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Hello From Salt Lake City, Utah

Guest meggera

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Guest meggera

Greetings all, my name is Megan and I am a new member to the forums. My husband Jake and I are in the process of adopting our first (and I'm sure not to be our last) retired racer from a local rescue group. We submitted our application about a week and a half ago and have had our interview and home inspection and have been approved. Now we are waiting for the dog to be brought in from out of state. I'm so excited! I'm nervous to have the rescue group make the selection for us but trust that they know our energy level, needs, and personalities enough that they will do there best to find a good match.


I'm sure I will have a million questions and am really excited to be a member of this forum. I hope you don't mind the slew of questions to be coming in the future. I'm in the process right now of reading "Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies" by Lee Livingood and plan to read Childproofing your Dog next.


Anyway, I wanted to say hello and introduce myself.



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Guest TheDoggfather

Well, Megan... let me be the first here to congratulate you on your pending adoption :) Don't worry about the slew of questions and the old adage "there are no dumb questions" rings true. There are a lot of folks here who have a wealth of knowledge about how to care for your dog; there aren't a lot of questions we haven't heard at least a 1,000 times... just ask away and it's a pretty safe bet someone will have had that same experience and will be able to offer some sage advice.


There are folks here involved at every level of a greyhounds life... farmers, trainers, race owners and adoption folks... and believe it or not, for the most part, we all get along (usually ;)). I'll be intersted to learn of the dog you're ultimately going to bring home. (I like to see if I might've known the dog as a racer).

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Guest IrskasMom

Hello and Welcome to GT Megan and Jake :wave:wave:wave:wave The Dogfather summed it up . We are here to help and answer all your Questions. We can't wait until you have your Dog and actually see Pictures. I have only one Hound (it;s my second one ) but there are People with 3,4 and more . Lot's of Experience .

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Guest PhillyPups



Hi and welcome from Philly. You are about to embark on an incredible journey with the most awesome beings on earth, some of us are very passionate about our breed. The hardest part is the wait. Ask away and as a community, we are here to help you.

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Guest meggera

Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone. I'm so thrilled about this new addition. When I met my first grey at a meet & greet in 2008 it was love. Greyaholic, you aren't kidding me about the wait! It is killing me but it is also giving me lots of time for research on how best to make the transition as painless as possible for our new hound.


I'm about 98% sure we are getting a female. We have a unique setup in our home. My sisters family live upstairs and they have two dogs Sydney (altered male Pembroke Welsh Corgi) and Ratu (altered male Lab/Golden mix). My husband and I live in the mother-in-law apartment downstairs. So after consulting with the adoption group it was agreed that bringing a female into the home would be best.

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Guest leemc

Hello and welcome from Long Island NY!! I am fairly new to adoption too. About 6 months for me. Every time I posted with a problem or question everyone has been so nice and supportive. This is a "greyt" site!



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Guest manawatugal

Hi from the other side of the world. We are new greyhound owners too (8 weeks) I wasn't worried about the adoption group choosing our dog for us, after all they knew the dog quite well, live with dogs all the time and don't take adopting out these dogs lightly and want to get it right and nearly always do (so I've heard). I am so happy with our boy, he is gorgeous and we love him dearly. This time last year I knew nothing about greyhounds, they are very special dogs. And yes the wait is agonising but rest assured she will be the right dog for you and your circumstances. You just have to let them settle in, in their own time. It took my dog just this week to stop following me to the door when I left the house. He is now confident that I will come back!

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My first dog was picked for me by the adoption group and they made a great choice - he was my "heart dog". The adoption groups grow to know the dogs well and they really want the family and the dog to work well together - they have everyone's best interests at heart.


Good Luck!

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Welcome from the far south side of Chicago. I love your part of the world! Many happy memories of a train trip from Chicago to Salt Lake City than a car ride to Park City.

This site is wonderful to get all the answers you need. It is so much fun watching your hound realize that this amazing new life is really hers and it gets better every day. I just celebrated my 4th gotcha day with my heart boy Luka and I still can't believe how lucky I am to have found him. I also have a older moma hound who will be 10 in June. Sweet as pie and so loving.

