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Playful, Excited Mouthing - Not Biting

Guest EvanstonGrey

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Guest EvanstonGrey

Hi all!

Do any of your hounds kind of "mouth" you when you come home or when they play? Fika does a great job when she's on her own, we don't crate her and she just chews her Kong, listens to the radio and naps. When I get back she goes nuts - tail wags, play bows, the whole shebang - pretty adorable. Lately she has started to softly put her mouth on me (not sure how to describe it), like holding my hand or foot very gently without biting down? She's got no history of aggression and I'm not afraid she'll bite, it just seems a bit funny, like she's overwhelmed with excitement and really wants some play time. Sound familiar? Is it just my wacky wee one?

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Guest HoundWorks

My whippet Dex will do something similar. Not out of aggression, but excitement. It's quite funny because he nibbles like a beaver on you. It's quite strange. I always worry he will do it to a guest when they come to visit.

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Fika is just giving you some love. She wants to hold you but she doesn't have any hands so she use her mouth. My boy is desparate to do the same but anytime he makes contact with his teeth he pulls away as he is afraid to transgress my superior pack status. It is amazing how gentle he is with his teeth. He is like this when he wakes up in the morning.


As long as Fika is properly respectful when necessary I think it's great.

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Guest vrice

My dog does this with my boyfriend. She will never do it with me (I think because she thinks I'm the higher up), but she mouths him like crazy and sometimes nibbles. We don't discourage it because it's how she plays with him only, and she never does it with anyone else.

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Yes, its called nitting, and many greyhounds do this. Opie will do it to me or DH, in all sorts of places on our bodies, when he gets really excited. I think its sweet, and he never hurts us. Some people don't like it and discourage the behavior.

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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Annie Bella does it to me mostly when we're on our walks and she gets excited cause it's a cool day or she saw a human friend or she saw a groundhog! I allow it for a very short period of time because while it doesn't hurt me, and I know how to control her, I don't think it's a good idea to encourage it. I don't want her nitting my 6-year-old granddaughter. My GD doesn't walk Annie Bella by herself, of course, but I put a second leash on and my GD calls herself a walker in training. LOL

Edited by Feisty49
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My new greyhound does it when he gets excited and wants to play - he'll close his mouth on my arm (or my leg) but, he's not biting. While I'm OK with it, I'm sure my guests wouldn't be. In this case though, I don't use "NO", instead I calm him down and the behavior goes away. This boy has only been with me about 7 months so I also think as he gets more accustomed to the routine in my household he won't be as excited when I get home (or he thinks he is going for a walk).

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Guest EvanstonGrey

Have you ever seen a hound do this to other dogs when they play? The other day Fika was running and playing with a buddy of hers and while she wasn't biting, I thought she might be mouthing my neighbor's pup. They know and enjoy each other and I've seen other breeds roughhouse this way, just wasn't sure if it was common for greys, too. She's a playful one, this girl :)

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Very common for greys to mouth each other in play. Some play a little too rough though and will actually nip the other pup so you'll have to watch them while playing.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest FordRacingRon

When Leia was younger she did both of these things,,nitting (we were in a CG article about it!) and mouthing my hand without biting. And for the reasons everyone mentioned. She actually no longer does this as she ages into a proper lady (man I hate to see her age,,I thank doG she is healthy) !

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Guest NancyS

Funny, Tipper also does this, only to me, when she is very excited - like when she is very hungry and we are walking towards the kitchen. First time it startled me. Now I find it "funny", sort of a love nip without the teeth!

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Ruby & Nigel are huge 'nitters' and 'air snappers' when they're excited. ...mostly walks and meal times.


Yes...it is a 'natural' thing for them to do, but I don't encourage it...we have small grandkids and their faces are the same height as snapping Greyhound teeth. Other guests do not appreciate it either.


When they get wound up and start 'nitting' on my hands I just turn my back, put my hands on my hips and ignore them.

No touch, no talk, no eye contact is thier signal to calm down...and the nitting stops almost immediately.

The Grandkids are learning this technique now, too.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Can you try to redirect the mouth toward something more appropriate (a toy that can be run around with, like a stuffed animal) or something? Sounds like she's gentle, but anyone moving at the wrong moment could be surprised and end up with a little more contact than would be comfortable.


When Monty does his rompies, we usually will toss a toy in the direction of his run and he snaps at them and only really catches or even makes contact about maybe 20% of the time. I think their mouth is such a huge signal that they're having fun, that at least for Monty it seems to be like "clapping with happiness" when he does the airsnap. (He doesn't hold us, just does an airsnap when playing. Our other dog will do the nibble/knitting/grooming thing to us and to her toys, but not in play.)

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Guest maidmarcia

Yep, Licorice does this to me and sometimes it makes me nervous because I can hear his teeth snapping together and he's approaching me. He has a big mouth and those pearly whites look so sharp, haha. I try to calm him down and make him stop because I don't think he realizes how much damage he could do to me. He also only does it to me...not my bf or anyone else.

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Lots of dogs do this, not just Greyhounds. I personally find it adorable, but if you don't like it, you can just make a "naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhh!" sort of noise and take your hand away when she does it--she'll get the idea.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

transgress my superior pack status





Your hound is simply "mouthing" as others have said, its excitement.

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Guest Timo

Timo does it all the time when he is happy and wants to play. We use to discourage it for fear of him doing it to visitors. Now, we just forewarn the visitors when they visit. ;-)

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Guest greygirls2

My new boy, JoJo 3 1/2, does this too when he gets excited and sometimes he gets you with those little sharp teeth in front and it really pinches!! I firmly tell him "no nip, give kissies" and he stops. I used the same strategy with my boy JJ who I lost in Jan. to osteo and it worked well....he'd get excited go to nip, look up at me and give me a kiss instead. JoJo seems to be picking it up quickly and rarely pinches now.

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Guest PhillyPups

I have no "superior pack" status, but am known as the keeper of the cookie jar, etc. :lol


Gizmo does this, he is young, Gremlin also did it. The "nitting" is a sign of affection as has been said above. I like that they love me enough to do it.

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Guest sweetpea

So folks are describing two different things here: the nitting, which is the little nibbly, closed mouth action, and mouthing,

where they gently hold your hand or arm in their mouth.


Sweetpea mouths, but only me or my roommates, she has never tried to mouth any visitors or kids or strangers.

She'll smile at them, if she likes them, but the mouthing, that's just for us.



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  • 5 years later...

My new houndie has started the mouthing with me too. She'll do it when I come home, during play sessions or if I've been patting her and stop - she'll grab at my hand as if to pull me back for pats! It's a bit freaky, but she's very gentle with it.

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