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Bone Cyst?

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Let me say first that these will be going to OSU tomorrow -- can't do it now cause I need to get back to work.


Joe started limping about a month and a half ago. Took him to the very gentle vet, who thought it was a back sprain. Put him on Rimadyl & he felt better, but not great. Two nights ago he got me up to potty in the middle of the night, and SCREAMED going downstairs when he put weight on his left hind leg. (It gets worse when he's inactive, better with gentle walkies)


Took him to the vet today -- gentle vet was confused and called in aggressive vet who made Joe (and me!) scream when she moved his knee around. X-rays show a "bubble". In vet-speak: Left tibial crest, lateral radiograph, small bone cyst-like lesion, pain w/drawer test left stifle.


They say it doesn't look like cancer & that if it were he'd be much worse off since it's been about 6 weeks since the first visit. His only problem is pain; he's a loon who wants to run and play, jump on the sofa and shred stuffies!


They recommend an ortho consult with David A. Puerto of Cares in Langhorne, PA. Anyone used him before?


What do you all think of the X-rays? The first one, with my fancy red arrow, is from today. The others were done in Sept. They tried to get other views today, but Joe was all done with being manipulated! I think I should have asked them to do the other knee for comparison.


I've had him a little over a year -- I know nothing about his medical history while he raced.








Thanks! I'll be back on after 8.

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I can't give you advice on the xrays, but OSu will definitely get back to you asap. I actually drove from NJ to OSU when Diamond had her OS.


I see you're in Trenton......I'm in Ringoes (near Lamberville). Let me know if I can help any since I'm so close.


Prayers to your Joe.

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Last September (2010), I took Fuzzy into a holistic vet because he was experiencing back end paid. He would scream when we lifted him into the van, refused to go upstairs, etc.


The veterinary practice took x-rays of his spine, hip and leg. Their opinion was either a bone spur in the hip, a hairline fracture of the hip or cancer. They also said the head of the bone that sits in the hip socket was flat and it was freezing or locking, and causing him pain.


I sent the x-rays to Dr. Couto and his reply was that it was normal hip socket and joint. I took Fuzz Man to an orthpedist at Red Bank and he said it was lower back injury, just like people get from strain. It could be a result of racing history, just like we get pain from too much exercise. As, for example, my husband has suffered from all the years that he played baseball and football. He has had both hips replaced. I have come to the decision that sports is really not all that good for you.


I was pleased with Red Bank, and Dr. Davis, there, did not push any more tests or x-rays because he said the treatment would be same. He put him on Deramaxx, which made Fuzzy very sick. Now his is on Cosaquin DS and yucca.


I would recommend Northstar Veterinary Practice just off of the 7A. It is only a referral or specialty practice. The place is set up for 24 hours emergency and is run in a very professional manner. It is in a brand new location and the facility has the most modern of everything. They are slightly less expensive than Red Bank.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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I can't give you advice on the xrays, but OSu will definitely get back to you asap. I actually drove from NJ to OSU when Diamond had her OS.


I see you're in Trenton......I'm in Ringoes (near Lamberville). Let me know if I can help any since I'm so close.


Prayers to your Joe.


Thanks! One of Joe's favorite outings (when he's not gimpy) is a trip to New Hope/Lambertville.


Last September (2010), I took Fuzzy into a holistic vet because he was experiencing back end paid. He would scream when we lifted him into the van, refused to go upstairs, etc.


The veterinary practice took x-rays of his spine, hip and leg. Their opinion was either a bone spur in the hip, a hairline fracture of the hip or cancer. They also said the head of the bone that sits in the hip socket was flat and it was freezing or locking, and causing him pain.


I sent the x-rays to Dr. Couto and his reply was that it was normal hip socket and joint. I took Fuzz Man to an orthpedist at Red Bank and he said it was lower back injury, just like people get from strain. It could be a result of racing history, just like we get pain from too much exercise. As, for example, my husband has suffered from all the years that he played baseball and football. He has had both hips replaced. I have come to the decision that sports is really not all that good for you.


I was pleased with Red Bank, and Dr. Davis, there, did not push any more tests or x-rays because he said the treatment would be same. He put him on Deramaxx, which made Fuzzy very sick. Now his is on Cosaquin DS and yucca.


I would recommend Northstar Veterinary Practice just off of the 7A. It is only a referral or specialty practice. The place is set up for 24 hours emergency and is run in a very professional manner. It is in a brand new location and the facility has the most modern of everything. They are slightly less expensive than Red Bank.


I've heard nothing but good things about Northstar, and will keep them in mind if he needs some kind of surgery.


I was a spaz at work tonight! We weren't busy, so it was ok. Joe had a Rimadyl after the vet, and seems fine right now. I was afraid he'd be in pain after the exam/x-rays. DH says he wasn't pleased that I wasn't home; I got a big, bouncy greeting with play bows, pogo-ing and air-snaps. I so love my goofus doofus dog!



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I have no experience, but sure hope it's just a little nothing of a lesion. Joe sounds like my kinda dog! Sending prayers.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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I sent the form with x-rays attached to OSU last night. Joe's still zonked out. :lol The vet didn't say anything about limiting activity -- and he does seem better when I get him up and moving a bit. I won't let him run around the yard, but do you think short walks (20 minutes) are ok? A few times a day? He gets wacky without enough exercise. (And he doesn't like to potty in the yard unless it's a real emergency!)

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