Greyhounds wiggle their way into your heart and soul and there is no going back- you get hooked and you will laugh and smile every day. Congratulations!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to you and your greyhound-to-be. She'll soon have you wrapped around her little dewclaw. :) If you'd like more greyhound reading while you're waiting for your girl, you could try www.greyhoundgang.com. Lots of good info. [The Greyhound Guide] and pics on the site. The headquarters is relatively close to you, too -- in Kanab.

Edited by EllenEveBaz


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest meggera

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone and the suggested reading!


@ lukasmom: I love Park City and the drive through Utah. I haven't yet been in your neck of the woods, YET.

@EllenEveBaz: I haven't even met her yet and I'm already wrapped around her little dewclaw. I bet it will be one million times more when I get to meet her!


Speaking of meeting her, I got a call from the rescue group I am working with and she has arrived here in Utah! She got in late last night. He told me her name is Vassar (her litter was named after the women's colleges) but I don't know if that is her racing name or kennel name. I tried a quick search in greyhound-data.com but the only result was for a dog born in 1985. I doubt that is her since she is between 2-3 years old. I didn't even think to ask him what her coat color is (it isn't that important, I am just curious) He originally wanted me to come pick her up tonight but they have had something come up at the kennel so that just won't be possible. The earliest I can pick her is tomorrow. So the question is do I go pick her up tomorrow or schedule out for this Wednesday? The only reason I think I should postpone until Wednesday is I have two doctors’ appointments on Wednesday and I don't want to leave her all alone so soon after bringing her home. Any thoughts and suggestions?

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Guest meggera

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone and the suggested reading!


@ lukasmom: I love Park City and the drive through Utah. I haven't yet been in your neck of the woods, YET.

@EllenEveBaz: I haven't even met her yet and I'm already wrapped around her little dewclaw. I bet it will be one million times more when I get to meet her!


Speaking of meeting her, I got a call from the rescue group I am working with and she has arrived here in Utah! She got in late last night. He told me her name is Vassar (her litter was named after the women's colleges) but I don't know if that is her racing name or kennel name. I tried a quick search in greyhound-data.com but the only result was for a dog born in 1985. I doubt that is her since she is between 2-3 years old. I didn't even think to ask him what her coat color is (it isn't that important, I am just curious) He originally wanted me to come pick her up tonight but they have had something come up at the kennel so that just won't be possible. The earliest I can pick her is tomorrow. So the question is do I go pick her up tomorrow or schedule out for this Wednesday? The only reason I think I should postpone until Wednesday is I have two doctors’ appointments on Wednesday and I don't want to leave her all alone so soon after bringing her home. Any thoughts and suggestions?


I found out she is a fawn color and I ended up going ahead and calling the rescue group to see if it was okay that we pick her up on Wednesday after my doctors appointments which is okay. So on Wednesday I get to bring her home! Yeppie!!

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How exciting for you!! Can't wait to hear more and of course see pictures of your new girl! You know, there are :rules about people being required to share pics, and lots of them! :lol

Let us know if you need help figuring out how to post pictures, it's really easy.

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest meggera

Ladies and Gentlemen,


I am Kaias Vassar but the new lady who feeds me (she says she is the mama) calls me Vanille. For my 2nd birthday on the 9th I got a forever home. Cool birthday present, eh?! I don't know about my new surroundings yet. I am feeling a little insecure. There are a few dogs in the neighborhood where I live who bark at me and that makes me very nervous. I don't get why they are such grouchy gooses, I'm super friendly and sweet! I even lean against the 'mama' lady to make her feel good.


Today I discovered that my stuffed toys are great fun! My favorite is my pony named "Ole' Blindy". He is a fun guy to flip around and play with. However, my water bowl isn't as fun to play around with. It just makes my bed wet. In my defense I was just trying to move it onto my bed so I could lay down and drink water at the same time. How was I supposed to know all that water would fall out all over my bed?


I let the mama take pictures of me but I think maybe I'll have her do some glamor shots outside later because I really am a pretty girl. I have a few scars from my racing days but the mama says they just make me that much more beautiful.



