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Cut On Top Of Head

Guest knowimagination

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Guest knowimagination

Hi all well apparently Rush really likes causing me night time panic. Last time it was the adventure of the pair of socks she swallowed this time it is two mysterious cuts on the top of her head. It is again late at night and she walks into the room I am in and I notice something on the top of her head, upon closer inspection I notice some blood there as well. I cleaned them up with some anti bacterial soap, but I am not sure if this is E vet worthy or even regular vet in the am. My little dog Roxy has never had anything like this happen so I am experiencing all this worry for the first time.


Before Cleaning



After Cleaning



So people who are smarter than I in such matters, what say you? The cuts don't look deep at all and they didn't look that fresh when I found them so I am really confused as to how she got them because I have been home with her all day and I never heard a peep out of her.

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Don't know what they are. Around here I would think one of the other dogs or an unfortunate accident while crashings through the bushes. I would just keep them clean, usually with diluted Betadine, & keep an eye on them. Are they cuts only or is there a puncture wound or two in there? If they are just minor cuts, not deep then some Corona Ointment or EMT gel would be a good option. As long as they are healing & not getting infected I wouldn't bother with a vet visit.

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Guest knowimagination

Thanks for the tips.


I don't see any punctures but I guess it is possible that while the dogs were playing together she got scratched that good.


I will make sure to keep it clean and keep an eye on it.

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Guest bigorangedog

Not vet worthy!


Last week my Eyore came in with a tear in the top of his head the size of a 50 cent coin. I cleaned it out and Krazy-Glued the edges together. Healed up fine. :lol

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Guest knowimagination

Thanks all for getting me past my over reaction :)


I actually had some of the EMT spray because my dad is a manager of a tractor supply and the cuts already look so much better after only 24 hours!

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