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Recurring Abscess

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I have a 4-year-old male greyhound named George who is having trouble with a recurring abscess on his left front paw. It all started over a year ago with a puncture wound from an unknown cause, although we are pretty sure that it was a large splinter. About 8 months ago, the vet decided to do surgery because the area was continually abscessing. She searched the wound but could not find any foreign object although there was evidence of a draining track and it appeared that a splinter might have been there but had been absorbed by the body. George was put on a month of an antibiotic and we thought we were done. But since then, abscesses have reappeared more times than I can count. The main area is between his middle toes with the draining track at the underside of the paw. He has had the wound cultured two different times and the vet has tried every antibiotic she can think of, including Baytril. Everything clears up nicely while on the antibiotic (always put on for a month at a time) and for a few weeks afterward. The abscesses seem to pop up of nowhere, even when he has been doing nothing but sunning himself in the grassy backyard or sleeping on his bed. He is a young dog and I would love to take him walking but can't because he is either healing or just starting another abscess. The vet and I are completely frustrated at this point! If anybody can offer any advice, George and I would very much appreciate it.

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For the time being, would he be receptive to wearing boots while outside to keep the foot clean? I like Neopaws.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Sounds like your hound still has a foreign body in there.

You might need to pursue more aggressive images--ie MRI, CT scan....

The cultures ever return with MRSA?


Next time the abscess comes back, I'm going to talk to the vet about an MRI. A couple of people have suggested that and it makes sense. No MRSA has ever shown up on the cultures, just the usual run-of-the-mill germs. Thanks for responding!



Edited by HARTDOG9
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For the time being, would he be receptive to wearing boots while outside to keep the foot clean? I like Neopaws.



I've tried every kind of boot, sock, plastic bag, IV bag, etc. that you can imagine. George is a smart dog and manages to get everything off. Either that or he hobbles around and whines as if I'm torturing him! I just bought some "Musher's Secret" salve that I'm going to try when he goes out. Thanks for responding!

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Sounds like there is still something in there to me also. Slim had a somewhat similar issue with unexplained bleeding between the toes that a board certified vet and lots of $ could not help either. Being the open minded person I am :rolleyes: I decided to try some pascalite clay www.relfe.com/pascalite.html IT WORKED!!!!!!! I would add water to a small amount of it and make a paste and then put the paste between his toes and wrap in saran wrap and then an outer bandage and leave on for ~12 hours a day. Since I worked I was only able to leave it on for ~half a day and I would wash it off in the AM with the hose before I left. It took around a month but the reason I kept doing it was because its appearance did improve little by little so I could see it was "working". One day I noticed a tiny black sliver of something it had drawn out. I continued to apply it and several more little black slivers-very small- were drawn out. Some were drawn to the surface where you could see them and wash or wipe them off. At that point It didn't take long before no more emerged, it appeared all was well, so I quit using it then and it healed completely and NEVER RECURRED. The indians call that particular vain of pascaalite ewayke which means" the dirt that heals"-and they are right. I had spent ~10 times as much on the vet- that didn't help at all- as what the "the dirt that heals" cost lol! I also had suggusted it to another lady that had some sort of issue with her hioundie that they couldn't clear up and she tried it and it cured her houndie too. It is labor intensive making the poltice everyday and applying it-and it needs to be about 1/4" thick over the sore with saran wrap to keep it from drying out too soon- for possibly weeks but was in reality a small price to pay for curing it completely. Like your hound Slim's activity had been limited because it would bleed so bad, was basically raw-and like you the vet couldn't do anything.