This was my first day I got here, I was super exhausted!



Still my first day, still super exhausted!



I'm not ready for bed!



Me and Ole' Blindy. What a good pony.



I'm hugging my best buddy, he was sad because somebody was biting his butt earlier, but it wasn't me. Nope!



Don't worry, no purple monkeys were harmed in the making of this moment. He was giving me a neck massage. Yeah, that's it. A neck massage.


Tonight I gave the mama lady a real treat and let her see just how FAST I am. I zoomed all around the yard. I was moving so fast that even if she had her camera instead of the poop bags she still wouldn't have been able to catch me. No way!


I also did the stairs all by myself today. I had to go potty and I was tired of waiting for the mama lady to put her shoes on. So I started up them and she had to come running after me with only one shoe on and the other one in her hand! I just wanted to see how fast she can move. She is slow poke! That's why I ran for her. I'm trying to teach her that she should run fast like me!


Anyway! Time for this tired girl to get some beauty sleep!



(Kaias Vassar)


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Guest avadogner

Welcome to GT from Alabama! Your Vanille is lovely and looks so very happy to be retired. PLEASE ask any questions you have. That is what led us all here at some point. I gladly welcome you to our delightful cult of the greyhound. I proudly admit to drinking the KoolAid! :P


You will find we have our own little subculture which even has it's own language. Theback sleeping is roaching, the brief outbursts of running are zoomies and howling with buddies is rooing. There are many more but we will ease you in.


Welcome and congratulations!

ava and augie's mum

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Guest leemc

Hi Vanille!!!! It is such a pleasure to meet you. I keep checking this website ever since your Momma announced you were coming to live at your forever home. You are a beautiful girl!!!

Welcome and I cant wait to hear all about your new adventures and see pictures of you welcome2.gif


LeeAnn & Ruby ( Ruby is new to retirement also- we just adopted her on March 12th!)

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Guest meggera

Ruby is so cute with her toy! I'm sure she is loving the world of a retiree! And thank you buttonwillow, Josie (and the Pussycats!) are so cute too!


Vanille is doing better in some ways. It is day six since she joined us and she is now confident enough to go up and down the stairs without any help (I still remind her to go slow) which is very encouraging.


She is being a lot more vocal the past two days and I don't know if that is just a part of settling in or not. I worry that she is in pain or is being under-stimulated or overstimulated. I have been writing everything down to track when she is doing what. My husband says I am silly for tracking everything but it is helping me.


This morning has been particularly rough because her upstairs neighbors (our nephews have the bedroom above ours) have been doing their normal "school day morning routine" which includes a ton of loud stomps, jumping, and a vacuum! My husband even let her climb onto our bed to lay down and see if that would help her soothe herself while we just tried to ignore it and sleep.

Edited by meggera
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Welcome, Vanille! (How is that pronounced?)


My first grey acted like she was miserable her first week with me. The best advice I got was to treat her like she was the happiest, luckiest dog in the world. It worked -- she quickly started acting like she believed me. :)


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest TheDoggfather

She'll be fine... she's just a baby and everything she's known up until this point has just been abruptly changed. As soon as she figures things out she'll be good as gold. Greyhounds are the most adaptable of breeds and this is what helps to make them the wonderful pets they are. I wouldn't worry a bit.



Like I said in my first post, I like to see if I might've known a new adoptee as a racer and turns out, while I don't know Vanille, I do know the kennel she raced out of (all 3 of her races that is!). The ladies in the Stacey Blanch Kennel at Orange Park were top notch - they recently sold their booking to go back home to Colorado - Stacey would bring her boys in the kennel all the time and they'd help out a lot. Her mom, Linda picked up the racers from the track 2-3 nights a week with help from the boys, again. So it's not too far out of the realm of possibilties that Vanille had her share of Jack and Kyle.



