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Car Sick

Guest Rooo

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Kasey is a 2 year old who we adopted 3 months ago (He is our third greyhound and we have fostered for over 12 years). He loves to go with us but alas after a driving a few blocks he is heavy into drooling and panting. If we go beyond the 6 block limit, he will whimper and once he threw up.

What we have done is stay in his comfort level, make sure he did not just eat and used homoeopathic drops (which have not worked). We appreciate any suggestions from others whose greys had this problem.

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Guest mirthlesstroll

Can you talk to your vet and see if there's a medicine that would help? In the meantime you could cover his eyes with a folded bandana - carsickness is caused when the eyes tell the brain you're moving and the ears tell it you're not. The information discrepancy causes nausea/vomiting.

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Ginger Snap Cookies will help with the stomach upset. One or two before the ride and take some along in case you need to re-administer the medication.:colgate


I haven't met a Greyhound yet who will turn down a Ginger Snap.


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We worked a lot with our Tessie with her car sickness and now she will maul us for rides with no sickness at all. Start out with very short, fun rides. Perhaps a few blocks, then a fun walk, and then the short ride home. This will help him to associate a ride with being something fun and nothing to be so anxious about.


We also used Dramamine. One tablet about an hour before the ride helped Tessie a lot. If we are going on a long, or particularly twisty/windy ride, we would feed only a light meal well in advance so she wasn't going out on a full belly. She also likes to ride where she can see everything that is going on (read....rides "gunshot"...she rests in the space right between the two front seats).


We were able to get over the car sickness in a few months, but it meant many rides, lots of fun things, and patience.


Good luck!

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You can desensitize him but it will take quite a few days to do so.


First you start by just getting in the car and going around the block, do it every day for a week. I know, what a pain but it works.


After that you put him in the car and drive a few block and then back home again. He should be a little better at this point but do it for a few days. You increase the time and distance until you can go 30 to 45 minutes without him getting sick.


It's time consuming but it's what worked for us.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I agree start small, but if he's getting that anxious I'd start even smaller. Before even giving him a ride feed him around the car and in the car. Also, use treats just for getting in the car and just practice doing that a bit, then proceed onto small rides then extend them when he is comfortable.

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Skeeter was one of those who got carsick (puked) at the first corner.....


Dramamine helped him ...... actually FIXED him. I think I only used it a half-dozen times, & after that, he was fine.

Well, I guess not actually FIXED. He's still kind of an anxious rider, & I don't think I'd take off on a big trip

with him, but at least he doesn't puke anymore, & even sits up & looks out the window instead of hanging his head &

being totally miserable.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest d0ggiem0mma

I have 2 whippets that get horribly car sick. Zipp can't go a block without puking all over. Dramamine did nothing for them. We got a prescription for Cerenia which is a vet only medication labeled for car sickness. It is also used a lot for nausea/vomiting after chemotherapy. OSU gives it to all of the chemo hounds to use for a few days after their treatments.


Look it up, talk to your vet. Cerenia is a miracle drug for my dogs!!! You just have to make sure you give it a few hours before you leave. I usually give it at bed time the night before, and it works for 24 hours. It also tastes really nasty so hide it well or pill them quickly.

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Guest mbfilby

We worked a lot with our Tessie with her car sickness and now she will maul us for rides with no sickness at all. Start out with very short, fun rides. Perhaps a few blocks, then a fun walk, and then the short ride home. This will help him to associate a ride with being something fun and nothing to be so anxious about.


We also used Dramamine. One tablet about an hour before the ride helped Tessie a lot. If we are going on a long, or particularly twisty/windy ride, we would feed only a light meal well in advance so she wasn't going out on a full belly. She also likes to ride where she can see everything that is going on (read....rides "gunshot"...she rests in the space right between the two front seats).


We were able to get over the car sickness in a few months, but it meant many rides, lots of fun things, and patience.


Good luck!


We did this exactly with Cy. We still use the dramamine, and he will still get sick if there is a long period between car rides.

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We worked a lot with our Tessie with her car sickness and now she will maul us for rides with no sickness at all. Start out with very short, fun rides. Perhaps a few blocks, then a fun walk, and then the short ride home. This will help him to associate a ride with being something fun and nothing to be so anxious about.


We also used Dramamine. One tablet about an hour before the ride helped Tessie a lot. If we are going on a long, or particularly twisty/windy ride, we would feed only a light meal well in advance so she wasn't going out on a full belly. She also likes to ride where she can see everything that is going on (read....rides "gunshot"...she rests in the space right between the two front seats).


We were able to get over the car sickness in a few months, but it meant many rides, lots of fun things, and patience.


Good luck!



This answer.


When I adopted my mongrel shelter pup, he was at the shelter because, as his shelter run card said, "thrown from moving car."


He vomited on the way home, and I spectulate that his first owner didn't take kindly to a vomiting puppy and simply tossed him out like trash. He got over after a few weeks of short trips in the car.


I would not suggest covering his eyes. That'll just make him panic. And as someone who suffers from motion sickness, I can tell you that closing your eyes doesn't work. Keeping your eyes on the horizon (a fixed point) is the only thing that helps. Dramamine for a long trip until he gets over it would work, but don't use it for short trips. Takes way too long to wear off.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Thanks everyone for your good suggestions. I am going to give them a try. Also, need to get Kasey's anxious level down...he sees the car keys and he goes from a 1 to a 10 in energy level. I'll use your suggestions to lay out a working plan. I knew I could come to you guys and you would help...thanks again.

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