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Is This Anything To Worry About?

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My girl Tori, who will be 12 in early December, has something odd going on, but I can't decide if I should be worried or not.


Over the past month or so, sometimes when we walk her left hip/knee buckles occasionally. It's just like if one of our legs were to buckle - it trips her up for a second but she gains her stride easily and is fine. It's been happening slightly more frequently as time goes on. It happened twice on her walk this morning.


She is in absolutely no pain. She doesn't limp or favor her leg at all. I can poke and prod with no reaction and she doesn't hesitate to use it to run, jump, etc. Honestly, it doesn't seem to bother her one little bit.


So if it's not bothering her, is it something I should be worried about? Should I just keep an eye on it? I can't think of anything I'd actually go to the vet for, unless maybe for an x-ray, but that seems a bit extreme at this point.


I'd love your thoughts.

Jenn, missing Shadow (Wickford Big Tom), Pretty Girl (C's Pretty) and Tori (Santoria)

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Mention it to your Vet because it could be a degenerative spinal neuropathy starting. Our Great Dane started like that on one leg, then it progressed to actually falling at random and then about 18 months later to both legs not working, at which point we decided to send her to the Bridge.

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Also, just because she isn't exhibiting pain doesn't mean she isn't in pain. We lost our girl last year (at 13.5 years of age) and she never exhibited any pain to us until her last week even though she had acute pancreatitis. She was balking at going up and down stairs (we carried her) - but she never limped and never winced/showed pain when her legs/hips were examined. She was extremely stoic in the face of pain...


I personally have issues with my knees buckling, as I've had multiple surgeries to remove damaged cartilage (sports' injuries in my youth) - I have almost no cartilage left (what is left is so compressed it can't be seen in an x-ray) and I have advanced osteo-arthritis and stretched ligaments in both knees. Mine buckle because I hyper-extend them on a regular basis. It does hurt a bit, but honestly, I've adapted to it because I've dealt wih it for so long. Your girl might have some of the same issues and has just learned to deal with it - but definitely have her checked out and ask your vet if there is anything you can do to help. At her age, take nothing for granted! :)

Edited by Sundrop
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OK, well it only took two posts to convince me to call the vet :blush She has an appointment to get it checked out.


Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it.

Jenn, missing Shadow (Wickford Big Tom), Pretty Girl (C's Pretty) and Tori (Santoria)

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Hope it's nothing serious.


My senior (non-grey) sometimes does that. She's always had a slightly sideways gate, and sometimes looks like she misses a step ... not in pain, nothing wrong with her hips, and the vet isn't worried.

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