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Swollen Toe

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So I went out for a couple of hours. Before I left, both dogs were fine...right before I got home it started to thunder. Well, I come inside and besides Pop telling me how horrible I am for leaving, I didn't notice anything. Then Zelda gets up off the dog bed and is limping...one of her toes is swollen. I don't see anything wrong with it, so I have some ice on it (against her wishes)...what the heck should I do? Just ice it? Give her some aspirin/tylenol/ibuprofen?


I've never seen her toe swollen before...she does like to curl that foot under her when she sleeps, but you would think that her whole foot would be swollen, not just the one toe.

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Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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Yikes- no Tylenol or advil- those are really a no no!

Given the proper dose sometimes aspirin can be given but, IMO it's not the best choice of a NSAID-- really tough on the tummy. I would give your vet a ring if it's not improved by the morning. If needed your vet can dispense proper pain meds. Remember- no OTC drugs without clearing it first with your vet.

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Yikes- no Tylenol or advil- those are really a no no!

Given the proper dose sometimes aspirin can be given but, IMO it's not the best choice of a NSAID-- really tough on the tummy. I would give your vet a ring if it's not improved by the morning. If needed your vet can dispense proper pain meds. Remember- no OTC drugs without clearing it first with your vet.


Ok...what about a benadryl? Maybe something bit her and she's allergic to it? I'm going to watch her tonight as it doesn't bother her when I touch it, only when she tries to walk. I'm wondering if Pop didn't stomp on her like she's done to him dozens of times...or if she hasn't somehow managed to break her toe? it's weird, because the toe is on her right front paw and it's the second toe from the right...it's probably double in size, yet she was fine when I left at 7...come home at 10 and she is limping with a swollen toe?!?

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Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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Just want to note that if you give her aspirin tonight and you need to take her to the vet it might prohibit which drug (NSAID) your vet can use. In other words- there might be a washout period involved before you are able to start the newly dispensed med.

This may be bothering you more than her-- personally, I would give it the night and see how she is in the a.m.

Edited by tbhounds
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It's still swollen, but doesn't appear as bad. She hasn't been up this morning, but she doesn't want to let me touch it as easily this morning. I am icing it again to see what will happen. She is being a stinker, so I may end up attaching the ice to her paw! I did give her some Benadryl I had left over from when Pop was thought to have allergies (a dosage a little under what her body weight is) and it doesn't seem to have done much.


Should I wait until later today to take her to the vet? Or just watch it?

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Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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No-one likes to waste hard-earned money on vets when it's not necessary, but the problem is you can't know for sure whats going on here. If it was fractured or dislocated it would cause intense pain if you moved it around and the suddenness means it is very likely from injury. However infections and fluid build-ups can arise very quickly depending on the underlying cause. I'd want my dog's paw X-Rayed to rule out fracture and unsual bone densities just in case. And if it was a spider bite, what if it was a very nasty one like the Brown Recluse? If there was thunder then the dog may have gone looking around in closets etc. So I'd advise seeing the vet today.

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It might be a fractured toe. A few weeks ago my Larry was zooming in the yard and he slid on a corner, a couple hours later I noticed one of his toes was double the normal size. Off to the vet and after x-rays she diagnosed a fractured toe. Not much you can do for a fractured toe as it is not a great place to put a cast. She did prescribe an anti-inflammatory to help with pain (but that may have caused diarrhea so we had to stop). Icing is also something I have been doing to try and get the swelling down.


He does cry when he needs to get up and has to place weight on that toe and he also cries when he tries to "paw" his toys but otherwise, it seems to be "very slowly" healing. He is not noticeably limping but, he is favoring that foot a bit.


I would still recommend that the vet check it because there could be something imbedded in the toe.

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She isn't crying and isn't even limping any more...she's trotting/running around...I'm starting to think she stepped on a bee or such. The swelling has gone down some...I tried giving her a little more benadryl and I'm going to ice it. If still not better by the morning or if she gets worse, I'll be calling the vet. Thanks everyone.

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Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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