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Foul Smelling Waxy Substance On Lower Back Legs?

Guest Ummon

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Hi all relatively new at greyhound care. Ace has been with us about two months


Since he still stubbornly refuses to climb stairs I usually have to manually walk him up (move one leg after another while he does his statue routine). I have been noticing a rather foul smelling waxy or oily buildup on his lower hind legs. He does not appear to be sick or in pain. Any ideas what it may be or what I can do to get rid of it?

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No I don't think its Prepuce, its on the back of his leg and unless he can rotate his penis 180 degrees (which would be impressive :) I highly doubt it. I usually find it on his back leg lower below the knee.

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Folks -- the prepuce is the anatomical area-smegma is the discharge. They get the discharge on their legs (and yes on the back of the legs) while laying down. I urge a vet visit because this sounds to be in excess.

Please forgive any spelling mistakes-- I'm on my phone and I'm w/o glasses!! The letters are itty bitty-ugh

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Guest PiagetsMom

Yes, Mirage usually has a small amount of discharge on the back of his right rear leg, but it's not in excess and there is no odor. Sounds like maybe an infection :dunno

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Guest BrianRke

Just throwing this out there... Many times when Frank poops, if he positions himself the right way, the poop will hit the back of his rear leg before it falls to the ground. When he does this, I wipe his leg with a warm paper towel. I imagine that if I didnt know he was doing this, there would be a build up of a foul smelling substance like you described on the back of his rear legs.


cant spell today

Edited by BrianRke
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