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How About A "my Dog Is So Bomb-Proof" Thread?

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Guest PiagetsMom

Not one of mine, but I just had to post about my friend's dog who's the most laid back, bomb-proof greyhound I've ever met. My boy Wiki is pretty bomb-proof too, but he doesn't come close to Jose. When clients see Jose at the clinic, they often assume he's sedated or sick because he usually doesn't even lift his head up when they walk past and/or when their dogs sniff him. We've gotten lots of comments along the lines of "Aww...poor dog, what's wrong with him?" or "Oh, is he waking up from surgery?" :lol


Other dogs (even other animals) all seem to be drawn to Jose, and he patiently tolerates all of them. My dogs, who don't snuggle with each other, will all snuggle with Jose.


Here's some photo/video evidence...


Kittens playing on and around Jose.




My mixed breed Corey sitting on top of him! :yikes




A kitten trying to nurse on him...




Video of the same kitten above.




And an album of Jose with a baby goat climbing all over him: :)



I don't have one, but that is a bomb-proof dog! :nod:lol

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Jose is amazing!


Twiggy has some bomb-proof qualities, probably her best one is her ability to walk unflinchingly under the El tracks while trains are crossing above us.

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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  • 2 weeks later...

Diana is 100% bombproof. I still maintain that she is NOT a greyhound - she is a tall lab puppy in brindle stripes. She CERTAINLY does NOT think she's a greyhound - and I HAD a greyhound that was was the personification of every greyhound steryotype (Sobe) - so I KNOW she's not that. And I've had lots of fosters that were every level from bombproof to skitzo.


She walked in my door as a foster, straight off the track, 2 years old - and thought the world was her oyster. She loves everone, baby, child, old person, everyone. She had NO FEAR of anything, ever. After 4 years here I challenge you to find anything to make this girl even flinch. She hasn't from day one.


I could drop her in a preschool or a senior center or hospital or a homeless shelter and she'd charm the pants off everyone. She kisses toddlers till they squeal, watches carefully over babies, and lays her head gently on the lap of people in wheelchairs that pat her way to hard - and never flinches.


She can meet any pet in a house or on a leash, and be very "dog polite" without correction or prompting.


Now - a small wild animal - like a rabbit on the run in our fenced yard - there the friendly ends. But I don't think that disqualifies her from "bombproof".

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Enza is pretty bomb proof. Weather doesn't bother her in the slightest, we can walk past locomotives, fireworks, etc and so on. She is also very good with kids for at Thanksgiving last year, a toddler fell on her and she simply stood up and walked away. A friend's baby learned how to stand by holding onto Enza. My girl just stood there and shifted her weight while I fed her a meatball as a reward and rescued her.


However, this week I learned she is freaked out by crutches and a sleeper sofa.

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Guest Plygreygirl

I had brought home my Mia the end of August the following 4th of July she was lying in the dinning room in front of the open windows. There were fireworks all around the neighborhood. I look at her an she did not move not a single mucle moved not even a eye twitch. I had the thought that maybe my dog was deaf and maybe I did not notice it!!! Nope she just bombproof!!! Could have care less!!!


One of the best stories about my now two "completely" bombproof dogs were where walking one Sunday and a group of 5 girls around 6 to 8 yrs olds along with there parents stopped us and were having a petting fest. The two dogs happen to be butt to butt and I look down and there was one of the girls trying to tie there tails together!!! Neither one even flinched!!


Thank you two "completely" bombproof ones in this house!!! Yes!!!

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Guest Gemma

Peyton is bombproof with people (not so much other breeds, and definitely not cats!).


He LOVES children and responds to toddlers screaming a few inches away from his face with a confused look and a lick on the nose. He will calm himself when around elderly people or folks in wheelchairs, and will gently ask for attention. He loves our vet and will jump up on the scale even though he's afraid of it. A small child once pulled his tail and I don't think he even noticed! You can put your fingers in his mouth or ears and he'll accept it with no issues.


Loud noises don't bother him, strangers are just people who haven't pet him yet, and he never causes trouble with our fosters. I once had a foster walk under him until his bad leg was hiked up at a very uncomfortable angle, and he just stood there with a resigned look on his face!


