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Soft Stools

Guest Blossie

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Guest Blossie

Dear greyhound friends,


We recently rescued a greyhound about 5 months ago, it's our first one. His name is Blossie and weighs about 85 pounds, he's a big boy. He just turned 4 on June 1. From the time we brought him home he's had soft stools, and I read that it's not unusual for greyhounds. I've tried everything from yogurt, de-worming, slippery elm bark (from the health food store), we've had his stools checked with the vet too. So now my new thing is maybe he's allergic to grains, so I'm mixing his current food (Nutro kibble) with Blu (duck grain-free), it doesn't seem to be doing much. Then he started getting really picky and wasn't eating all of the dry kibble (mixed with warm water), so we got some canned food also Blu (duck and chicken), he gobbles it right up now! But, bottom line is, the stools are still cow pies! Makes it very hard for cleaning up.





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Oh cool, there you are! HI! hope to hear from some people about Blossie's poop issues! hahahhaah


I thought he was doing better after the deworming? Poor guy! Can't remember -- have you already tried canned pumpkin? You'll get a bunch of replies soon. We loooooove talking about poop!


Folks, Blossie is the great big hunka hound in the very front of this pic. He's completely sweet, even with badly behaved yappers on flexi-leads. AND he doesn't get upset when Joe is a butt-head. :rolleyes: Blossie is awesome!



Edited by Riverhound
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Sounds like a great houndie with a common problem!


There is so much history on GT about this very topic and everyone has an opinion. We all know dogs are individuals and what works for some, may not work for others. The only right way to feed a dog is the one that works for that particular dog, perhaps irrespective of the "quality" of the dog food. Disclaimers now out of the way.....


Like you, we had issues for months, tried 5 or different brands over 7 months. Then we switched to raw food and our problems went away overnight. For cost and convenience reasons, we tried going back to kibble. Soft poop returned. We gave up (again) after a month and are back on raw. No more problems. Good luck....hope you find the right answer that works for you guys!

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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Guest NJgrey

It stinks but sometimes it takes a while to find what food is going to work for your hound. It could be anything that's causing the soft stools, including the protein (might not be grains he has trouble with, could be chicken, fowl in general, etc.).


FWIW, we also had a lot of trouble finding the right food for Ellie. She has a bit of a sensitive stomach and it took 6-8 months to nail it down. She's been on Wellness Core for a long time now and still doing great. Has been on the Reduced Fat as well as Ocean formulas, but the normal version has been too rich for her. Generally when dogs are having bad poops or have sensitive stomachs it's often suggested that you try something fish based. In addition to that, I might try something simple without a large mix of protein sources. I know both Wellness and Blue make similar lines. If I were you, since you have it already, I'd try the complete switch tot he Blue grain free formula and see if that helps. If the Nutro doesn't agree with him - and you know it doesn't - continuing to mix isn't going to help you figure out what DOES work.


Sorry can't be more helpful, it's a crummy process but eventually you'll find something. If it helps, I've found that you can usually tell pretty quickly if a food is going to work for your dog or not. Poops aren't going to go from bulky, messy piles to tight little clumps. You'll know pretty quickly.

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Guest sirsmom

You mentioned you're mixing one of the Nutro foods? Last year we tried the Nutro grain free one with turkey (there are other flavors) and the dogs just loved the flavor and after 3 days they had nice, small solid poop. They did not like the natural choice regular line when we fed that and often left the food. Other than that I know Iams is popular. Ours did not do well on Blue in the potty dept (well sometimes they did but mostly no)

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Guest Blossie

Thank you so much, you've all been most helpful! I look forward to trying out a few of the suggestions with Blossie! :)

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Pure canned pumpkin added to the kibble with a little bit of plain yogurt has done wonders for my guy. He, too, has been cleared of all issues, but we always had some form of pudding-serve. I think the pumpkin has really helped.


On a side note - when I walk him I carry a full size sheet of a paper towel, and just went he is about to 'go', I slide it under the 'drop' site. (You have to be quick.) Then it is a snap to pick up the whole mess with the poop bag and leave nary a smear.

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Pumpkin and yogurt have never done anything for us. I'll trot out my line and tell you to try Iams...green or red bag. People moan and complain that it is not 5 star food, but it has cleared up a lot of dogs. If it is beneath your comfort level look for a food with beet pulp high on the ingredient list. As far as the canned I'd soak the kibble then stir in very little canned -- like a tablespoon or two.


Blossie is VERY handsome.

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Pumpkin and yogurt have never done anything for us. I'll trot out my line and tell you to try Iams...green or red bag. People moan and complain that it is not 5 star food, but it has cleared up a lot of dogs. If it is beneath your comfort level look for a food with beet pulp high on the ingredient list. As far as the canned I'd soak the kibble then stir in very little canned -- like a tablespoon or two.


Blossie is VERY handsome.


Pam, it was your constant pushing of IAMS that convinced me to try Joe on it. I'm sold! It might not be "good" stuff, but it works for my two. And the price is rather nice.

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Guest Blossie

wow! got some fantastic information from everyone! thank you so much. I'm definitely going to try the paper towel trick. we saw a woman who has a greyhound in our neighborhood actually "catch" his poop in a bag as it was coming out. pretty amazing tricks to make things not so messy, love it! hope you all have a great weekend.

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