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Sounds like there is still something in there to me also. Slim had a somewhat similar issue with unexplained bleeding between the toes that a board certified vet and lots of $ could not help either. Being the open minded person I am :rolleyes: I decided to try some pascalite clay www.relfe.com/pascalite.html IT WORKED!!!!!!! I would add water to a small amount of it and make a paste and then put the paste between his toes and wrap in saran wrap and then an outer bandage and leave on for ~12 hours a day. Since I worked I was only able to leave it on for ~half a day and I would wash it off in the AM with the hose before I left. It took around a month but the reason I kept doing it was because its appearance did improve little by little so I could see it was "working". One day I noticed a tiny black sliver of something it had drawn out. I continued to apply it and several more little black slivers-very small- were drawn out. Some were drawn to the surface where you could see them and wash or wipe them off. At that point It didn't take long before no more emerged, it appeared all was well, so I quit using it then and it healed completely and NEVER RECURRED. The indians call that particular vain of pascaalite ewayke which means" the dirt that heals"-and they are right. I had spent ~10 times as much on the vet- that didn't help at all- as what the "the dirt that heals" cost lol! I also had suggusted it to another lady that had some sort of issue with her hioundie that they couldn't clear up and she tried it and it cured her houndie too. It is labor intensive making the poltice everyday and applying it-and it needs to be about 1/4" thick over the sore with saran wrap to keep it from drying out too soon- for possibly weeks but was in reality a small price to pay for curing it completely. Like your hound Slim's activity had been limited because it would bleed so bad, was basically raw-and like you the vet couldn't do anything.





Thanks for this idea. It sounds just wild enough to work! I will check out the link you included in your post and talk to the vet about it. Thanks again!


Celia and George

Edited by HARTDOG9
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Sounds like there is still something in there to me also. Slim had a somewhat similar issue with unexplained bleeding between the toes that a board certified vet and lots of $ could not help either. Being the open minded person I am :rolleyes: I decided to try some pascalite clay www.relfe.com/pascalite.html IT WORKED!!!!!!! I would add water to a small amount of it and make a paste and then put the paste between his toes and wrap in saran wrap and then an outer bandage and leave on for ~12 hours a day. Since I worked I was only able to leave it on for ~half a day and I would wash it off in the AM with the hose before I left. It took around a month but the reason I kept doing it was because its appearance did improve little by little so I could see it was "working". One day I noticed a tiny black sliver of something it had drawn out. I continued to apply it and several more little black slivers-very small- were drawn out. Some were drawn to the surface where you could see them and wash or wipe them off. At that point It didn't take long before no more emerged, it appeared all was well, so I quit using it then and it healed completely and NEVER RECURRED. The indians call that particular vain of pascaalite ewayke which means" the dirt that heals"-and they are right. I had spent ~10 times as much on the vet- that didn't help at all- as what the "the dirt that heals" cost lol! I also had suggusted it to another lady that had some sort of issue with her hioundie that they couldn't clear up and she tried it and it cured her houndie too. It is labor intensive making the poltice everyday and applying it-and it needs to be about 1/4" thick over the sore with saran wrap to keep it from drying out too soon- for possibly weeks but was in reality a small price to pay for curing it completely. Like your hound Slim's activity had been limited because it would bleed so bad, was basically raw-and like you the vet couldn't do anything.





Thanks for this idea. It sounds just wild enough to work! I will check out the link you included in your post and talk to the vet about it. Thanks again!


Celia and George


Wild indeed. They even mention corns. I'm going to give this a try.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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I forgot to mention you have to use PURE spring water or similar NOT tap water with all the Cl in it etc. I am a chemist so to me its not really so "far out." I have seen so many success stories with energy healing alone not to mention strange synergies etc. that somehow heal and that modern medicine can't "explain". Matter/behavior/characteristcs are "explained" and sometimes defined by quantum mechanics. Everything is energy. Chemistry is really not that old a science. When it first began the chemists were known as iatrochemists and were actually used like doctors are today. But its all not so far out since "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." :P Good luck. Hope it works as good on ya'lls issues as it has for my puppers and me. Chemisty is really "magic" if you get right down to it!

