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What To Look For In Xray....

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Background: This began back in February when Enza shook herself off from the rain and collapsed. Once she stood up, she refused to put weight on her right front foot and we rushed her to the vet. Once there and once in access of the cookie jar, she stood up on all four paws and stuck her nose in the jar. After a full exam, etc, the vet diagnosed a pinched nerve in her neck. She was given rimidyl for 10 days and was fine.


Since then, she would have her normal occasionally slow days, but she is infamous for her "death march" walks when it is above 70 degrees outside.


In early August, we were driving home and had to slam on our brakes. She was standing (unusual for her) and slipped onto her front paws. The next day, she started limping again. I kept an eye on it for about a week before taking her back to the vet. She did not yelp when he maneuvered her neck and only did it on her back legs (that she wasn't limping on). We decided it was likely from the jarring of the sudden stop so she went on rimidyl for 7 days. She was fine and once we went off the drugs, she turned into a puppy-esque lunatic. Bouncing, running, etc despite my efforts to keep her on reduced walks. About a week ago, she started limping again.


But not really limping - it's more her gait is stiff and off. Her shoulders hardly move, her hips seem stiff, and she suddenly stumbles every once in awhile. She starts off on our walks with lots of energy and sets a quick pace but she slows near the end to plodding and the "offness" is much more pronounced. Our walks are also half or less what they use to be. Some of the time, she barely makes it around the building with her constant pausing. This does not prevent her from trying to hunt a cricket, the possum, destroy bags, and help with the post Irene clean up with moving sticks. I am quite sure my neighbor loves that Enza dragged the sapling unto her fence.


Tomorrow she is having Xrays to see what else is going on. She has never held up a paw, we've checked her for corns, nail issues, embedded items and nothing, her energy is high because as soon as we return home, she destroys her stuffies. Eating fine, pooping fine, drinking water fine. The only other changes is she is a bit more clingy but I've been stressed due to personal issues and my kitchen was just remodeled. She is also much more reactive around other dogs over the last year - but is improving with constant "watch me", NILF, and the like.


I don't think she has cancer -I hope she doesn't have cancer. She is only five with a birthday in a week (omg - I need to order her new collar!). I have thought about arthritis, pinched nerve, slipped disk, a broad "old race injury". Any thoughts and suggestions would be helpful!


(Yes, I know it's long - just be glad you aren't my vet on whom I data dump all the time. I even bring notes.)

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The word which kept coming to mind was chiropractor. Assuming her x-rays are good, that's what I'd look into. It's amazing what they can do for these dogs. Good luck!

Edited by OwnedBySummer


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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The word which kept coming to mind was chiropractor. Assuming her x-rays are good, that's what I'd look into. It's amazing what they can do for these dogs. Good luck!


That is one of the things I am thinking about. I also purchased some joint formula that combines a lot of the supplements recommended on here.

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If the x-rays are good (fingers crossed), I'm thinking acupuncture. Fuzzy did really well with only one visit. He pinched something in his neck.

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My foster had tendinitis in both shoulders. His gait was off without a noticeable limp. He was very stiff. x-rays didn't show anything. An MRI may have, or may not have shown anything. He had 2 sets of cortisone in his shoulders and is doing much better.

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