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I Miss Sleep!

Guest BlackandTan

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Guest BlackandTan

So as Ive posted about before my little MR Diago likes to wake us up in the middle of the night! He was doing it a lot more before but seems to have settled down to between 330 to 430. He barks and whines until you get up the other morning he whined for nearly an hour and then I just couldnt take it anymore!! He has been checked for UTI and was treated although his tests came back negative the vet just wanted to make sure. I dont want to scold him like hes being bad but it seems that it may be my only option at this point. Anyone have any ideas or things that have worked for them in the past??

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I just went through this with a little girlie return that I picked up on Christmas Eve. "Asia" was apparently accustomed to waking her owners during the night, so they made her sleep in another room, but that wouldn't fly for me, I like my dogs to sleep in my room with me. So, I make sure she has relieved herself right before bed, I make sure there is only a small amount of water down so she can't "tank up" on it and need to go, then when she tries to wake me up, I just firmly tell her "go back to bed". When she lays back down I tell her she's a good girl. Initially, we had to do this about 4 times before she settled back down. We did this for about 2 weeks and now she doesn't wake me at all. You don't really need to scold, just be firm ;) As long as you know he shouldn't need to relieve himself, just stand your ground that you want him to go back to sleep.


Good Luck!

Mom to Emmi (WM Lickety Split) & Asia (Devious Walker)
Waiting at the Bridge: Shadow, Willow, Tony, Nina, Reggie, Sunny, Webb, Rosie, Rowdy, Ivy, Smoke & Raina

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Guest BlackandTan

we run him in the back yard for a while at night... Him and Gary play quite a bit before we go inside and I make sure he goes out right before bed to get any business out.


Is this just because he is young?

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Guest BrianRke

I got Frank when he was 2 and he has always slept all night. Sorry you are having to deal with this. The only thing I can suggest is to wear him out exercising and maybe give him a 5mg melatonin before bed.


Hope things get better.

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we run him in the back yard for a while at night... Him and Gary play quite a bit before we go inside and I make sure he goes out right before bed to get any business out.


Is this just because he is young?


I see he's been reading the greyhound manual, "How to Train Your Owner"...


I agree with the previous poster who said to just be firm and it will hopefully resolve in a week or two.

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Dexter has always been an early riser - sometime between 2:30 and 4:00 am so I can really sympathize. We have looked for reasons, and eliminated reasons, and sometimes we actually get 3-4 days in a row when he sleeps till 5 or 6 but then we revert right back to the early rising.

He's well exercised, well fed, not too warm or cold,. If i holler at him, he'll lie back down but the moment there is any movement he is ready to go.


I've adjusted to the schedule but am still looking for solutions. Good luck

Deb, and da Croo
In my heart always, my Bridge Angels - Macavity, Tila the wannabe, Dexter, CDN Cold Snap (Candy), PC Herode Boy, WZ Moody, Poco Zinny, EM's Scully, Lonsome Billy, Lucas, Hurry Hannah, Daisy (Apache Blitz), Sadie (Kickapoo Kara), USS Maxi, Sam's Attaboy, Crystal Souza, Gifted Suzy, Zena, and Jetlag who never made it home.


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Guest Tequila

We went through this with Tequila, and eventually it passed (that's the good news!). The bad news is, it took a few weeks to work through it, and we lost a lot of sleep...so you have my sympathy!


While trying to work through it, we also received a lot of good advice. One thing you might want to consider is: Is there a NOISE that is occuring between 3:30 & 4:30 am that might be waking him up, or disturbing him? While it doesn't cause her to bark anymore, I have discoverd that things such as: the heat turning on, someone flushing the toilet, etc... -- "house sounds" -- will wake her up, and cause her to walk around the house before settling down again. It might be something so subtle that you don't notice it. The heat turning on, or off, doesn't bother me personally, but it wakes HER up. So, take a minute to think about what sounds might be taking place in your house.


