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Joodles Is Starting To Heal Quickly

Guest FullMetalFrank

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Guest FullMetalFrank

We had our 4th (or 5th?) I don't remember, laser therapy appt. yesterday and she also got about a third of her staples out. It is looking good; and her "hole" is finally beginning to granulate and shrink a little. Now that I know it will be many weeks before that is completely closed, I am not so freaked out by it being open and Dr. Glaze is really pleased with her progress. I am overjoyed that there was very little tissue necrosis and with such a large tear, there won't be much scarring at all. Just a bit where she has the hole still. I am sold on the laser therapy. It is a fairly inexpensive treatment (right around $25 per session, no office visit fee) and I do think it has helped this heal. We had no pulled out staples, no re-suturing or stapling anywhere was needed. Once we are done with treatment I will have Dr. Glaze give me a copy of his photo progression for anyone who wants to see start to finish.


Sheila; I wanted to give you credit for the Maxi-pad idea you have posted in the past; I have had one stuck inside her t-shirt since she's been out of her x-pen and it's really helped keep the wound cleaner and drier and save laundry for me, excellent tip! For those who haven't heard this pearl of wisdom, if you have a dog who has had surgery and needs to wear a t-shirt to keep from licking, etc... Sheila suggested (a long time ago, I couldn't possibly find the thread) putting a maxi-pad inside the shirt (or sock or whatever protective covering you're using) and sticking it to the fabric so it covers any draining area you are concerned about, it works wonders! Change it as needed; it will help a lot.


RubyJewels and I thank you all so much for your prayers and good thoughts. It really does help!

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I really need to get some pics of her suture/staple lines... Dr. Glaze does something a bit unorthodox (at least as far as I have heard) when stapling up thin-skinned dogs like greyhounds. He does not shave the surgery site; leaves the hair full length and just clips right at the staple site, only clipping the end hairs that would overlap or get into the wound. We have not had ANY staples pull out, except for two that were where he had to stretch a bit to try and close up the area where her drain came thru and she had a hole that he could not close. It seems that the hair and scabs help to strengthen the hold that the staples have; and the scarring? It is a very fine line. She does not have all her staples out yet but the areas that we've been able to clean the scabs away from, there are beautiful, flat, maybe 1/16" wide scars that will not show at all. So my little peanut has this horrific skin tear across her back, and a hole ripped in the middle of the flap, with a bit of underlying muscle damage, and it looks like the only scarring she will have is in the small open wound area. I imagine it will be less than 3/4" in diameter when all is said and done. Of course we would love her, scarred up or not, it does not matter, but when a Dr. is able to get a better result, I am all for it! I will try to take and post some pics tomorrow; I haven't been able to bring myself to photograph her injuries. Not that I am squeamish, I just prefer taking pics of her cute sweet face! (And it makes me so sad to see her boo-boos.)

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Glad to hear she is doing well! Sending her continued good wishes for her recovery. :)

Kendra, devoted walker of Henry (Tom Jones: Great Son x Lucia)

Missing Badger (Vf Get R Done: Quicksand Slip x Ll Tee el See), 5/04 - 2/14, who opened our hearts and our home to greyhounds; Kenzie (Slatex Kenzie: Randy Handy x Slatex Chrisy), 4/03 - 10/14, who really knew what a good dog she was; Falcon (Atascocita Sabat: Dodgem by Design x Atascocita Barb), 9/10 - 1/20, who was grumpy and snarky but eventually a little bit cuddly, too; Grandpa Grey the Galgo Español, 2008 (?) to 2022, who made us feel lucky to be the ones to teach him about pet life; and Lucia (Larking About x Anastasia, 5/12 to 8/23), our first brood matron and the sweetest speckly girl. 

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I really need to get some pics of her suture/staple lines... Dr. Glaze does something a bit unorthodox (at least as far as I have heard) when stapling up thin-skinned dogs like greyhounds. He does not shave the surgery site; leaves the hair full length and just clips right at the staple site, only clipping the end hairs that would overlap or get into the wound. We have not had ANY staples pull out, except for two that were where he had to stretch a bit to try and close up the area where her drain came thru and she had a hole that he could not close. It seems that the hair and scabs help to strengthen the hold that the staples have; and the scarring? It is a very fine line. She does not have all her staples out yet but the areas that we've been able to clean the scabs away from, there are beautiful, flat, maybe 1/16" wide scars that will not show at all. So my little peanut has this horrific skin tear across her back, and a hole ripped in the middle of the flap, with a bit of underlying muscle damage, and it looks like the only scarring she will have is in the small open wound area. I imagine it will be less than 3/4" in diameter when all is said and done. Of course we would love her, scarred up or not, it does not matter, but when a Dr. is able to get a better result, I am all for it! I will try to take and post some pics tomorrow; I haven't been able to bring myself to photograph her injuries. Not that I am squeamish, I just prefer taking pics of her cute sweet face! (And it makes me so sad to see her boo-boos.)


That sounds wonderful! I really like the "no shaving" idea. Critters look so pitiful with big bald spots.

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