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Causes Of Limping

Guest bunnysmum

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Guest bunnysmum

Hi all, I'm new to the forum but would really appreciate some advice! We adopted our gorgeous ex-racer Bunny 14 months ago. Every so often (especially on cold, wet days) he'd have a period of limping. This would only last a day or two and he didn't appear to be in pain. We did some research and found that he ended his last race 'lame' in 2008 so assumed it was an old injury that flared up in cold weather.


Earlier this week our dog walker noticed he was limping again and he's been limping on his front left leg on and off ever since. He doesn't appear to be in pain and walks better on grass than concrete. Of couse, I made the stupid mistake of Googling 'greyhound limping' and found all these horror stories about bone cancer! Now I am very anxious. We have got a vet's appointment for Saturday morning but I kind of need to talk about it.


I am assuming bone cancer can be very painful but Bunny doesn't appear to be in pain. He's also eating his food happily, jumping around when his lead appears and enjoying his treats. I'm really hoping it's just a strain but am very nervous.


Any advice appreciated!


Bunny's Mum x

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Check the bottom of Bunny's feet-- I would look for corns. The fact that you mentioned that his limp is worse on hard surfaces makes me think corns. If it is a corn --while they are a pita they are a better option than what your biggest fear is.

Oh--- and welcome here!

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Guest bunnysmum

Thanks! I haven't had a good look at his feet as he doesn't like you looking at them. Will have a good look tonight. It's horrible though that your thoughts go immediately to the worst possible scenario!


Bunny's Mum x

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Guest KennelMom

Though bone cancer can certainly happen in a younger dog, it's not what first pops to my mind when I see a young dog limping. Corns and injuries new and old are what I first think of.

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Guest bunnysmum

Bunny is 7 so heading into his old age... he also needs his toenails clipped. When I tried to do it before he screamed and ran away and hid! Hopefully the vet will sort things out on Monday. Thanks for your reassuring words though!


Bunny's Mum x

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Limping can be caused by many things, not just bone cancer. I agree corns was my first thought when you described he did not limp on soft surfaces but did on concrete. They are sometimes very hard to see and the only way to tell is sometimes feeling the pads and applying some pressure but be sure to muzzle Bunny just in case before doing so. An old injury could be flaring up, he could have some back issues as that can be cause for limping. I am glad you are going to see the vet and if you are truly concerned about bone cancer, then an x-ray is in order to eliminate that as a possible cause. Please keep us updated and we'll send along good thoughts for Monday.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest bunnysmum

Thanks all. We're definitely going to check for corns. If it's not them I'm going to push for an x-ray at the vet, just to be sure.


Bunny's Mum x

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Good idea. I know that after spending time in Health and Medical it starts to look like every dog has osteo. That isn't the case; we only post about injuries and illnesses. Hope it's nothing serious.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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I would push for an x-ray as Bunny is the right age for Osteo. If the x-ray hopefully shows nothing if will be a baseline to compare with when she has more x-rays.


Prayers for a corn or injury


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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When one of my former girls had this on and off limping, it turned out to be corns. However, when I had them removed, they just came right back. The vet told me this would happen anyway. Also, the limping was much more prominant on concrete surfaces as opposed to grass as well. An X-ray is a good idea to solve the question.


Welcome and thanks for posting.



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Guest bunnysmum

Vet's appointment it tomorrow morning and I'm still nervous... however, Bunny went out for his morning walk earlier and was racing around the field! He started hobbling as soon as he got to the road. We had a quick look for corns last night but couldn't see anything major - Bunny didn't like us touching his feet though - he looked most upset!


I must say, it's been great to come on here and chat about it - everyone is very friendly!


Thanks all,


Bunny's Mum x

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Guest bunnysmum

Update! Just come back from the vet and she is 99.9% sure it is arthritis in his front right shoulder. He has a scar there from a racing injury and she thinks it's arthritis on that old bump. She did a very thorough examination and we discussed bone cancer, but she said he would be in a lot more pain than he is if it were cancer. We've got medicine to give him for a week - if it doesn't work we'll take him back and get x-rays.


We've also got to get some fish oils for him and some joint supplements.


I am SO relieved! I was so worried about cancer and was going to push for x-rays, but the vet was very calm about it and said if the arthritis meds don't work she'll do x-rays then.



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Guest MyCody

Glad to hear this, I worry about cancer also. Just took Leah for a swollen leg and vet thinks it was a bee sting, but first thing I thought of was cancer.

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Guest bunnysmum

Hi, yes, I know what you mean - we're going to see how it goes this week then schedule an x-ray if he's still limping. Hopefully we'll be able to manage it if it is definitely arthritis.



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