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Boss Wants A Dog

Guest houndog990

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Guest BiancasMom

I say stop trying to pick a purebred. Go with your advice and take him to a shelter. He should be able to tell them his requirements and they can show him the dogs that fit his profile. Chances are, a mutt will be best. There are so many to choose from and each one is one of a kind :)

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There are several of these quizzes out on the web. He might want to take a couple of these quizzes to see what kind of dog might be right for him? Here is one I just picked at random




I don't think any of those quizzes are very accurate. I just did it and I got mixed breed... which is fair enough but mixed breeds are all completely different depending on what breeds they are comprised of... so being told "mixed breed" means nothing. Number 2 on my list was the Bichon Frise even though I specified I wanted a "very large" dog with "minimal grooming requirements". My favourite breeds that I would even consider owning didn't show up until at least number 25. I don't know where Greyhound was on that list. lol


Also... who WANTS a dog with a "shorter lifespan"? :huh

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Maybe a Bedlington Terrier? I know, terriers in general don't seem like a good match for him, but Bedlingtons (at least the one I know) seem to be really laid back good personality dogs. A friend has had Bedlingtons for most of her life, and she says this is pretty typical for the breed. They don't shed, but do need to go to the groomers for cuts.


As a bonus, they look a little bit like lambs - might be amusing considering your boss' profession :P

Edited by TwiggysMom

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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There are several of these quizzes out on the web. He might want to take a couple of these quizzes to see what kind of dog might be right for him? Here is one I just picked at random



I don't think any of those quizzes are very accurate



One of those quizzes 12 years ago was the reason I entered the greyhound world.. Maybe have him do a few and look at it like the Enquirer or horoscopes. You don't have to take them as gospel but they are fun and sometimes correct. ;)

Edited by Hubcitypam
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Guest fathermark

I'm a Catholic priest, and my boy, "Jay" is the perfect pup for me. He comes to the office with me every day, and receives many visitors who stop in to say hello to him. On Sundays, the parish children line up at my office door between Masses to pet and "love on him." I do a lot of counseling, and Jay is the perfect therapy dog. My secretary and bookkeeper are in love with him, so I know he's well taken care of when I need to be away from the office, and my bookkeeper insists on keeping him overnight if I go out of town. I hope your pastor reconsiders adopting a Greyhound - they make perfect "rectory dogs!"

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Guest houndog990

I'm a Catholic priest, and my boy, "Jay" is the perfect pup for me. He comes to the office with me every day, and receives many visitors who stop in to say hello to him. On Sundays, the parish children line up at my office door between Masses to pet and "love on him." I do a lot of counseling, and Jay is the perfect therapy dog. My secretary and bookkeeper are in love with him, so I know he's well taken care of when I need to be away from the office, and my bookkeeper insists on keeping him overnight if I go out of town. I hope your pastor reconsiders adopting a Greyhound - they make perfect "rectory dogs!"


Thank You Fr Mark...

trust me i AM trying...even gave him a copy of the CG and Loyola Link. i would like nothing more than to see him with a grey. he loves a playful dog (lab) but his only dog as a child was a cocker spaniel. i had my girl Inez in the rectory all day for the Blessing of the Animals and she seemed so right for the office.


to explain the mixed vs purebred .....i said i would love to go with him to the shelter and look at dogs and he was hesitant with that.....

i don't pretend to know what anyone else thinks or what their reasons for deciding or making their choices are.


i am happy i have been able to explain well enough that a person not fluent in DOG will adopt from a rescue.



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There are several of these quizzes out on the web. He might want to take a couple of these quizzes to see what kind of dog might be right for him? Here is one I just picked at random



I don't think any of those quizzes are very accurate



One of those quizzes 12 years ago was the reason I entered the greyhound world.. Maybe have him do a few and look at it like the Enquirer or horoscopes. You don't have to take them as gospel but they are fun and sometimes correct. ;)


They're certainly fun. I took it for entertainment. But these quizzes never come up with any dog I'd ever be interested in owning, including greyhounds. I always seem to get little white fluffy things that I have no interest in. I think borrowing a dog encyclopedia from the library would be better. He could read through a few breeds every night before bed and come up with a short list that interest him.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest kjsmith97

