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Anyone Witnessed Excitability From Cephalexin?

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Kevin was prescribed (2) Cephalexin 500mg caps 2x/day. He also was prescribed an antihistimine. He got very wound-up last night about two hours after the first dose of these. We assumed it was the antihistimine. The vet said this morning to just give the antihistimine in half the prescribed dose as needed but to continue the antibiotic as prescribed. Tonight the same excitability. Could this be from the anti-biotic.?Anyone ever experience this in their pup? He has had no anti-histimine since last night. Thanks to all who reply.


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Excitability as in playful or as in nervous, on edge, etc.?


If playful: I *have* seen meds make a dog feel a lot better fast, so that is one possibility.


If nervous/on edge: Is he getting his meds on a full tummy? If he seems on edge or acts odd, could be his tummy doesn't feel right. In that case, might try giving the meds right after a good meal or even adding Pepcid (10mg famotidine) to his regime (dose @ 30 minutes before meal, then feed, then give meds).

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Excitability as in playful or as in nervous, on edge, etc.?


If playful: I *have* seen meds make a dog feel a lot better fast, so that is one possibility.


If nervous/on edge: Is he getting his meds on a full tummy? If he seems on edge or acts odd, could be his tummy doesn't feel right. In that case, might try giving the meds right after a good meal or even adding Pepcid (10mg famotidine) to his regime (dose @ 30 minutes before meal, then feed, then give meds).


More playful. But also restless. The barking is incessant. He's wired. The excitability is not as bad as last night. He went outside and ran and now is not barking at us and air snapping but he's still panting. It started at almost the same time as last night. So, we'll see how the rest of the night goes. He has gotten a ton of exercise this week so maybe he's just becoming an exercise addict in the evenings? Or maybe it's both medications and last night was more extreme because he was on both? I really don't know what to think but I hope I figure it out. Thank you all for your advice.


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He has gotten a ton of exercise this week so maybe he's just becoming an exercise addict in the evenings?


That's a possibility! Especially if the meds are making him feel better.


I've not heard of excitability from cephalexin or antihistamines, but dogs do react differently to different things and you can't rule it out. I wouldn't stop the antibiotic if you can help it, but maybe move the antihistamine to the morning instead of the evening and see if the excitability moves too?


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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He has gotten a ton of exercise this week so maybe he's just becoming an exercise addict in the evenings?


That's a possibility! Especially if the meds are making him feel better.


I've not heard of excitability from cephalexin or antihistamines, but dogs do react differently to different things and you can't rule it out. I wouldn't stop the antibiotic if you can help it, but maybe move the antihistamine to the morning instead of the evening and see if the excitability moves too?


He's not getting any anti-histimine right now. But I am going to double check with my husband that this morning he got his anti-biotics because he has been calm, once he got his breakfast (he thought we forgot and pitched a fit). Maybe he's just going through some bossy hyper phase. Gimme food! Gimme a walk!!


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I'm pretty sure that my former foster was on this AB. He was on it for 6 loooooooooong weeks. It made him hyper. It was like living with a pack of labs. He exhausted me and never seemed to stop going. A week or 2 off the meds and he seemed to level out.

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My answer would be no--I've never heard of any antibiotic causing excitability.


And my dogs have been on a LOT of them, and often for a long time!


What is he taking it FOR? I suppose the others are probably on to something--maybe he feels better?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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My answer would be no--I've never heard of any antibiotic causing excitability.


And my dogs have been on a LOT of them, and often for a long time!


What is he taking it FOR? I suppose the others are probably on to something--maybe he feels better?



Antibiotics caused my foster dog to be hyper. The vet said he'd never seen it before, but that since everyone responds differently to meds that it is possible. Every time he went off of them his energy level dropped significantly and I was worried they weren't working because he went on ABs right when I got him and I didn't know what he was normally like off the meds.

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Thanks for all responses. He is on it for these little pustule/pimply things on his tummy and thighs that showed up a couple days ago (maybe the day before we went to see the vet). It's possible he is feeling better. But the increased activity happens the same number of hours after he takes the med every time. I think the extreme reaction the first night was the combo. He is still a little more active than normal a couple hours after taking the anti-biotics and he really seems to want to drag you around. He is also barking a lot and being demanding. So I do think maybe it's the med. It's just much milder than when he took everything on the first night. So we are avoiding giving anti-histamine if possible and I guess we'll tough it out with the AB. He's on it for two weeks and we're several days in. No upset tummy or loose poops. Just bossy, active (yes, more lab-like ) dog.


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Guest eaglflyt

This is just a random thought, but could he be hearing fireworks in the distance that you are unable to hear? Fireworks make all of our dogs excitable and on edge. :( We give melatonin 3 mg or a dose of Benadryl when/if needed.

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This is just a random thought, but could he be hearing fireworks in the distance that you are unable to hear? Fireworks make all of our dogs excitable and on edge. :( We give melatonin 3 mg or a dose of Benadryl when/if needed.


I appreciate your thinking on the problem. Maybe, but if so he'd be having the opposite reaction of nearly every other dog on the planet! He's nuts! He is not bothered by anything loud. He's virtually bombproof. Loves heavy equipment (wants to drive it- runs toward it- whines and tries to pull to see our neighbor when he's running his backhoe or other equipment). Gunshots do not phase him. He doesn't even stop pooping. It's like they're not happening! Thunderstorms, sleeps like a baby. So maybe he is hearing fireworks and wants to join the party!! (I do sympathize with others that this is a bad time of year though for most GH owners- Sadie wouldn't even go out to relieve herself at this time of year.)


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