodies :).


Yes!!... about walking onto the sidewalk, and by then it's the squishiest.. plop..plop. Can't hide a brown stain on the sidewalk, no matter how much is picked up, so I do my best to keep her on the grass too.

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