Hell, he's so bombproof that when someone tried to break into our apartment when I was home, he stood there wagging his tail, thinking the newcomer would give him pettings. :rolleyes:

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Guest GreyFan09

Comet is bombproof during the worst thunderstorms and sleeps right through, or just ingores them. But, the 4th of July is another story, as he runs through the house, barking and looking up at the ceilining all night long during the noise. Last year it took him several days after the 4th days to stop watching the ceilining. Go figure.
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Henry is so bomb-proof that he barely reacted when he injured his tail so badly, that part of it had to be amputated. On the way to the emergency vet's he was smiling and sticking his head out the window. Meanwhile, there was so much blood that the backseat of my car looked like a crime scene.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest OPointyDog

This thread is such a great idea - I feel like new posters/new adopters come to GT and see all the posts with medical issues, dietary issues and behavioral problems and assume all greys are like that. It's nice to see something really positive mixed in!


We adopted Zoe in April, and took her to the vet two days later for a check-up, and she flopped on the floor in the exam room and acted like she was moving in. The vet tech asked if she melted. They ended up having to do x-rays of her leg to look at a previous injury, and they didn't even have to sedate her.


She really has no use for her obedience class, and during the second class, while surrounded by nervous border collies and German shepherds, she laid down on the padded floor and roached.


She readily snuggles with strangers, including children, and lets small dogs jump on her and lick her face.


Cats... well, that's still a work in progress.

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Fritz is my bomb-proof dog. He is not bothered by noises, he loves the vet's office (he takes a nap while we are waiting in the exam room), he sleeps while I dremel his nails. He goes to meet and greets, and once, we came in contact with a bus load of adults with special needs. One of them was petting Fritz and grabbed his ear and pulled really hard...Fritz just stood there.


My friend's daughter was 3 when we met and she started visiting me. Fritz has always adored her, and as she's gotten older, she likes to read to Fritz when she's here and he LOVES IT.


He puts up with my iggies and my kitties occasionally climbing on him while he's sleeping...he rarely even raises his head :lol


Fritz loves wearing clothes/costumes/hats...some things actually seem to elicit actual PRIDE from him (I think he thinks he's going racing-he tends to be most happy wearing things that fit like a racing silk).


I can take him places with crowds and he is perfect. I took him to a picnic and there were fireworks down the way at the park. Another dog that was there was having a fit, Fritz just stood there and seemed confused as to why suddenly all the people were letting the other dog :lol


I really need to get him certified for therapy work :nod

Edited by krissn333

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Guest OPointyDog

My friend's daughter was 3 when we met and she started visiting me. Fritz has always adored her, and as she's gotten older, she likes to read to Fritz when she's here and he LOVES IT.


Ha ha! This is HILARIOUS! Does he have particular reading material he enjoys?? :)


I've thought about therapy certification, too, but so far Zoe pretty disinterested in obedience work. The only way we can get her up off the floor in her class is to use the laser pointer! :)

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Guest Capslock

Otis was so bombproof, that despite going to an urban dog park virtually every day I had him (3.5 yrs to 12.5), he never had even a scuffle with another dog. Not. One. Ever. He was like Ghandi.


Edit to add: Otis was so bombproof, one scary day when our other dog, Satchel, opened the sliding glass door and they both got out when we were gone for like five hours up in Lake Tahoe. Our neighbors reported seeing both wandering in the back yards hours before, but when we got home, Otis was back in the house, lounging in his bed. (We found Satchel quickly, too. :) )

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Fritz isn't picky about reading materials I don't think...he really has only had children's books read to him (she always showed him the pictures too :lol). He always sits with her anyway, but, if she's reading to him, he lays there and watches her the entire time!


This isn't something I taught him, just discovered by accident one day when she asked if she could read to him. It's unfortunate that there don't seem to be any reading programs around here that have children read to dogs, because he would be excellent!

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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I have another one for Capri. For a frame of reference, when we adopted her three years ago, she had bed aggression. Last month we took both dogs to the Outer Banks for a beach vacation, and stayed in a rental house with my in-laws and DH's neice who is 11. Walked into the living room one afternoon and the niece was laying on the couch watching tv. Then I noticed that she was not only snuggling with Capri and a blanket, but she was actually laying ON Capri! Not a growl, not a snarl, not even a stern look. They were snuggly as clams. I was pretty impressed.

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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