In case you might've been interested, here's a link to her races... Kaias Vassar



And congratulations on your new baby :)

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Guest meggera

That is some great advice Ellen. We have been either ignoring her (so we don't overwhelm her and cause separation anxiety later) or talking to her cheerfully and praising everything she does. Her name is pronounced like vanilla but you drop the "a" at the end so it is just two syllables. Her name came from a video game my husband adores (Final Fantasy XIII). We also figured it was close to her kennel name Vassar so it would be easier to adjust to. If the choice had been 100% mine on names I would have gone with Pryia. But Vanille matches her light and happy mood.


She has been settling in very well and made a lot of progress over the first week. She loves playtime outside where she often tries to wow me with her zoomies. She is also showing a lot more excitement/joy/interest in meals and treats. I'm really excited to see more of her personality beginning to sparkle through. She is so sweet and friendly.

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Guest meggera

She'll be fine... she's just a baby and everything she's known up until this point has just been abruptly changed. As soon as she figures things out she'll be good as gold. Greyhounds are the most adaptable of breeds and this is what helps to make them the wonderful pets they are. I wouldn't worry a bit.



Like I said in my first post, I like to see if I might've known a new adoptee as a racer and turns out, while I don't know Vanille, I do know the kennel she raced out of (all 3 of her races that is!). The ladies in the Stacey Blanch Kennel at Orange Park were top notch - they recently sold their booking to go back home to Colorado - Stacey would bring her boys in the kennel all the time and they'd help out a lot. Her mom, Linda picked up the racers from the track 2-3 nights a week with help from the boys, again. So it's not too far out of the realm of possibilties that Vanille had her share of Jack and Kyle.



In case you might've been interested, here's a link to her races... Kaias Vassar


And congratulations on your new baby :)


Doggfather, I think it is so awesome that while you didn't know her, you know the kennel she came out of and that she may know Jack and Kyle. I sit and wonder about her life before she came here, what she must think of this new lifestyle, etc. So, it is really exciting for me to hear a bit about her days before she came to join me and my family.


I wondered why her racing career was so short if she was slow, had an injury or what. What you've told me has given me a little more insight into why her career ended when it did and how she ended up with a rescue group in Colorado. I hope to be able to get in touch with Stacy & Linda eventually just to let them know where she is now and how she is doing.


You aren't joking about how adaptable and what a wonderful breed they are. She is doing so fantastic and gaining confidence every day. She is remarkably bright and catches on to new things in a jiffy.

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Guest leemc

She'll be fine... she's just a baby and everything she's known up until this point has just been abruptly changed. As soon as she figures things out she'll be good as gold. Greyhounds are the most adaptable of breeds and this is what helps to make them the wonderful pets they are. I wouldn't worry a bit.



Like I said in my first post, I like to see if I might've known a new adoptee as a racer and turns out, while I don't know Vanille, I do know the kennel she raced out of (all 3 of her races that is!). The ladies in the Stacey Blanch Kennel at Orange Park were top notch - they recently sold their booking to go back home to Colorado - Stacey would bring her boys in the kennel all the time and they'd help out a lot. Her mom, Linda picked up the racers from the track 2-3 nights a week with help from the boys, again. So it's not too far out of the realm of possibilties that Vanille had her share of Jack and Kyle.



In case you might've been interested, here's a link to her races... Kaias Vassar



And congratulations on your new baby :)




Doggfather, I see that you had some info on Vanille's past life at the track. I also recently adopted in March and was wondering if you may have some info about my new baby? Her racing name was "T's Sweet N Wild" . We were told she raced at Naples Ft Myers Florida. Any info you have would be awesome. I tried to send you a private message but for some reason I couldnt. My email is jldmcgarry@optonline.net Thank you in advance, LeeAnn :)



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Guest SteveO

Hello Megan and Jake,


Just wanted to give you a shout out ' HELLO! from Draper!' reply. I work in Salt Lake and our family lives down in Draper at the south end of the valley. I joined GT today after lurking a bit and saw your post. Congrats on your adoption and I hope Vanille continues to blossom as your newest family member. Our family is really close to an adoption and I'll post an intro about us. Beautiful hound you have, the pics and intro story are great. May you have a long and loving relationship with Vanille.



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