I am a United Methodist pastor, and my Greyhounds have been almost perfect for parish life. I wanted a dog that I could trust around people, shorthaired, and kenneled easily since our rule is unsupervised dogs in the parsonage are in the kennel. Our grey(s) have been almost perfect in that regard, separation anxiety being our only issue. Some of our kids at church will ask us to go get the dogs after church so they can pet them- the parsonage is across the street. My only concern with greys for him would be the lack of a fenced yard- which we do have at our current parsonage. Also, some small greys are available. Our girl, Angel (racing name Dakotas Angelica) was 48 pounds when we took her to our vet to get her stitches removed after her spay. She is probably a few more than that now, but still far less than our 70 pound chocolate lab who passed away in January. Would it take a while to find a small girl? Maybe but they are available. If he does not want to wait for a grey, I agree with others who have suggested a mutt or maybe a purebred rescue group. We looked at basset hounds and a few other breeds but decided the greys fit us best, especially since I work from home pastoring two small churches.


Off topic- I am excited to see that there are several other clergy here who have greys.

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There are several of these quizzes out on the web. He might want to take a couple of these quizzes to see what kind of dog might be right for him? Here is one I just picked at random




I don't think any of those quizzes are very accurate. I just did it and I got mixed breed... which is fair enough but mixed breeds are all completely different depending on what breeds they are comprised of... so being told "mixed breed" means nothing. Number 2 on my list was the Bichon Frise even though I specified I wanted a "very large" dog with "minimal grooming requirements". My favourite breeds that I would even consider owning didn't show up until at least number 25. I don't know where Greyhound was on that list. lol


Also... who WANTS a dog with a "shorter lifespan"? :huh

Tailoring my answers to Sammi... Greyhound came in #16 for my results. :blink: And here is why:

Greyhound Size: Large. Coat: Bristly. Silky. Straight. Coat length: Short. Grooming: Easy, low-maintenance. Very unlikely to drool. Moderate shedding. Slightly lower than average activity level. Bred as a game hunting companion. Not especially intelligent. Somewhat easier than average to train. Wary of other pets. Wary of strangers. Very affectionate. Quite dependent. Quiet. Listed in CDC and/or other reports as an aggressive breed prone to biting. Somewhat shorter than average estimated lifespan. In America, a rare breed. Not an ideal choice for choice for apartment living.


ETA~ After reading the Greyhound's bio a few more times, and then scanning other breeds I have personal experience with IMVHO... show your boss a different quiz :blink:

Edited by Gryffenne
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My boyz weigh between 70 and 80 pounds, but I know some of the females out there are very petit...so if he is on concerned about "big" - that can be resolved.


I, too, love Beagles, as someone suggested, and have had them, but they are not always quiet. Affectionate, sweet, and small enough - and fun to take on walks...but just beware of the howling.




Interesting how many people of the "cloth" have greys...I am reading these posts, but know of two other priests who have them as well...including one who blessed mine recently!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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It's true that there are some very small greys - I recently fostered a 45 lb spitfire of a little girl (she packed about 90 lbs of adorable crazy in that little frame :lol ).


However, a even a 45 lb grey is a lot "bigger" than a 45 lb "other breed" dog, in that they are much taller and longer than the other breed dogs. Maybe that is the issue for him?

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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Our priest here has a Mastiff and a miniature Schnauzer - but I think that a small Greyhound would be perfect - As Father Mark said, they are just so conducive to the work that priests do. I fostered a darling black girl that was 54 pounds and tiny - not long at all. Perhaps you could forward the post from the pastors that have responded in this thread. Here's hoping :goodluck !

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Wow, talk about not what the Dr ordered. A shepherd/husky cross is going to be huge, energetic, intelligent, shedding and as a puppy will need a lot of training. At least with so many people looking after her she'll get lots of people socialization. :)


I hope the match works for him!

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for some reason the link doesn't take me to the pic, but some kind of search engine. It's weird. However I did manage to find it on my own and Harley is sure a cute puppy. Not really what I would have expected based on what the OP was. This dog is going to 'Hell on wheels' for awhile. :P

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