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If It's Not A Corn, What Is It?

Guest sorenkkg

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Guest sorenkkg

I've called the vet, and they're going to call me back... I've checked here and on the internet, and what I think is a corn, maybe isn't?



Haka (going to be 12 in March) has a small pink bump, about the size of a head of a pin, on the side of his main "palm" pad on his right front paw. So it's not directly on the bottom, and it's not on a toe.


He's not lame on that leg, he walks (runs, skips, bumps me) fine on concrete, and since he is a licker of the couch and his ankles, I can't tell if he's licking it especially, but I don't think so.

Here's a picture of it, with my thumb nearby for size reference?


I haven't a clue what to do next?







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Guest sorenkkg

Good question-- I just touched it... I can make a nail dent in it pretty easily, so I'm going to say soft. He's napping beside me, and doesn't move a muscle when I touch it, and I've done that 2x now.



My vet called me back, said that if it's small and he's not bothered by it, she doesn't need to see him (yet) and keep an eye on it. So, I'm on my own with this :P



If it's soft, it's not a corn? Or just a baby one, like a niblet?

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It could be the beginnings of a corn but usually those bother them right from the start. My boy Joey has a corn that bothered him before the darn thing became visible. I'd watch and see if it gets bigger and starts to harden up then it's probably a corn. It looks like it could just be a worn part on his pad also, like maybe he stepped on something hard or sharp.

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Guest sorenkkg

Could be the beginnings of a papilloma wart.


ok, could be. He's not licking it or anything... are they contagious to humans? Do I put abreva or something else on it?

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It looks to ME as if he just "skinned" that pad a little. See how it looks like an indentation? At least to my eye--as if the top (black/brown) layer was ripped off in that small area?


Just keep your eye on it, and it grows, have the vet look at it. If it starts to heal over, then you'll know my guess is right!


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Carl had something that looked a lot like that. The vet thought it could be the beginnings of a corn. I read up on corns and started using Twin Lab Propolis Extracton it twice a day, I just put a drop of it on the area and rubbed it in. It cleared up within a month. It may have just been that he stepped on something and and it was a healing injury.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest sorenkkg

Just updating this to say that Haka seems to have a very big (pencil eraser size?) WART on the side of that middle pad (what would be the top-palm of a person's hand)... it' faces the side, not downward, so he's not walking on it.

He doesn't seem to give a care, but I've noticed that it's bigger (noticed it around the same time I saw the thing in the picture above).



I'm going to call the vet tomorow, since they said to let them know if anything grows (and Aleeya seems to be having incontinence issues...)... Happy 12th birthday to them! :P

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My Isis has a cutaneous horn. It grows out of her pad. For the longest time I thought it was another toenail because it got so long then it broke off and looked like a corn. A few months later it grew again and it was then that I had someone tell me what it was. It's not painful to them and really causes no harm.


Good luck! I hope you find what it is.

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Guest sorenkkg

Just came back from the vet-- she's going to continue to watch it for now. She says it could be papilloma (virus, wart) or it could be a corn (she also says those are viral) but off to the side, so not bothering him as much as a "normal" corn would.

She also said it could be a cyst, a spot of some type of cancer or other, etc... sigh.


She's going to just monitor for now since it's not bothering him, and if it gets bigger, or changes, I let her know.




The spot in the picture above, from December, is gone though. Who knows? sigh. :huh





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It doesn't really look like a corn to me. And your vet said corns are viral? My vet says the opposite--that they are not viral.


For your dog's sake--and yours--I surely hope it's not a corn. Jack has three--one on each of three feet--and they are evil, evil things. :angryfire

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