If it's a noise like water in pipes, or heat (or air conditioning in the summer for example), then it's just something you need to work through.


I don't know if this post was any help (sorry about that!) but I just wanted to say I can relate to being woken up in the middle of the night!


Good luck!



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put a pillow over your head and ignore the behavior for a week, it will stop.




We've had a couple of dogs over he years that liked to get up in the middle of the night - for no apparent reason than to bother us.

They got a very firm "Go lie down".


It might take a week...which will seem like a month...but if you're consistent, things should improve.


We're currently dealing with Nigel (new to us 6 weeks ago) barking in the late afternoon for no reason. It is very hard to ignore him, but we do.

No correcting him at all...just ignoring him.

Yes ... it is very noisy, but even in just the past two days we have seen a tremendous improvement.


Patience is a virtue!


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest verthib

we run him in the back yard for a while at night... Him and Gary play quite a bit before we go inside and I make sure he goes out right before bed to get any business out.


Is this just because he is young?


I feel for you! We went through that with Angus. I just started 'stretching' him longer and longer. He would want to get up at 4:00, then it was 4:30, then 5:00 and so on. I have him getting up around 7:00. It took firmness and when he laid down I would give him a Charlee Bear and say good boy. For a while I couldn't really move or get up to pee because he thought that meant get up and play! But slowly with our consistency and persistence and praise he has done well. We don't get up if he whines. We know he needs to go out if he goes to the bedroom door. Do you take away his water an hour before his last potty break?

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Guest BrianRke

I dont use the time released, but im sure it would be ok. I use the Spring Valley 5mg Melatonin. I think I get it at Wal-Mart. I also helps them grow hair on their bald butts :)

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Guest BlackandTan

I dont use the time released, but im sure it would be ok. I use the Spring Valley 5mg Melatonin. I think I get it at Wal-Mart. I also helps them grow hair on their bald butts :)

Do you use it every night?

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He's on "kennel" time. A lot of kennels start their days as early as 4:00 a.m. It took me several weeks to get Saint to sleep past 4:00 a.m. and he still gets screwed up when Daylight Savings Time hits. Since the time change he's been waking up at 4:00 a.m. again. :rolleyes:

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest BrianRke

I dont use the time released, but im sure it would be ok. I use the Spring Valley 5mg Melatonin. I think I get it at Wal-Mart. I also helps them grow hair on their bald butts :)

Do you use it every night?

I give it to Frank every day, its helping him re-grow some hair. Its natural and its very mild. Lots of people on here give it to their dogs for different reasons. It wouldnt hurt to try it, even if you just give it to him for a couple weeks. It may aid in helping his behavioral issue. Once he gets used to the new routine, stop the melatonin and see what happens. They are very much creatures of habit.

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Guest BlackandTan

I dont use the time released, but im sure it would be ok. I use the Spring Valley 5mg Melatonin. I think I get it at Wal-Mart. I also helps them grow hair on their bald butts :)

Do you use it every night?

I give it to Frank every day, its helping him re-grow some hair. Its natural and its very mild. Lots of people on here give it to their dogs for different reasons. It wouldnt hurt to try it, even if you just give it to him for a couple weeks. It may aid in helping his behavioral issue. Once he gets used to the new routine, stop the melatonin and see what happens. They are very much creatures of habit.

That sounds like a great Idea!

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Guest verthib

tried melantonin last night ive been up for an hour already


I feel for you. It will take time and patience. Praise for being quiet and then hide your head under the covers! :lol

Seriously though, you'll get through this! It took us a couple months.

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I wouldn't give him the melatonin. This is a behavioral issue. Just ignore him and he'll stop.


I agree!


Just ignore him.

Don't say a word. Don't even look at him. That is acknowledging his bad behavior.

Just ignore him.


We've 'been there, done that' with more than one dog ....and I know how hard this is to do.


Please.... be patient.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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