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I forgot to mention you have to use PURE spring water or similar NOT tap water with all the Cl in it etc. I am a chemist so to me its not really so "far out." I have seen so many success stories with energy healing alone not to mention strange synergies etc. that somehow heal and that modern medicine can't "explain". Matter/behavior/characteristcs are "explained" and sometimes defined by quantum mechanics. Everything is energy. Chemistry is really not that old a science. When it first began the chemists were known as iatrochemists and were actually used like doctors are today. But its all not so far out since "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." :P Good luck. Hope it works as good on ya'lls issues as it has for my puppers and me. Chemisty is really "magic" if you get right down to it!




Thanks for the info re/ the spring water vs. tap water. Since you're a chemist, I'm sure you know what you're talking about here so I'll definitely try it out. Thanks again!

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Sounds like there is still something in there to me also. Slim had a somewhat similar issue with unexplained bleeding between the toes that a board certified vet and lots of $ could not help either. Being the open minded person I am :rolleyes: I decided to try some pascalite clay www.relfe.com/pascalite.html IT WORKED!!!!!!! I would add water to a small amount of it and make a paste and then put the paste between his toes and wrap in saran wrap and then an outer bandage and leave on for ~12 hours a day. Since I worked I was only able to leave it on for ~half a day and I would wash it off in the AM with the hose before I left. It took around a month but the reason I kept doing it was because its appearance did improve little by little so I could see it was "working". One day I noticed a tiny black sliver of something it had drawn out. I continued to apply it and several more little black slivers-very small- were drawn out. Some were drawn to the surface where you could see them and wash or wipe them off. At that point It didn't take long before no more emerged, it appeared all was well, so I quit using it then and it healed completely and NEVER RECURRED. The indians call that particular vain of pascaalite ewayke which means" the dirt that heals"-and they are right. I had spent ~10 times as much on the vet- that didn't help at all- as what the "the dirt that heals" cost lol! I also had suggusted it to another lady that had some sort of issue with her hioundie that they couldn't clear up and she tried it and it cured her houndie too. It is labor intensive making the poltice everyday and applying it-and it needs to be about 1/4" thick over the sore with saran wrap to keep it from drying out too soon- for possibly weeks but was in reality a small price to pay for curing it completely. Like your hound Slim's activity had been limited because it would bleed so bad, was basically raw-and like you the vet couldn't do anything.





Thanks for this idea. It sounds just wild enough to work! I will check out the link you included in your post and talk to the vet about it. Thanks again!


Celia and George


Wild indeed. They even mention corns. I'm going to give this a try.


I talked to someone who sells in and I'm going to try it. Ben's been limping on and off and we can't see anything in his paw, but he definately shys away from walking on hard bumpy surfaces. I am concerned though about the claim that if it dries out it really stings.


I'd love to know if anyone else has success with it.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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We used it, at Racindog's suggestion, about a year ago. Shane had a large red swelling on the outer edge of a paw, and the vet didn't have a clue. Looked like maybe two little bite-like marks in the middle of it. (We do have spiders, non-poisonous snakes, and lots of other wildlife that traipse through the yard.) It was NOT going away, and it was angry looking. So we got the pescalite clay from the nice folks in Wyoming who provide it and mixed it with spring water as suggested, and wrapped a bit of plastic wrap to keep it moist and in place. Changed it a couple times a day, IIRC. It took at least two weeks of that, but it did the trick.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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I can't imagine it ever causing any discomfort or sting at all. Slim's got fairly dry sometiems before I washed it off since it was on him ~12 hours and never bothered him in the least. I have used it myself personally also and if anything I have found it to be soothing so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Now I was using the original stuff from WY- so I don't know how any knock offs from other places might be. Slim had this spplied everday for at least 3 weeks maybe going on four. The "stuff" it pulled out of his wound evidently was pretty deep so it took a while!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest bluefawn

Hey, just wondering if George's foot has healed yet. I was looking for something that would help heal wounds and came across your post. I read the replies as well. After doing some searching, I found this site http://www.bulkherbstore.com/Bentonite-Clay-Powder - their bentonite powder is less expensive than the first link posted. Also, one of the comments stated that you should not use any metal when mixing the clay (spoon, mixing container, etc.) because that will change the chemical makeup of the clay. I hope George's foot has finally healed!

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